This is Rolf, say something nice about him

This is Rolf, say something nice about him

Other urls found in this thread:

>Shit talking Rollo

Why? He's a two faced cunt..


He rose to greatness while Ragnar got bit by snakes.

He betrayed his country and his culture and his religion.

He took a handful of his people with him and helped Ragnar sons multiple times.
He never abandoned his gods either, he's as much a christian as Ragnar was.


ragnar was an atheist, he only believed in that he could build his own destiny. He only was interested in christianity because was something interesting and wanted to leran from athlestan to learn other cultures. Also because I think he believed the christian culture was superior and wanted to learn.

goes from beta pouty betrayer to alpha founder of norman france

he literally did nothing wrong. Got royal pussy, became super rich, commands an army of frog eaters

Rollo WON

Ragnar LOST

I'd do the same if I was Ragnar's brother
Fuck Ragnar

rollo did literally nothing wrong

>town is called Falaise
>falaise means cliff
>the town isn't even close to a cliff
that's fucked up

Life has many doors

Shh its time for those little boys to run along now.

He's sexy.

Does Rollo even show up in the current season?

Ragnar questioned his beliefs but he was never an athiest.
He was obsessed with leaving a legacy and Valhalla.

His curiosity was more about the friendships he had with other christians. He used their knowledge to fuck up other christians in raids.

Yes, he's coming over to fuck shit up and show the Ragnar boys how it's done.

he reappeared in the last scene of the first volume of season 5. Rollo was confirmed for season 5 last year so I'm guessing his shit was filmed first but put on back half of the season because he was doing the other show Taken.

he showed up in the last episode

giv angry christian french wife

>tfw just finished season 4

I don't know if I can continue this lads. After that literal who priest guy at the end, all my interest dropped.

That priest, Ivar, and Ubbe are keeping this show afloat.





Because he is the best actor of of the son of Ragnar. Also the more handsome.

He is the best of the brothers user.

He questions the point of belief just before this user. We then see that he indeed went to Valhalla.

Where? where we see he went to valhalla?

We see him visit Lag, and Odin personally comes to inform the brothers of his death.
We don't literally see him but the context is there.

We don't see him go to valhalla, satanposter

Based Rollo.

He does seem to be the most stable out of all of them, but he doesn't have anything interesting going on. I hated all those scenes with the slave girl. I wish she would just die along with Lagertha and the Goth chick.

By the way, who is that goth chick? Everyone acts like they've known her since forever.

was Athelstan supposed to be very likable? Because he was my favorite character.

Like I said in there are enough context clues to inform the viewer that he indeed did make it.

In S5 he continues to be the most stable but is also a bit naive. They all get better.

Yes. He and Ragnar were the perfect couple. Same with Ecbert.

they should have killed off floki instead. ive never liked him

Applecart took the big BBC in the sky. cha ching said the money.

After Ragnar he is the most likable character in the show.

Why did Athelstan even go crazy in his last couple days? It was out of character.


Floki is the best character
Fuck the rest of them

How much of the shit in this show actually happened?

Almost none of it.
Most of Ragnar's shit is based on legends anyway.
Some of the characters never lived during the same time period, ect.

Only Ragnars sons have some history to them.

oh my..

he thought he saw a sign from god

yfw you realize that is roman polanski's daughter



Tell me one character that is being well developed right now. I can't name one. Maybe Floki?

Hvitserk? What is he even doing in the series? The only thing he did the entire season is betray Ubbe and stay with Ivar.

I liked it Sigurd even more. He looked like the more intelligent of all of them, not only a warrior. At least he was different.

Jonathan Rhys-Meyer is in this now, right?
Is he good?

i just want bjorn to go raiding around in the mediterranean for the rest of the show. i'm so sick of england and kattegat


he is fixing his jet, he run out of fuel.

All of the brothers are growing into their own.
Ubbe is learning that he can't charm his way through life like Ragnar did. Ivar just lost his first battle miserably, and Hvitserk is questioning everything that led him to betray Ubbe.

We've known these faggots for about a season. We'll see what happens during the second half of 5.

How long and with what kind of routine could i go from skelly to this? I’m taller than he is so manletism wont stop me

Come on /fit/ i know your here

Theyre always here but would you trust these sorts of men, these false gods?

I haven't watched Season 4, but I thought Bjorn was good.

pound of onions a day

*season 5


cease this meme


Is he the son of a shepherd?


Fucking retarded statue makers haven't even seen the show.

I know, right?

wide hipped faggot

Clive is very attractive
