Star Wars villains ranked

Top Tier:
The Emperor (ROTS)

High Tier:
Darth Vader
The Emperor (ROTJ)

Mid Tier:
Jabba the Hutt
Kylo Ren (TFA)
Darth Maul
General Grievous
Hux (TFA)
Boba Fett

Low Tier:
Count Dooku
Jango Fett
Kylo Ren (TLJ)

Shit Tier:
Captain Phasma
Hux (TLJ)

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Captain Moden Canady is next to Sheev

We talkin top or high tier?

Top. He was the only character in that movie that I cared about.


Pretty aight tier list. Would place Vader from ESB in top tier. Vader from ANH/ROTJ in high tier.

In terms of the short time he had to act and create an impact, he did an excellent job. He should have been a main character in that movie. Not even joking here.

>The Emperor

Kreia Tier:

This is a good list. Also where's Admiral Piett?

krennic a shit

A legitimately interesting character with a unique motive. She alone makes KOTOR 2 superior.


dont agree about krennic. he was vader and tarkins bitch through the whole movie. they completely tag teamed him.

Is KoToR2 worth trying out? I've had it sitting around for a few years now and sunk a lot of time into KoToR with multiple replays

More like

Top Tier: Original Trilogy
Mid Tier: Prequel Trilogy
Shit Tier: Disney Wars

rots emperor was way too over the top for me
big ass sith lord being goofy as fuck jumping up and down with a green gnome

Fuck yes. Get the cut content mod though.

>they completely tag teamed him
Vader just wanted to have his bath and jerk off over dead Padme. He didn't want anything to do with petty Imperial politics.

What do you expect from a guy named Sheev?

That's part of the appeal. He's a charismatic guy who just genuinely has a blast being evil. Him just finally cutting loose and matching everything Yoda can throw at him was probably one of the best moments of his life

I'm not that guy, but is KOTOR2 as bad with the Dark/Light shit? In KOTOR 1, being Dark Side is literally being a massive asshole for no benefit to yourself. It's just being an asshole to be an asshole. It really turned me off from the game.

>Count Dooku Low Tier
>Krennic High Tier

>forgetting based Sebulba
Your dubs are wasted.

KOTOR 2 gives you a range of darkside options from random asshole thug to manipulative evil supervillain to serial killer.

Oh, I'll give it a shot then. Dark Side in KOTOR was "I stomp on kittens for fun" tier.

It's definitely a different kind of character writing than KOTOR 1.

KOTOR II has better characters and the Sith Triumvarite was fantastic.

Why is Malak so lame bros?

Because Bioware was always staffed by hacks

Because he was always Revan's bitch boi.

Holdo is the greatest villain of them all.

>Tarkin and Veers not GOAT Tier

You had ONE job.

>not Apology Accepted tier

Basically this. Malak wishes he could be as cool as Revan.

Revan is barely a character and he still upstages Malak. Sad!

His head looks like a dick and he's second banana to Revan

>not Too Close to Vader-Tier

Who the fuck is Krennic?

Boba Fett is the most overrated villain in Star Wars.

In what way is Kylo a better villain than Darth Maul? One of them got to kill a jedi.

someone in Reddit One

>The Emperor a villain

I hate this meme

He's not even a villain, just an antagonist sorta

But Maul killed Qui-Gon, and a bunch of other Jedi in the Clone Wars series


Elder God tier

ROTJ Palpy is god tier too. Dahmer used to watch his scenes to psych himself up for a kill.

She even dresses like a Sith Lord

Shut your whore mouth you whore


Trial documents. He later switched to Exorcist 3, but ROTJ's throne scene likely inspired the 'black altar' he wished to construct out of his victims' bones.

His a little documentary about Dahmer's trial.
The Emperor's scenes are mentioned several times.

>Krennic that high

It's funny how many of these notorious serial killers are heavily into arts and crafts

just kys

Nobody knows who that is

he is a villain from Jedi and rebelcuck's point of view

ROTJ Emperor is better for this reason but ROTS Emperor hamming it up was welcome catharsis after the prequels.

>rots emperor was way too over the top for me
Strongly agree.

> It's treason then

>implying the empire wasn't corrupt and immoral
>i'll give it that
>sheev was NOT democratically elected. he used the force to influence the senate to vote for him
>i'll give it that too
>i don't care about eu shit
>order at the cost of misery for the populace
>he didn't promote it at all. he wanted the force to be stamped out of the public's conscious, having it all for himself
>he didn't want anakin and padme to be together, this is clear
>he groomed anakin, and anakin brought those injuries on himself
>implying the new republic is anything like the old republic

Whoever made that image is a fucking retard.

Thanks for doing your part for autism awareness

Thrawn should've in the high tier, not Krennic