So, a recent episode of Adam Ruins Everything was an animated Magic School Bus parody

So, a recent episode of Adam Ruins Everything was an animated Magic School Bus parody.

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I don't have the neck muscles nor the fancy monitor rigging necessary to view that shit.

download it from piratebay like normal people

sorry but i'm done watching propaganda

Now post the one where some bitch complains that iq tests are racist

>HAha hey guys, Adam here again to tell you that everything you've ever done in your life is wrong, and you should feel like a dumbass for doing it
I can't stand this guy. Everything we've already heard him talk about everyone knows already, last thing we need is some pompous fuck telling it to us again. Also:
>It's a shitty animation, which of course means I'm right
Don't get why this is a thing either.

Naw, fuck that guy. Fuck that being an asshat is a selling point for him and is actually working. I have never watched his show but damn, he comes off as a self righteous prick in all the commercials I've seen of that show.

The commercials are accurate

Its hard being wrong about something


looks like fucking GoAnimate

It's called Adam "Ruins Everything", what did you expect?

Some of his shit is just off
The videogames thing for example.
Using the 50% gamers are women or more, when he only uses the statistic on who buys and downloads these games.
Doesn't mention that majority of those women are mom's who get these for kids to get them to shut the hell up.

why does this generation suddenly hate columbus so much?

Howard Zinn probably

Because he started something that would have happened anyway.

they might as well hate everything done by americans since fucking forever....wait

Because Lief Eriksson day should be one worth celebrating rather than some hack who died not ever knowing where he was or had been.

Hinda dinga durgen

Because he's both a genuine asshole and "fuck white people" is really catching on.

>we wuz vikings and shit

I could tell just looking at a still image that it was using that shitty modern lazy flash animation style that's been done a thousand times by shows that want to be an "adult cartoon" but don't actually give a shit about animating and are just hopping on a trend.

>Doesn't mention that majority of those women are mom's who get these for kids to get them to shut the hell up.

Also doesn't mention that there's an obvious difference between someone that plays Candy Crush on their phone while on the shitter (Most adult Americans) and someone that actually buys a $400 console or $800 PC and several games for them (Not most Americans, adult or otherwise).

or it was a one-off animated episode in a live-action show and blowing a lode of mone on an animation budget wasn't feasible

If your business model is to go around telling people that their life is a lie and they should feel bad for not recognizing this, then you shouldn't feel the need to consider a life without genuine friendship because you already have one.

>Columbus never arrived to America
>except when he set foot in SOUTH AMERICA
Holy shit, what a retard.

>Literally 20 minutes of contradicting an obvious strawman you wrote yourself.


This couldn't get anymore cringeworth if you replaced the Ms. Frizzle character with an old aristocrat whose reaction to every supposed "revelation" was popping his monocle and exclaiming "WHY I NEVER!"

I think the worst thing about this is that everything he says is really basic. As in, not even a year into any form of study, or any of my senior classes, and you'll learn this shit.

"america" =/= mexico, canada, or any part of south america

you're vastly overestimating how smart the average person is

and i doubt any significant portion of the people in your classes retain that knowledge

Are you sure he doesn't say United States?

he's not suppose to be saying intelligent things, he's suppose to make the audience feel intelligent.
He's says basic things so the viewer can say "wow I know that! I must be a genius"

...and that's a problem because?

The new world use to be ethnically pure, now its the leader of race mixing and the most diverse place in the world.
whats not to hate?

>"but Columbus never set foot in America (United States)"
He's a retard, probably doesn't even knows who is Americo Vespucio.

>I require special things to look at YouTube but not Sup Forums
come again

t. butthurt Catholic

Sup Forums isn't slanted 30 degrees to get past a copyright filter

also it was like a lot technologically advanced than any other civilizations, aztecs had flying pyramids, electricity, the cure for any sickness, cellphones, television and many other science stuff that the white man destroyed when they first arrived.

Sup Forums here
He's a faggot for thinking the whole medium should cater to one audience

>he's suppose to make the audience feel intelligent
and by "intelligent," you mean "wishes to set his coif on fire"

excuse me?

>Sup Forums here
it's like you want people to disregard your opinion

onoes 30 degrees muh autism can't compensate
neck yourself

All the poor natives desperately want to return to the way their lives were before the white man took over.
No electricity, running water, cars or wheels. But the damn melanin-deficient menace forces them to live in the 21st century.

Literally not that guy, just explained why he said it since you're apparently dense.

Columbus Day
Knights of Columbus
still caring what Cristobal Colon did

>Fuck that being an asshat is a selling point for him and is actually working.

I don't know, it seemed to work for Sup Forums during the election.

Columbus was not an American.

I actually did not know about proposal diamonds being the result of an ad campaign. It was also nice to see someone spreading information about the atrocity that is dog breeding.

your reading comprehension is stunning!

>by americans

My reading comprehension is spot on. You're the retard.

>Because Lief Eriksson day should be one worth celebrating
But Lief Eriksson didn't do anything worth celebrating.

Imagine if some asshole created the cure for cancer in his basement then did absolutely nothing with it. Why on earth would anyone celebrate a person who did a wildly piss poor job of sharing his findings?

His entire shit show is worth it just for the amount of salt it has mined from the types of autistic people who not content with just playing video games, but who label themselves as "gamers" with pride as though that means anything, or that anyone gives a fucking shit.

user the crux of what he's saying is that Americans did what Columbus did, but bigger, longer, and with foreskin in tact.

So like one thread on Sup Forums pointing out the difference in consumers?

did you know you can read the previous reply by hoovering your pointer over the red numbers?

You're all morons who need to learn the difference between America and the Americas.

(Note the "s", it's rather important.)

No distinction is made in my native language :^)

t. a loud and proud "gamer"

>when people said "Columbus discovered America they mean he discovered North America"
Shut the fuck up Adam.

I am well aware that other languages do that, but Sup Forums only speaks English. If you want to use the term like that, I suggest you find another site.

Because these children are too caught up in "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE" to recognize an outstanding and awe-inspiring cartographic endeavor when they see one.

The idea of "Round Earth" wasn't all that popular among the lower echleons of society, and even the scholarly believed sailing around a round earth was impossible due to turbidity. Even without realizing he had run into a different continent than he intended, Columbus established that not only was it possible to sail across the Atlantic, but he was able to record and share a direct route of travel. Prior to this, nearly all travels involved sailing close to short with supplies ready in hand, but this was something of a different caliber entirely. It became one of the most pivotal moments in revolutionizing how humans viewed the world across all societies in all statuses.

He's an asshole for sure. But he's an asshole that changed history.

That's literally the opposite of what I said, and no I'm not him.
>when people said "Columbus discovered America they mean he discovered the United States"
That's what I meant. There is no continent (or grouping of continents) called "America".

>There is no continent (or grouping of continents) called "America".
You are aware this argument is entirely semantic, right?

Yes? Semantics can be important.

Whatever you say, Adam.

Only if you're trying establish a common talking point.

The way you (And Adam, for that matter) are wielding it, it's only being used to obfuscate the importance of the journey.
Making a distinction between North America and South America with regards to pre-colonial exploration is pointless.

you dont understand how value and effort work. if something has no value to me, why should i take any effort to compensate for shitty attempts at subverting copyright filters?

Martin Waldseemüller and Mathias Ringmann coined the name America, because it was Americo Vespucio the one who said it was a new continent.

It's a massive distinction if you're an American.

(Especially an American kid in school learning about this guy from history, and thinking he set foot on USA soil.)

Because it's retarded

There's a statue in my town square of Columbus
No plaque, no memorial, no signs, just a statue of Columbus

Some morons tape it over with the word MURDERER in cardboard, didn't even have the balls to spray paint it
Its only recently Ive seen this kinda shit, what fuckin gives, liberals?

>people shit their pants when having their mistakes corrected
I don't get this autistic schtick when it comes to the format of Adam Ruins Everything.
Even when you're an asshole about it, people react with "Oh, yeah. Okay, thanks."

What kind of guy, try to make someone good or bad in the discovery of America, yeah the Spaniards were some brutal mother fuckers,but the native weren't peaceful either, in my country the only reason they suvirved that long was because they were so savage they couldn't just kill a leader and stop everything

I don't care what the "American" education system taught you, normal people (everybody in the world except for murricans) know that America is a continent, the "Americas" it's made up shit by you guys to feel special and separated from the lower and poor countries of the continent.

>normal people (everybody in the world except for murricans) know that America is a continent
And everyone else who speaks English...

>Especially an American kid in school learning about this guy from history, and thinking he set foot on USA soil
Why is that important?
Why does that matter to begin with?

The importance of the journey is that he landed an unfathomably large, undocumented landmass. One that would not be even labeled as "America" until years later. Hell, the man himself wasn't even aware of where he landed, but that never actually mattered to begin with because this is literally a case where the journey was more important than the destination.

Now if you want to start talking about post-colonization, then yeah, it's pretty damn important to make those distinctions. But knowing what part of the continent that Columbus set foot is of mild curiosity at best.

>be the me
>at the school
>the teacher starts teaching us the english language
>suddenly my IQ lowers 40 points and I forget everything I know about geography and mathematics so my brain can work properly with new english language.

>be the me
Come on Starfire, English class isn't THAT bad.

>on vacation with parents in Spain
>mom talking to some other tourist
>casually says "I'm from America-"
>some Columbian whore comes over out of nowhere and spits out "I'm vrom Hamerigah TOO"
>we all laugh and say "lol, kay."
fucking OBSESSED

what's a coif?

I suppose the flipside is when conservatives wilfully either ignore negative things from the past or actively pretend they didn't happen because a good portion of them can't separate criticism of past barbarism as a means of viewing history, from a personal attack where they are being expected to feel bad for, or say sorry for the sins of their ancestors. This usually descends into whataboutism in which self imposed guilty consciences can be asuaged by justifying barbarism of ones ancestors against the barbarism of others.

That being said, I don't like the taking down of statues much.

See: Any time anyone points out the role of slavery in the civil war. Watch how hard some people bend over to pretend its role was minor when slavery was mentioned in writing in most, if not all of the states declarations of war. Or see the reaction you get in Britain whenever you point out the negative parts of the British Empire.

Columbian or colombian?

Shit, you got me.
Columbia is alternatively a school or an ancient super continent.
But I think Colombia came out of Columbia?

There's a lot of towns called Columbia in USA and Colombia was named after Columbus.

In Russian America by itself means the USA same as English. If you're talking about the continents you have to specify North America (Ceвepнaя Aмepикa) and South America (Южнaя Aмepикa),

>retard country #2
kys faggot

>ancient Egypt
Please please please, GOD let it be about KANGS

Columbus did nothing wrong, you bandwagon-jumping faggot nigger retards.

>Let me introduce you to Francisco de Bobadilla – liar and Columbus usurper. The criticism of Columbus today comes from de Bobadilla. Who was he? The man who wanted Columbus’s job as governor of Hispaniola.

>In 1500 the King and Queen sent him to North America to investigate claims that Columbus wasn’t being fair to the European settlers (which means Columbus was protecting the Indians). So de Bobedilla came here, and in just a few short days did his investigation (with no telephones or motorized vehicles to help him), and promptly arrested Columbus and his brothers for Indian mistreatment and sent them back to Spain, sans a trial. Oh and, he also appointed himself governor. Coup de coeur for power lead to coup d’ etat, as usual.

>The King and Queen out these shenanigans and sent for be Bobadilla two years later, but he drowned on the trip home. Columbus was reinstated as admiral.

>But what we know of Columbian malfeasance comes from a defrocked liar, de Bobadilla.

>Nor was Columbus involved in the slave trade, as critics like Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky have asserted. One of his boats crashed in Haiti. He had no room for 39 men, so he started a colony there.

>normal people

Nope. Our country controls the planet. We decide what is normal and what isn't.
Get over it already and move on.

>From this record it should be clear that, despite occasional lashing out at the Indians, Columbus was never their systematic oppressor, but simply unable to control the Spaniards on land who were supposed to be under his command. If he had only been willing to confine himself to what he did so superlatively well—sailing and exploring— few if any could have traduced his memory. But because he insisted on remaining governor of the lands he had discovered, his reputation was blackened by the atrocities that occurred during the period when he still had final responsibility for their governance. But it is Columbus the discoverer and explorer whom we truly celebrate and honor, not Columbus the civil governor. His personal influence on the ultimate fate of the Indians of the Caribbean was slight; in no significant way did he change what their history would have been without him, once the discovery was made.

>Within thirty to forty years the Indians of the Caribbean islands had disappeared as a distinct population, the greater part of them dying from diseases brought first by the white men, then by the black slaves they began to introduce. There were not nearly as many Caribbean natives as the Indians' champion Las Casas believed; modern researchers estimate a population of about 100,000 for Hispaniola when Columbus arrived, and substantially less than that for Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica. The great population decline did not begin until 1508, after Columbus' death. Smallpox and malaria, the most deadly plagues in the history of Europe except for the Black Death, along with yellow fever from Africa, were the principal killers. In the state of medical knowledge of that time, there was no help for this mortality and no escape from it. The mingling of the peoples of the Old and New World, never before brought into contact with one another, carried this heavy and unavoidable price.

>all this greentext for something not Sup Forums related

We need the same type of mods that Sup Forums has to avoid cancer like this.

>Stop discussing the topic in the video.

Dumb faggot.

>grammar is essential pointless
We ebonics apologism now
>l-language evolves s-so none of it matters
Lefties need the fucking bullet

Literally can be used as figuratively now.
>artists use it for a very unique purpose
>now street fucknuts can do whatever they like

>actually justifies, and I quote 'african american English'
WEW lad

Because all his accomplishments were accidents, his great ideas were misunderstandings, and his sadism and greed were honestly the only outstanding things about him.

The question is, why did the prior generations honor him so much? He wasn't even popular until relatively recently.

>and his sadism and greed were honestly the only outstanding things about him
t. Francisco de Bobadilla

>Francisco de Bobadilla
Plenty of outstanding people found their way to the Americas if that's your standard.

...Wait.. What?

Columbus not only was a Catographic retard, he also fucked up tons of Islands the Spanish already fucking knew about.

The type of mods that Sup Forums has would have nuked this thread because it's a shitty political video that happens to be animated
>periods in texting means you're angry
I fucking hate this shit. I text people with a period all the time and so do they. There's more coding than this simple shit.
>trying to grant validity to emoji texting
The current people in academia need to be fucking fired.