Just fuck my Life up senpai! How the fuck can you FUCK THIS UP?!?!?!
Just fuck my Life up senpai! How the fuck can you FUCK THIS UP?!?!?!
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oh nooonnonononononNONONONONO
What the fuck were they thinking
No mate this is what fucking retards in a suit look like thinking they can make a quick money, why even use this IP if they're going to absolutely rape it? This looks like some Team Knight Rider shit next to the original Knight Rider
oh sweet jesus. is nothing off limits?
fuck this gay earth and fuck netflix
please tell me this is an Aprils fools
Fuck everything.
the show sucked anyway. I'm glad you're all upset about this. it makes me happy
Jewish marvelite detected
>It's another episode where executives misses the point of the show
>tfw no notskyrim and notcallofduty episode
original reboot series was made by a Jew
He also made Beast Wars, Shadow Raiders, and Beast Machines
>no world of warcraft episode
>no esports episode
>no marvel episodes
seriously im getting mad thinking about it
it's so far detached from the original it might as well not be called ReBoot.
the original wasn't very good to begin with though.
as shit as it is, that megabyte VA sounds almost like tony jay from that one clip of him on there.
maybe but Season 3 goes down in History as one of the greatest ever it should be kept in a vault for future species to discover its that good
>it's real
I see some good brappers but what the fuck is this?
Why are they doing this? It looks like shit
Megabyte looks the same. It looks fine. Not sure they needed real people.
So if Bill Clinton was a fan of the original does that mean Trump will like this?
Megabyte is jack fucking shit you retard
If you are gonna make a new show, you need to use creativity, create a new character, and go for whatever is above a Terabyte you stupid nigger.
>Shadow Raiders
The intro to it was more memorable than the show itself
reboot reboot meme is now real
liberals ruin everything
reboot is ruined
Do they have to shit on everything?
>every capeshit movie has CGI people punching each other and flying while punching
>reboot of Reboot is live action
It's just too funny
>look at all this tech!
reboot always sucked but this looks worse somehow
reboot is one the ugliest, dumbest animation series to ever exist. the average anime can compete with reboot
>average anime can compete with one of the dumbest animations ever
so best anime is only equviliant to the average western cartoon?
Beast Wars was so fucking good, way better than it had any right to be.
Petabyte sounds lame tho
Am I the only person here who doesn't know what Reboot is?
*twirls basketball on finger*
AYO, dis be MY home now nigga *shoots hoop*
>RLM talks about Netflix becoming the "straight to video" of online movie services
>This happens
Is this the worst trending to ever happen, they fucked up if its trending they could have made something special
yeah, you're the only underage here. Get banned and die.
no, all the 17 and under kids dont know what reboot is. you just outted yourself, enjoy your ban kiddo
wahhhhhh you have to be a 37 year old jaded piece of shit grandad stuck in his moms basement that doesnt know a toy story series from the 80s/90s
fuck off this lloooks way better than the original, at least the cgi isnt shit and theres actual people in it
>grown "men" throwing a hissyfit over a children's show not appealing to them
*smacks lips*
end your life motherfucker
who does this shit appeal to?
good trole kid
>tfw he's the one who actually turns into bob
>hence why boib has dredds
>Beast Wars
Was great. BVeast Machines was meh, but I was too hype and stupids as a child so I remember it fondly.
good going boy
Actual children? It just looks like Power Rangers but in a computer
Before you guys shit on this series just froma trailer, why dont you actually check out the 360 mainframe area huh?
What's the point of the show if not for the original fans? Why spend the money licensing if it's only people who have no clue about the original?
What pissed me off about Beast Machines was the artstyle change. They just looked like shit with their strangely humanoid faces.
>the new version of a show for literal children should appeal to the now 30 year olds who watched it as a child
>power rangers but in a computer
also, superhuman samurai, cyber squad.
WTF is this ironman shit how can you wear a suit thats digital?
its our show, it belongs to us
Why not create a new series?
yes, becuause all the 30 and 40 year olds are watching the constant reboots of the transformer cartoons that have been going non stop right? i mean, no kid in the world watches transformer series #2354252 right? and as for why? its easy, they know its already a success, and it makes money. same reason we are on ninja turtle cartoon series #23
Holy shit is there a chance MArvel will sue them and completely destroy this
planning on it, i can model pretty well in zbrush and maya and just need to master IK rigging and i reckon I can do it, oh and topology but shouldnt take too long, but if i can get a couple of others im definitely starting a new series
looks like they ripped off power rangers and tron at the same time. i blame the writers strike from many years ago. the television and movie industries lost a lot of talent
Oh yeah I remember that taking a lot of getting use to. The transformation being the complete opposite mechanical flared me so hard.
>previous reboot
>"user" was basically a god that the programs had no control over and they all had to react to
>the users are guardians and it's like power rangers
that show was full of movie references from evil dead and henry portrait of a serial killer
I'm 24
Was Reboot really that marketable? Is Netflix in the business of selling toys?
it was probably a cheap property to get the rights for, and i bet they will get enough views on nostalgia alone to make it worth while.
Where did they all go?
You know what your probably right. Glad I never subscribed.
Kid's entertainment has been doing this for decades now. They reboot old TV Shows because they have some hope parents will go "Oh I remember that show it was fun I'll let my son watch it."
Some millenials were dumb and got kids immediately after High School. Now they're dumb manchild parents and they watch Netflix with the brats.
>it's gonna blow!
lel, they know
Fuck, if you're going to change it that much just make it another sequel to Code Lyoko
>it's so far detached from the original it might as well not be called ReBoot.
This. Just call it literally any other name and nobody would care, and it could just be a fun show for kids. Nobody this is targeted at is old enough to remember and have fond memories of reboot. The connection only serves to annoy adults who aren’t in their target demo
My thoughts exactly
I will never watch this.
I loved beast wars as a kid and I remember I purposely avoided beast machines. Looking back, it was because of the artistic design. It looks like shit.
I honestly didn't have a problem with it as a kid. I actually liked how you could tell the region the animal came from by design. The story though. Don't remember much but I'm sure I didn't like it. They really dick fucked over Rhinox though which was the biggest travesty to the story.
To be fair the original was pretty shitty.
It was the first CGI cartoon series, that's the only reason it was cool.
This is literally a reboot of Zixx: level one.
Even down to the human protags going into the digital world.
>86 replies
>46 posters
man we got some niggas youing all over the place
who gives a fuck about reboot
>le 56% face
I'll never understand why people actually having a conversation instead of yelling into the void and not posting again is supposed to be a bad thing.
>every poster ITT made 2 replies
the fuck
Wasn't this something Jontron just reviewed? Like, from the 90's?
a reboot reboot?
>caring about reboots of stuff from your childhood
Hello weed smoking reddit manchild.
You're in your mid twenties. Normal people that age don't watch cartoons.
Nigger detected
What do you mean “worst trending?” Like views?
YouTube has “trending” “”cultural””” videos every week with 5k views.
>how do you want your Blackarachnia, senpai?
What tha Fuck???