ITT: remakes that were indisputably better than the original
ITT: remakes that were indisputably better than the original
The new will be dogshit though, as literally (at least) 95% of the remakes nowadays.
Still not sure if a remake...
But still perfect as a film... almost identical to the first but it was so much better and basically made the series worth watching.
The 2013 remake wasn't even that bad.
This 1959 version of Ben Hur was a remake of a 1930's silent film. The abomination that came out a year or two ago was the third Ben Hur movie, not the second.
The original is dogshit. Seriously it's not a good movie.
Yojimbo is good but it doesn't hold a candle to pic related
Except for the line
>you've got a job for life
to the eternally grateful black butler at the end of the original when he's dishing out half his winnings to his close friends
>remakes that were indisputably better than the original
This version made over a billion dollars in a few months, could be experienced multiple times and is still accessible today. The original cost millions of dollars more than it made and was only used once and is now a pile of rust about 4 miles down. Based Cameron almost single handedly made a Titanic that will endure forever while an army of drunk Irishmen made one that lasted about a week.
the first one was way scarier
>Cape Fear remake is better
>Scarface remake is better
>FoD is better than Yojimbo
jesus fucking christ the absolute state of Sup Forums in 2018
Night of the living dead from 91
>1930's silent film
>Silents films.
And it is better than the 1959 version, so get fucked.
Phoneposting, I meant 20's
Although it's not out for a few months, the trailers make the new Escape From Sobibor look a lot more promising than the original. (((They))) are really stepping up their game.
Can't wait.
It has it's flaws but the Steve Martin Pink Panther was better than the original.
i like the first a little better
I think we can all agree on this one
Definitely not. It looks like a TV movie and has none of the originals tension or claustrophobia. The scene in the original where the young couple get burnt and eaten (complete with z's fighting over intestines) is far grimmer than anything in the remake. Some amazing shots in the original as well
my nigga
Is this the movie that tanked his carreer? i kinda reminds him good named before this.
>i kinda reminds him good named before this.
My thoughts exactly.
The Ferrara remake is the best version
Scarface is a terrible fucking movie and I'm getting real sick of you faggots saying it's good just because you think you are supposed to. The acting is horrendous the story is retarded and the music is the worst. Now go fuck your self.
2013 is one of the best slashers in recent years
Stop talking like you or anything you say matters. Go away and never post again, you absolute fucking waste.
original is one of my favorite movies ever, nah
nic cage's version is hilarious though
This in every way except that Steve McQueen smacked Ali McGraw better than Alex Baldwin smacked whats-her-name.
You're talking about the De Palma Scarface, right?
Go rematch scarface and try not to laugh at the absolute retardedness of the dialogue and the delivery of said dialogue. Just because niggers on mtv cribs liked it doesn't make it a good movie you easily manipulated faggot.
I tolerate some stupid shit here but bashing Giorgio simply will not stand.
Dude it's a fucking b movie. It's not a good film.
>roger ebert disagrees
It wasn't indisputably better though, Robert Mitchum out-acted De Niro.
i used to catch this on TV seems like every time i was home sick from elementary-high school
Both films are bad, De Palma version is shit, but is occasionally charming. Original is dull as fuck.
200% yes. People somehow think at He original is a classic because Wayne won his Oscar for it and has a neat eyepatch on the posters, but it would be corny shit for 1945 let alone the late 60s.
You don’t know what B movie means.
I didn't think it was terrible but it was clearly a victim of the Haigs Code or whatever the fuck it was where the characters had to flat out tell the audience that Scarface was a really naughty man just in case they admired him too much.
>Dude it's a fucking b movie. It's not a good film.
>b movies can't be good films
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, OH WOW man, that's a good one, get your pleb-fucked-ass out of here, lmao
i actually agree with this whether it was bait or not
john wayne is massively overrated in my honest opinion
The Thing and Scarface come to mind. I'd like to see a remake of It Happened One Night.
gas yourself tripfag
You know that a b movie means it has certain productions values and is not about the quality of the film right? Some of the greatest films of all time have been B pictures. DePalma woul've taken that as a compliment.
Has anyone else noticed that the title font looks like Impact? It makes me think I'm looking at meme text.
Anyway, yeah, the 80s one was great, and the 50s one was boring. Maybe it was good at the time, but when I watched it, I was tempted to turn it off.
>he doesn't like b movies
>he's never seen Planet of the Vampires
Ed2 and Ed 2013 are good but I still prefer army of darkness
Shame the tv series sucked
why do you want a remake of it?
the pleb becomes the turbo-pleb
Not a remake