How long until sjws ask theatres to cancel this movie?

How long until sjws ask theatres to cancel this movie?

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So you watched this and the first thing you thought of was "I bet those SJWs will HATE THIS!!!"?

A betacuck like you wishes he could be as redpilled as OP.

I don't think that's how it works.

desu this is a pretty good idea but the execution looks shocking

Comic book artists used to be the counter culture, that's pretty amazing, don't you think? They were the rebels, they were the punk rockers of printed media. Now they all pander to the establishment.
Roles completely inverted, conservatives burning comic books, nowadays it's the left yelling for censoring, saying that free speech has to be controlled, they literally posted themselves on Tumblr burning Marvel comics because of Secret Empire and because former Marvel president donated a few million dollars to a veteran charity that was also supported by Donald Trump.
The world is fucking insane, history is doomed to repeat itself forever.

If you want comics to be counter culture why not draw underground comics yourself?

Maybe women will final wake up and realise their feminist icon was created by a guy to be his bondage waifu

Trust me user, Marston didn't need a waifu in his life.

>implying feminists can think
They wouldn't be feminist then, eh?

I think on the contrary, they will like the movie that depicts a feminine guy in simultaneous relationships with two masculine women who are also lesbians as a good, perfectly normal thing. I think will show both women as more independent and dominant than they were in reality.

I don't want comics to be counter culture, I just think anything counter culture will have overlasting impact and provide a much greater insight into any society solely from being outside of the norm and thus requiring creative ways to circumvent that. Also a group that is not afraid of being critical is much more valuable than echo chambers.

what was their names?

>wonder woman fetish origins documentary
That empowered woman line in the description made me cringe though.

But when will we get a movie where Stan fucks Jack's wife?

I like the line
> women behind the man behind the woman
This is like a porno scene description.

I read that "two empowered women" in the vinyl scratch comedy trailer description narrator voice.

Stan is not black so, not anytime soon.

that's pretty amazing that they're making this a movie
i wonder if we'll get a movie on Alan Moore's relationship with the woman who stole his wife

This reminds me. Whens that documentary about the superman kkk stuff coming out?

Why are you ashamed are your own sexuality user? You're like a little child in this sense, conditioned to see sexuality as something inherently negative.

Wasn't it more bondage propaganda to get more people into that stuff than something for him to get off to?

>William Moulston Marston
>a "feminine" guy
God why is this thread filled with nothing but casuals who act as expert to thing they don't even know.

Serious question for history pros: did girls really read comic books back then? Were wonder women and other female characters really popular with female audience?

I don't know but I imagine it was more about getting the boys into submission than the girls into dominance. Still a bit of both though.

Yeah girls used to read comics, back then everyone did.

i don't get the hate people have
i'm against polygamous relationships but find this story intriguing

>that Wonder Woman


No, they weren't.
Gender roles were much more pronounced, very few females read any comics at all, even if it featured women.

what comic book creators could also make good movies?
>the drama between Bob Kane and Bill Finger
>the drama between Steve Ditko and Stan Lee
>Alan Moore's polygamous relationship that didn't end as well as this one
>probably could make something out of Jack Kirby's Neil Gaiman's or Grant Morrison's lives

Because she is anglo blonde right?

Comics were still somewhat vilified back then. Even if WW did help grab some female readers, it was mostly seen as for children and for nerds.

I would watch a two hour movie of Geoff John's cereal shopping adventures.

>Geoff Johns and Jim Lee's excellent adventure

What the fuck are you talking about m8? COMICS USED TO BE FUCKING BIG.

Amd now it's just for nerds alone.

t. angry hambeast

Nah, she resembles the original Wonder Woman more and her suit doesn't look like shit either. I have a fetish for Israeli girls and have been accused of spamming Israeli army girls so don't come with that weak Sup Forums bait.

Holy shit I can actually see those two being Bill & Ted-esque.

Now it's for general audience, or so they say.

Why would they? It's about a bisexual polygamous menage a trois. By any definition that's SJW as fuck.

That's what happens when you destroy your own brain on Sup Forums and tumblr.

yes. I hate SJW so much

but then i wouldn't have time to whine on Sup Forums

It's acknowledging the presence of a men.
Ishit you not, there was a Twitter moment today about a remake of Lord of the Flies with an all female cast and feminists were angry because it was written by two men.

You cannot satisfy feminists, no matter what you do. So you don't even try.
Pretty much everything made be feminist authors, animators, film directors or game developers is criticized by more radical feminists on internet.

It's not a documentary, it's a feature film starring Luke Evans.

>i wonder if we'll get a movie on Alan Moore's relationship with the woman who stole his wife
Suddenly Chesters arc in Swamp Thing makes way more sense

Again it was a menage a trois for a long while. But at one point Alan was ejected from the menage.

When I made this comment I was too busy to watch the trailer.
Knowing it is a drama based on it rather than a proper documentry diminishs my enthusiasm somewhat but it's still gonna teach the normies stuff and I imagine plenty of us are into this sort of story even if I am not.

If they made one they could show it alongside this one so people get the chance to think about how one turned out so much better then the other.
Well I am assuming it did. I don't actually know how things turned out for marsden in the end.

So basically, you made this thread to bitch about feminism and not to discuss this film, William Marston or anything about Wonder Woman?

>You cannot satisfy feminists
You can not satisfy any group ever because they are made of individuals who will never perfectly align with each others.

The feud between Al Capp and Ham Fisher.

Interesting tidbit, Al Capp apparently sexually harassed Goldie Hawn, even exposed himself to her (she was 19 years old) and when she refused to fuck him, he got mad and said she was "never gonna make anything in your life" and that she should "go and marry a Jewish dentist. You'll never get anywhere in this business!"

He lived with both his wife Elizabeth and Olive Byrne until he died at 53 having had children to each of them. Elizabeth had an unusually successful career for a woman in that era and Elizabeth and Olive continued to live together in a relationship after Marston died and raise the children.

All in all it might not have been perfect but they seem to have lived happily together as a trio and after.

Moore must be jealous.

>It's acknowledging the presence of a men.

And Wonder Woman was created by a man.

How many people are gonna go to this movie on the poster alone and get offended by the polygamy because they failed to notice it said women rather than woman?

So this is just a drama about it but are there any real documentrys on the subject?

Actually no, I did not make this thread.

You can't deny Moore always comes across as kind of a dick. Marston was definitely pretty kinky (he and his wife were both practicing psychologists when they met their mutual girlfriend as a student, while investigating sorority "baby parties" where the girls would dress up and be treated like babies) but I don't know that he a dick. I mean it was the 1930s, Marston was miles in front of most dudes on the female empowerment front even if he had a lot of fetishes around it too.

Do you have a point?

The dialog in this trailer is terrible. People don't talk like that.

Nobody talks the way people talk in TV and Film.

Here's hoping it kills DC's only successful movie franchise

Will they make it into comic creators cinematic universe?

Marston theorized that women were the superior gender. Why would someone from the far-left hate that?


Sounds like somebody took the pill other than the red one. You should try going your own way, and investing in bitcoins.

That would make we watch all these films.

>tfw you will never marry a confident woman who pays for all your geeky shit and engages in BDSM sex play where you top a younger, more naive woman together

His wife paid for "all his geeky shit"?

She earned money for the household while Marston farted about and tried to invent lie detectors and write comics because he couldn't get an academic job because everyone knew he was living in sin with two women.

Any man's story can make a good movie, especially when it's Hollywood and they don't care remotely for being accurate to the original history.

How come that did not prevent her from earning money for their living?
I'm not a feminist btw.

I dunno. She ended up working as a director for some insurance company she had previous ties to IIRC.

The Matrix was made by two trans women

So you're a moronic edgelord, then

You can literally watch anything and come to that conclusion. They are incapable of liking anything.

Sorry, can't hear you over conservatives being in charge and still being responsible for most censorship episodes

Because women in general don't give a shit if you share a man where as men will go fucking savage if a man takes two or more women for himself. Read up on countries that allow the men to engage in polygamy and how much more violence they have. Look at Mormonism, out of all the crazy bat shit people had about the Christian faith such as marrying siblings, and allowing people to be killed in God's name, the fucking line was having more than one wife. Men are fucking slaves to getting pussy in ways no one can fully grasp.

>over conservatives being in charge and still being responsible for most censorship episodes

That's a pretty wild world you live in, user.
I know you're american but even then you can't make that claim. When was the last time you've seen any conservative being vocal about anything that wasn't in a news piece about people punching nazis?

The Matrix was made by two trans women

get rid of confident an you just described by last 8 years of marriage

I dunno I was dating a young woman big into social justice and she was excited for it being a polycentric movie.

More conservative-based censorship episodes than left-wing ones. Almost like sociopathic alt-righters and religious fanatics are objectively in the wrong...

That beats being a cuck or a landwhale any day.

>niggress mad

Of course.

I love how you have no arguments beyond petty insults.

And praise tell me, why would be a repressed sociopath be a better lifechoice than someone comfortable with their own weight?

Tell us more.

>I love how you have no arguments beyond petty insults.
>So you're a moronic edgelord, then

Glad I hit a nerve. Now roll out of here fatso.

>thinking that an irrational mob of bullying children are any more right

Member when they took down outdoors of Mystique being choked being Apocalypse?
Member when they made them retract an award for HP Lovecraft because he was racist? Member when they made videogame devs change the posing or the clothing of their female characters? Member when they made Harley Quinn's short longer in post production? Member when every single speaker of men's rights or male problems where shut down and expelled from campuses? Member when they'd get teachers and other body of academia fired for not promoting safe spaces or for questioning feminism? Member when they tried to ban the works of Mar Twain because of characters like Injun Joe? Member when they outlawed sitting with your legs open? Member when they tried to mandate by law that little boys should pee sitting down at schools? Member when one of their own, the first woman to ever open a woman's shelter realized that women were just as violent and then tried to open the first male shelter, in which she was persecuted to the point the police advised her to have her mail checked for bombs and was ultimately forced to change her name and move after they killed her dog? Member when a man tried to do the same years later and was bullied and censored by these people and by the own government which buried him in the debt and made him lose his house and eventually killed himself? Member when they tried to shut down Iron Fist for cultural appropriation? Member when students made protests about a "crisis of free speech on campus" and demanded for censorship? Member Warren Pharrel?
Do you member, user?

Imagine being so brainwashed you literally live in your own little world.

Hmmm I love saucy pasta, gonna take this one.

OG just for you, baby.


Why do retards latch on to certain insults and then repeat them over and over?

Kids love to use big words they just learned, makes them feel smart.

does this take place in the DCEU ?

just realized that Alan Moore tried to be a Marston and it totally backfired on him . hahaha what a loser

> Shitting up thread by taking an obvious bait.
Sup Forums is like a Sup Forums's little bitch now. Manipulated into rough anal sex on first request.