Competent goverments VS incompetent goverments

Basically simple post examples of competent governments in cartoons (AKA will react like a real government) VS incompetent /non-existents ones.


Men in Black
Government agency.

Danny Phantom
Guys in White
Are a government agency.
(best example 10:00)
Extremely well funded super tech government agency, kick the main heroes ass seriously.
Are based on Man in Black and are a parody of them.

Has a competent DMV that requires vehicle licenses and drivers licenses

Incompetent ones:
Steven universe.
>ocean disappears globally
>Alien warship crashes into earth

There is no government outside one Mayor who also ordered a town evacuation and panicked at the arrival of aliens.
How the military did not engage or why no agency is interested in the monsters who roam on the planet is never explained.

Other urls found in this thread:

>competent governments are real

They jail you if you accidentally have a plastic knife on a plain.
So by competent I mean will react to alien or other invasions in at least trying to combat them.

Competent government:
The mask.
Cops are chasing after the mask (with no effect because the mask is magic) and SWAT engages super powered villains with no effect.

Star Wars
Competent government no questions.

>give multiple examples ofcompetent government

give only ONE example of incomepent and its SU....

will you people fucking stop with your shitty stealth "DUHH Steven Universe sucks AGREE WITH ME!" thread?

also Spongebob competent....anything? really? fuck off.

>real government

>Old mine breaks
>Herp derp the government must be incompetent
>Herp derp the military must be incompetent.
Seriously kid you try robing a store with a gun and not get cough then we talk.

The Men in Black only started as part of the government. At one point they completely separated from Uncle Sam, neuralized everyone in the government that knew of their existence, and completely scrubbed away any trace of their existence.
By the time the first movie happens, and by extension the animated series, they've long since become private sector.

I really want to see an episode of steven universe where he gets taken by the MIB(who are a real phenomena), and is brought to a jail ala cabin in the woods where he realizes not only are there other aliens in the universe besides the gems, but a shitton of them live on earth. I know that idea either disgust sucrouse because its against the slice of life plot she wants the main focus of her show to be or it just sounds boring to her, but steven universe has the potential to be a great space opera/conspiracy show, along with being the great waifu maker it is now.
>that time steven discoverd multiverse theory and dogcopter breaks into their universe to enlist steven to join a team of other cartoon characters to stop a crises on inifite shows

>private sector
more like a shadow government, suggested by the fact that:
>neuralized everyone in the government that knew of their existence, and completely scrubbed away any trace of their existence

There has to be other aliens in the universe. The gems have to have been conquering something all this time.

The implications certainly there and the crewniverse absolutley knows this. Why would gems need soldiers in the first place if theyve (presumably) never had a rebellion before. The thing is being the alien obsessed conspiracy loving faggot i am, i want to see what other weird, the thing looking, warhammer 40k tier shit is out there, and im hoping that since the homeworld saga is ending(rebecca said she had up to season 5 planned but hoped to do more, so one can safely assume all the loose ends with the diamonds will be tied up this season) well go out into space more and fight some non gem extraterrestrial entities that threaten to conquer/destroy the earth. She has said she wants to do more, and since it seems the homeworld plot is ending i think theyll take a page out of DBZ and start over with a brand new saga for every couples seasons now.

Bringing to many aliens might be overwhelming.
>also Spongebob competent....anything? really? fuck off.
Umm dude the gov Spongebob requires you to have a drivers license.
Even in Bikini Bottom they have a DMV and Bob needed to get a drivers license to operate a boat.
They also have a police department.

Have you ever seen someone rampage or break the law and not get arrested by the police?
Competent in the style that they exist and are functional.
I think you are confusing the fact that the main character is a comedy character with the fact that the gov enforces its laws and Bob never violates the laws of the land.

>Implying that Bikini Bottom has not the strictest police state of all cartoons.

before i even try to present an argument for SU, would it be given a fair hearing or would it automatically be responded with

"SU sucks!"?

I give it a fair hearing.
The problem i that they don't react to alien warships crashing on their territory or their oceans disappearing.

SU aliens are however nothing more then humans with painted skin TOS levels of aliens.
Considering what is posible and the gem monsters they might have made other gems truly alien.

However nop its all humanoids.

I swer to god if they pull this shit ill blow a fuse. I want steven to meet some cosmic horror like a xenomorph, a warhammer orc, or a cyberman.
>Bringing to many aliens might be overwhelming.
Who fucking cares. Being overwhelming means is so cool you could barely handle it. We need more cool shit in SU rather then more townie filler

>I swer to god if they pull this shit ill blow a fuse.
You did not blow a fuse already because SU is shit and hides important plot points with characters answering in awkward dialog and the show giving only tiny parts of the storyline between shit and unimportant episodes?

>cosmic horror
cyberman = humanoid!
>warhammer orc
warhammer orc =humanoid!
Arguable however the final state can be classified to be humanoid.
See picture what a non-humanoid looks like.

non-humanoid = can not be played by actor in a suit or some coloring.
humanoid =
5 fingers
2 hands
2 legs
one head

>Who fucking cares
SU is not even developing what they already have, a little more look in the life of homeworld might be nice.
Or what technology they have.
However its like the show is engineered to give the least info possible.

If you're gonna be smug atleast spell correctly my man

what are you talking about? they reacted to it but adjusted fairly quick (warship appears, they evacuate, they return when it blew up) or only cared about in terms of personal (ocean is gone? what will happen to my pizza/fries/town's tourist economy!).

or are you looking for reactions of mass panic?

they don't even have enough citizens for a proper riot.

personally the humans in SU are basically the same like the people in hancock (will smith movie). you live with a super for so long you treat them (and the stuff they do) like they're normal.

Gravity fall
They tried, and succeed, to hide who the founders of the town was, and made a figure more serious to fit that role, in order to avoid some kind of repercusion because of it
Stange radiation comes from GF, send the FBI to make an investigation, and they succeeded in said investigation, by discovering the Stanford Pines stole nuclear waste

Gravity Falls
Fucking end of the world happening in GF? Lol who cares?

>what are you talking about?
I explain
>warship appears, they evacuate
Ok and its good.
The only question is
Why is the military not attacking the warship when its in the atmosphere?
Or after it lands?
No contact attempts no nothing.

I don't expect civilians to fight however where is the military? Where is the national guard?
Its like their only strategy is to role over and look away.

> they return when it blew up
Why are the remnants of a alien technology not isolated by the government?
The whole town should be a no go zone with military extracting every scrap of tech they can find.

Why are civilians demolishing alien escape pods?
Why is the military not gathering this technology?

I say they are extremely competent.
>Fucking end of the world happening
I think they where morphed into something like 99% of humans or where outside the impenetrable dome protecting the rest of the world form the insane reality warping powers of bill cypher.

I ether scenario its completely justified.
You don't get classified to be incompetent simply by having a all powerful reality warping god showing up who can literally use cheat codes on reality.
You did your best with the things you understood.

Gi joe is pretty competent in beating cobra

Is shield incompeten after they had a hand inmaking the space wall

SHIELD but they're ex-government so I'm not sure how much they count.

The MCU's ATCU (dealt with the alien plague) pre-S3 was kinda competent when it had effective leadership like Rosalind Price and wasn't being actively undermined by Malik their gel suspenseful prisons were a great idea).

In general, the MCU's governments besides SHIELD are presented as incompetent at best, or downright corrupt at worse, which is why CW's non choice (supporting Captain America or supporting to wrong choice) felt hollow.

Powerpuff Girls, the goverment in the town is a joke but there is an army who fights the monsters from time to time even if it is not really helpful.
And they have a police force.
Supervillains walk in the street easily, so i don't think they are very efficent

i take it you're only seeing clips of the show and not watching it in it's entirety?

most of it are either "done off-screen" (the wreckage of the giant hand ship is gone in later episodes) or makes sense in context (the pod).

>Powerpuff Girls
Are the girls not themselves considerer part of the military/swat/police?
Since the mayor is part of the government and he calls the girls constantly to fight monsters....

Its never stated however....
OMG The Powerpuff Girls are government employees I only now realized holy shit!

won't that be the case for a lot of superhero shows/comics.

then there are stuff like supergirl butting in on a hostage stand-off maggie sawyer was negotiating. on one hand it appears maggie is incompetent/vain (pointing out how much time she spent trying to convince the hostage taker to surrender) but by that logic it shows supergirl doesn't have much faith/patience on the police to do their job.

i don't think so.

remember when they had to move and when they tried their heroics, the city government shut them down and made it illegal for them to use their powers for anything (can't even hover for transport).

>Off screen development.
Not that user but that's the typical excuse for lazy writing

>i take it you're only seeing clips
No I watched the entirety of it and to quote a reviewer
>Every excruciating part of it.
However my memory might be fuzzy so what are you talking about.

>most of it are either "done off-screen"
So not having any screen confirmation of it somehow confirms your insane head canon?

Is this what su-fags believe?
So tell me what happened to these parts of technology?

>makes sense in context (the pod)
What makes sense in what context?

That the government is confirmed to be this level of comically incompetent that they allowed civilians to go back to a alien crash site?

Civilians should be allowed to go back because:
1) This might be dangerous, in like un-exploded bombs or other alien reactors who leak radioactivity.

This town should be turned into Chernobyl USA where no civilian is allowed back for a long time.

2) The technology needs to be studied and examined letting civilians in only demonstrates how stupid the government is. This should not be allowed.

>Civilians should be
Was suposed to be
>Civilians should not be


does the show really need a "gem spaceship salvage arc"?

>Off screen development
> the typical excuse for lazy writing
you are making the assumption that SU writing is competent and not massive pointless waste of time shit with occasional glimpses of some story.

And this answer borders on crazy.
It makes head canon somehow obvious canon.

Are SU-fags like this all the time?
Is this why they are not allowed here?

>"gem spaceship salvage arc"
How about having a military blockade around the town?
Or dose SU need to hit the reset button to return to S1 like nothing ever happens?
Like its always in SU.

>Incompetent ones:
>Steven universe.

I think all figures of authority in Steven Universe are inherently incompetent as a rule. To the point that there wouldn't even be a show, because if the Diamonds weren't incompetent they would have glassed Earth the second Peridot told them Crystal Gems were still active there.

Or at least sent more than a single Jasper and an overworked engineer to deal with the problem.

a character with future vision can't track that pod (more importantly the pilot). what makes you think the government would've found it much sooner?

they even only managed to track that pod after steven accidentally hit the signal flare button.

are you even certain whatever powers those ships are even radioactive?

>won't that be the case for a lot of superhero shows/comic
OP here.
This is why I was interested in a list of this in fiction and made this thread.

From my perspective a government needs to at least be present in some form for example:
1) The hero is literally part of the government or something to this
1960s batman, batman is basically a part of the police 1960s Batman is actually a
>fully deputized citizen
meaning he has the authority to arrest people and its 100% A OK with the government he even works with the police who phones him regularly.

2) The government is hostile and the hero is often running away from them see Danny Phantom

3) There is some interaction however the gov stays away.

I have only noticed in SU that the government will not react even if aliens crash a ship and star spaming signals on your airwaves.
No collection of alien artifacts, no trying to fight the aliens who are invading its like the government is not existent the only problem is that apparently there is a mayor and a implication of some form of government and police.

>they even only managed to track that pod after steven accidentally hit the signal flare button.

And the goddamn thing was just in the corn fields outside of town!

>Everyone in SU is incompetent to the extrema
I have agree with you there.
And this is the reason why SU is shit its official that:
>There will be no traditional antagonists
And this is why its a shit show because all you are left with are retarded plots about retard fat boy taking to others about their feelings.

To be fair that was like a mayor's accountant moving to a new city and expecting to be able to do their job normally without talking to anyone first or even getting interviewed for the position.

They have an incompetent military/police force tho

>a character with future vision can't track that pod (more importantly the pilot). what makes you think the government would've found it much sooner?
WOW I don't know if you are blinded by fanboyis or really don't get the idea.

The military declares the town + surrounding area a no go zone.
So if the pod lands no civilians are next to it.
They don't need to find it fast, only that civilians don't destroy delicate technology or loot dangerous technology.
Think of it like Chernobyl.

>are you even certain whatever powers those ships are even radioactive?
There is a unknown technology a competent government would prevent civilians form touching or staying next to it.
If you don't know the dangers of some remnants you keep civilians away from it.
Your first thought if you are the general of the army is
>This might be radioactive/poisonous/dangerous better keep the civilians away and not let them go back to town.

I like how you ignored the fact that there might be explosives in the remnants because this is the same possibility of kids finding a missile and starting to trash it and BOOM no more kids.

This is only standard procedure if dealing with the unknown.

>And the goddamn thing was just in the corn fields outside of town!
I have to agree here a simple barricade around town would get this contained.

Is this how SU-fags reason?
Are naturally like this or is it their fanboyism to praise everything SU related?

At least they are competent enough to send someone to shoot at some enemy.
Not like the SU military that never showed up.

>all the world's gem problems are solved by putting up a chain link fence and some police tape around the perimeter of Delmarva

Yeah, with as stupid as people are in that universe I could buy it.

Didn't the gems clean up the whole handship crash area within a day or something?

>Undercover alien force takes away alien technology
>The military is still not showing up
This makes them only more incompetent, they deserve everything thats coming to them.

Actually wasn't there a few episodes dedicated to nothing but the gems salvaging old gem shit in the background?

A spaceship salavaging episode would actually be pretty cool;

You get to learn more about gem tech then technobabble. (Though I have a feeling that SU crew doesn't know a thing about ship building an real science to they hide behind 'it's too advanced to understand') You'd understand how the government investigates things and you could get some action by a gem mechanism malfunctioning. Steven and friends could save government guys from death and fight together etc etc

I have no idea what you are even saying at this point.
>all the world's gem problems are solved by putting up a chain link fence and some police tape
Chaining up a zone prevents:
>Civilians dameging alien technology that needs to be analised
>Civilians taking dangerous alien technology
>Civilians getting killed do to
>>not exploded ammunition/explosive parts from the ship
>>Toxic/radioactive/whatever substances from the ship

Also are you saying that this operation is infeasible from a logistic perspective? Because if you are you are wrong the USSR did this with the town of Chernobyl.

I like this idea.
To bad the people who are writing the show are more obsessed with shiting out more shit episodes like :
future boy zoltron
Onion Gang
The worst peaces of shit i have ever seen 999% unwatchable.

>Though I have a feeling that SU crew doesn't know a thing about ship building an real science to they hide behind 'it's too advanced to understand'
Personally I think its systemic in the "art community".
In like not only will they not copy past existing technologies (this is why most star wars guns are smart because they frankenstained them from existing weapons) they will go out of their way to create "CEWWWLLL" looking weapons that are completely impossible to use.
This attitude of the creators
results in this comedy/tragedy



Incompetent by M.A.D.

Men from N.O.W.H.E.R.E

Here's an idea for the SU government thing.

The government does know about the gems and Homeworld, and have been reverse engineering their technology for the past few decades or so.

This means they have stuff like energy weapons, antigravity, power armor, etc.

When Homeworld invades the planet, these guys come into Beach City and help the Crystal Gems defend it from an assault, and the two work together to defeat the Diamonds, with the gems knowing how most of Homeworld's tech operates to be reverse engineered, while the government has the manpower for the fight.

However, when the gems and Steven find out that all of the technology is powered by broken gem shards, they are shocked and horrified with a moral dilemma: Do they still help the government, even though they operate somewhat similar to Homeworld? Or do they break off from the alliance due to their morals, which would cause them to lose the war?

More fictional shit ideas.

Kind of a cliche idea but whatever.

What you did there was seen, if only his lordship were...

>competent governments
>react like a real government

The government in SU IS incompetent, there's no doubt about it.
Just remember how the secret service reacted in the shirt episode.

Can you describe what episode you are talking about and what the secret service did?

01:41 I was thinking he will take the "bullet"
LOL SU has the government of a comedy show.

PS: It was never stated that these pope are actually secret service.

Knowing the show the mayor might have saved some bucks and simply payed people in suits to stand next to him and because they are not trained they ran.
This is what you get on being a greedy bastard.

Thanks for the clip.

>Think that X-Files government is competent
>Remember they are bad at confirming their findings, and rarely get there first

The leaps your mind has to make to equate those two things is actually pretty amazing in its self. Also slow down your typing you keep misspelling words.

>Completely miss the point of the post because of a simple picture

But user, the truth is out there.
The point in the image is fine. But the image isn't about that.

What was your point?
How do you think a competent government will react?
And how will the real government react?

The best part of RL governments is that there is different standards.
Even inside Common Law countries.

I would argue the general priorities in a top down scenario are:
1. Information
2. Assume confidence, try to make it seem you have control
3. Gain control
But thats from a top down level.
Buttom down it tends to go in reverse, which is why power struggles tends to get messy. Of course, if you are a type like Chamberlain, then you want to assume Confidence, regardless of how little information or control there is.

I have no idea hat you are talking about here.
Dose not make sense really.

I.E Australia is rather authoritarian. Which means they want to deal with issues by not letting them happen.
Which means flying to Australia, and doing whatever, isn't likely to happen if you are part of some extreme voodo gang like a anti vaccine.
They also did a lot of work, to avoid refuges on their land while waiting for paperwork. To avoid PR for more boats.
So they are hyper competent.

On the other hand you have things like US army invasions since Vietnam. Whoever is in charge is not in charge, and there is a long chain of command, meaning boots on ground can't simply bomb/negotiate/move to do what they need to do, to win the war.
So they will be incompetent.

X-Files: Murder and Skulltag will in 95% of cases be the first Government aid to the scenes. Nothing will be covered up unless they actually use the FBI chain of information, and write reports.
Because they write reports and solve crimes, to keep their jobs, things get covered up.
But unlike a lot of shows, their competency isn't limited by the 40 minute time limit of the show. There is many episodes with short investigations that is solved in the first go.
But i think OP is a fag. The word he is looking for isn't Competent, but Presence. He uses examples of what is essentially Anarchy with City States, to project about no CIA mega gun raid.
And his post fails to even mention competency, all it really do mention, is that in his examples, the White/Black men got a poker chip in current events, where the plot is.

That's one of the things that reall irks me about Steven Universe.

Is humanity Inept, or simply not interested in these historic and possible history altering events? humanity ha dknow abou let the gems for a long time, why isn't there a global government agency gathering intel on the gems and planning Earths defense against the upcoming invasion?

SU exists in an alternate timeline where Ron Paul won. All alphabet agencies are gone and the only authority you answer to is the city government. Steven doesn't even have to go to school and his friend Peedee is a child worker.

God I fucking miss that show.

The studio that made MIB also did the Godzilla cartoon for the Tristar film which said cartoon was like the only thing good about that came from the film and supposedly the studio also did Extreme Ghostbusters.

You and me brotha.

Humanity in the SU universe seems very simple, almost sheeplike. It's little wonder the Homeworld views them as pets/animals.