Are there any other films that capture the feeling of loneliness and melancholia but are simultaneously optimistic...

Are there any other films that capture the feeling of loneliness and melancholia but are simultaneously optimistic throughout?

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This film can't capture an authentic feeling of genuine loneliness because it's about a woman

t. incel

The ultimate red/black/magenta pill to swallow is realizing that having nobody want to fuck you is preferable to having everybody want to fuck you but view you as nothing more than a temporary cock sleeve.

Doesn't change the reality of human sexuality, or the 80/20 rule.

Why? It's the same end result but at least the latter gets to have sex and talk to people

This is bullshit. Qualified attention is better than being completely ignored.

No, it's not the same end result retard. Also another protip, sex/conversation with most people is awful. You just don't know that because you're a dumb incel.

It's literally not.

So you're all just going to ignore the question?

you're right, it's not the same
>being an ugly woman
>I can't get a guy to stick around
>being an ugly man
>no even looks at me, and while i hit on someone else i'm called a creep and get shit from other men
Ugly men live in a completely different universe

This is wrong, you are a wrongposter.

What's worse, to never be truly loved but to have the ability to at a whim go out and have men fall over themselves to impress and entertain you (even if it's just for sex) or to never be truly loved and literally just be completely alone forever and ever and never speak to anyone and not have anyone even care enough to pretend they care about you? Nightmare mode: actually justify the things you say instead of being a memefaggot.

Yes, it's a stupid boring question for losers

Dumbest shit i've ever head. This is the celebrity "too many people ask me for autographs." If you understood the loneliness of being alone for decades you'd understand why men are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than women are.

Broken Flowers, sort of.
Do you know Sofia Coppola's films (aside from the one about the rowdy sluts obv)

Yeah, I've started to like and understand Lost In Translation recently.

Inside Llewyn Davis, which I personally found a much better take on the same premise as Frances

Can I enjoy it without having ever listened to Bob Dylan?

just out of curiosity, what would you say is the 'premise' of Frances Ha?

>simultaneously optimistic throughout?

hm. i guess it was optimistic but... the way i remember it even if she manages some sort of accomplishment at the end of the movie it still sort of felt weird. like she knows she is a character and all of that is meaningless. or her brain feels like being in a fishbowl and there is this big buffer of disconnect with reality , other people , meaningful connection , hope of creating a meaningful life


women can't be lonely

It's kind of like that, if by optimistic you mean feels absolutely great about the idea of just killing yourself now.

fuck off mate.

roastie detected

this kino doesnt belong in such estronaut company

it's not a good movie and von trier kind of a hack

>realizing that having nobody want to fuck you is preferable to having everybody want to fuck you but view you as nothing more than a temporary cock sleeve.

Absolute horseshit. Going years without even being touched damages your mind and women can't even understand what it means, until they get old and start complaining about that too.

Boo hoo I'm invisible now, oh woe is me, truly women have it so bad.

my reverse image search dont work no more, what is this movie

really? >.> is this your first day on Sup Forums?

cant believe i will have to get back at using tineye like the year is fucking what 2008 or something


Yes. You might miss the obvious “cameo” at the end but all you need to know is who Bob Dylan is.

what do you even mean. so the movie is melancholia. woop de doo. it was not that great. and lars is kind of a dink, i don't really believe in his frustrated man-child pessimism. also , i saw that movie when it came out 7 years ago or something and since it didnt leave much of a mark, i mean it was ok but not a kino landmark in my book

Coffee in Berlin

This such a pathetic and overly jewish movie, like what Sofia Coppola would do while trying to copy someone like Woody. Fuck Baumbach is a hack.

> insults and antisemitism
alright, you've convinced me!

Convinced of what? Fuck off kike

that Frances Ha sucks!
Sorry I would continue to debate with you but I need to go light my menorah.
(I don't know enough about jewish culture to troll people)

It does suck tho. Just watch any other Baumbach flick if you want more or the same shit,Greenberg for example

Her kinda does this.

this movie is complete pretentious trash if you have gone to college anywhere in the northeast during the years that this movie was made. the characters in the movie are exactly what i despise in millenials. it is a plagiarized try at everything that makes Manhattan decent with an even shittier script where no human being talks like a human being, a nonsensical direction where no human being acts like a human being, and everyone is so pretentious that normally they would die from the amounts of farts they are sniffing. they cant even small talk over breakfast without appearing so fucking shallow and fake. so please, don't speak about loneliness, melancholia or optimism and attach those concepts to this overrated trash that could have been decent in a world were both greta and her hubby removed their head out of their asses and understood how genuine people act and talk. i wish that bitch did the same thing that she directed the mom and sersha to every other character in their mumbleslut movies. god dmn!


Frances was lonely? I didn't notice. I literally have no one in my life. LOL.

Women's "loneliness" is in their heads. It's not just about the sex. Women have their own halo effect, it's called the "women are wonderful effect". People view them more favorably than men in general. That's why people as a whole will double down on isolating a lonely ugly socially awkward male outcast while going out of their way to help their female counterparts. I've known girls with "social anxiety" who fucking complain all the time about it who STILL get invited out to parties, who STILL get approached by people to be friends, who STILL get people romantically interested in them. Meanwhile I get nothing because I'm ugly and socially retarded, but how does one learn to socialize when no one wants to spend any time with him?



kek. i don't know what to say, user. i agree with you but damn that was bleak as fuck. how is it possible you are socially awkward when i didn't notice anything after reading that? i mean is it just because you think you are ugly or what?