The new Duncan Jones movie is out at midnight Pacific time, why is there no thread? Warcraft was eh but Moon is a classic, Source Code is alright and this is supposed to be a 'spiritual sequel' to Moon (his best work) so I'm surprised there's zero hype. This has better pedigree than Altered Carbon and what interviews I've seen make it sound like less of a mainstream cyberpunk fix than BR 2049.
The new Duncan Jones movie is out at midnight Pacific time, why is there no thread...
I'm hype now user
It's a Netflix movie that probably has 20% of the usual marketing that cinema movies receive. The buzz will come after people turn on Netflix and see a big Mute banner on the front page.
No hype. Looks like Altered Carbon or cheap Blade Runner.
Moon was kino, but Source Code was mediocre and Warhammer is one of the worst movies ever released by a major studio.
looks like a 0815 forbidden lovestory but in the future
Keen desu
Because we have to wait for americans to hit midnight.
I'm apprehensively hyped, I really loved moon- but none of his other films have been close to the same caliber. He could be taking a trajectory similar to Blomkamp but I hope not.
is this or is this not taking place on the same Earth as seen in Moon? When this was announced it was originally said to he a direct sequel taking place on the Earth compared to Moon taking a more Lunar approach.
"The film has been described by Jones as a 'spiritual sequel' to his 2009 film Moon."
>mfw just watched the trailer last night
I was waiting for this shit all last year
My dick is so hard for this
>'spiritual sequel'
I hate these things.
>moon is a classic
t. someone whose favorite movies are pulp fiction, fight club and the dark knight
screeners sent out over a week ago still not one review
WTF netflix i hope this doesnt suck
It’s set in the same universe, I.E. Lunar Industries and whatnot. I doubt the plots are connected at all.
Sam Rockwell cameos, presumably as either as Sam Bell or maybe Sam Bell.
>have to buy a month of shitflix for the one 2018 movie I'd been looking forward to seeing
yes i mad
Download it
It came out almost a decade ago
Ingmar Bergman is my favourite director
ask around friends and family to see if anyone has netflix acct. this is assuming you have friends and family, user =/
i just read the basic intro/synopsis and it sounds like something that panders to the netflix shitlib crowd...the mute guy is basically in a sea of immigrants. obviously it's going to view the immigrants in a pozitive light because they would never allow it on jewflix if the movie showed some sort of uncomfortable hellhole filled with evil migrants.
>download a netflix release 99.9% of plebs have even heard of
Nigger I don't want to wait a week for some eurofag to rip it
You amerifags think everyone has a NF account so there's zero demand for their garbage on p2p
Most, if not all Netflix originals get ripped within an hour of release.
>why is there no thread?
Because you just said it's not out yet.
I downloaded The Ritual like 3 days after release. pretty sure it was available even sooner than that, I didn't check
So, it's basically Drive and John Wick mashup with a mute protagonist?
cool OP, I had lost track of this guy, moon was pretty alright
Can't go wrong with based Theroux
It doesn't look very good. I can already tell that blue haired chick is gonna detract from it.