So sexy characters aren't allowed to be sexy anymore is that right?

So sexy characters aren't allowed to be sexy anymore is that right?


Women are threatened by another woman's sexuality being appraised higher than their own.

There are a lot of women that love sexy women characters being sexy. It's too bad they only post on youtube.

Needs more M I L K

Maybe being fit is bad for Alicia. If she got fat, maybe her tits would grow. I don't know.


Catwoman was fucked up in the last movie but the tv show Gotham redeemed her

They were reading all the posts about how action actresses should be shredded so they went that way, but forgot that posts are dumb.
I'd post some rude joke here but Alicia seems like such a lovely person that I just can't.

Even if she wasn't shredded she wouldn't fit the part.

Would smash both.

Not my Lara.

>Implying you wouldn't fuck the everloving shit out of a reverse trap

Built like a brick shithouse.

>make nulara movie
>cast thin,fit person because nulara is less titcow and more fit than oldlara
>Sup Forums triggers because muh tits

Might was well just fuck a man.

wher is the ass????!!

With a vagina.

pretty shit rebuttal


>>cast thin,fit person because nulara is less titcow and more fit than oldlara

>has never even seen nulara

What is this body type called?

Diving board

Someone post the plank edit

Never More OP

Fuck you for making me defend the 2013 Lara Croft. She's way hotter than this stupid plank that can't even act in this 2018 movie.

Look at their 5heads. Sisters? Cousins?

I do not understand how someone pays a ticket to watch this

This is a suite with fake curves, Amber Heard is flat like a fridge

Leftists hate beauty, to them ugliness is empowering.

That's called good costume design. It's an ancient practice that Disney's ignored.

How bad will this movie flop?

Fassbender’s gay, right?

Tyler Durden

Sometimes they don't need fake curves, fake hips, ass and tits
like wonder woman costume

Meanwhile in some tv show

Dropped Flash HARD when Booty Spivot left
Now Shooter is my guilty pleasure TVshit

Handsome sexualized men including glamorized Joker = MALE POWER FANTASY

Pretty sexualized women = MALE RAPE FANTASY

the 12 year old boy

Perfect to play any female hero on capeshit

thats a man

Where are the heteros producers?

Meanwhile in some tv show

I wish that was me

yeah that's correct, you figured it out, about to shut this thread down
t. zionist occupiers


hahaha absolute state of mutts