This was great. Did anyone else see similarities between Michelle and Ripley from Alien...

This was great. Did anyone else see similarities between Michelle and Ripley from Alien? I think MEW would be a great replacement for her in an Alien movie and I would gladly pay to go see it.

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That was shit on just about every level.

no it wasn't

Jesus Christ, imagine having taste this shit.

I understand youre just desperate for replies but it probably would have been total shit without Goodman

The ending was kino and made me want more of her fighting. How's the Netflix movie?

Doesn't the woman win? Yeah not worth a watch.

John Goodman was great, you never knew what was up with his character but the slow reveals about what he had done added to it.

>Tfw no MEW gf handcuffed to a pipe in your hidden bunker

It's a fun watch, but nowhere near Lane's quality. Keep that in mind before starting it and you should be good

The woman ruins everything and probably dies a miserable brutal death after the end just like in real life


this board is full of women

You've said this shit over and over.
Having your soyboy fantasy cutesee crush in the alien franchise would further launch it down the drain, she hasn't got the onscreen presence required to pull off a badass survivor like Ripley.
10CL was a joke, you should be ashamed for chowing down on one of JJ's Cloverturds.

being in love with a home wrecking, cheating slut

i liked the first one, really don't see the appeal in this however.


I only watched it for the first time tonight.

>hurr durr she's a cheating sloot
Ewan is a pure chad, that's all.

The better ending

I liked it until the last part where she's suddenly fighting a large alien spaceship. Feels like a completely different movie

MEW can't act at all lmao

We aren't talking about your mum

>Did anyone else see similarities between Michelle and Ripley from Alien?
I don't like Alien enough to think about it in any context outside of a Xeno ripoff.

Anyone else dig into the ARG? I wanted to tell people all about it but I'm too autistic to get people to sit down for 20 minutes so I can ramble about a fucking Jar Jar Abrams movie.

I only saw the movie a couple weeks ago. As you can imagine I laughed my ass off at the very beginning of the movie.

Riley pls go

>they're not releasing Cloverfield 4 on Netflix
God damn kikes. Netflix should trade Cuck Mirror for Cloverfield.