ITT: Charts

Post em













contributing with some kinos






Does anyone have 40s or 50s?

bumping for this


Shitty trips should include Tourist Trap










I like it




Someone was really mad when they made this, lmao

>no Beethoven
>no Homeward Bound





>Entry level hipster edition
>No metropolis

One job hipsters, one job.

Metropolis is the second movie bro


Metropolis was in OP's pic

It's not hipster to like good cinema

Missing dog soldiers in monsters.

>no watercore

I actually don't have watercore. This is as close as I have

what the fuck is the point of this chart?





best one so far

>no Attack of the Clones

Was just about to mention someone needs to make a sandcore chart.

Yeah someone should add that


The good ‘ol days

nothing hipster about those, they are straight up the most highly regarded films from each decade

the 2010s section is shitty though


What would you put for the 2010s?

Holy middlebrow!!!


This is frank oceans letterboxd


Fixing this thread







Cool that you saved this. Here's the updated one. It needs a bunch more added to it though for next year.


>not Firestarter

Change the name, those are great.

It's to guide plebs on what to watch. Not movies that make you a pleb

To this day, he never answered why he made it in black and white. You can infer that there is no answer, just like the rest of his dismal work

Why make anything black and white?


Does anyone have anymore like this?




which of these are worth watching?


You're wrong about Good, Bad, Ugly, Lawrence of Arabia, and Bridge on River Kwai. My grandmother loves all those movies.

As meme as the Avatar thing is, it's true, no one in my film class likes that movie. "It's overrated" they all say, it's bullshit.

>not a single Griffith, Flaherty, Stoheim or Eisenstein
>includes Tarr, Straub-Hulliet, Tarkovsky and Dreyer


Is Point Break in there as a meme? That's one of the best action movies ever made.

All these lists are memes

the list that saved Sup Forums

Anymore like that?

Any for comfycore?



whats the right second down

Castaway on the Moon

Nobody cares about your garbage opinions though, cinebro.