If you haven't realized by now

At this point in the game if you haven't concluded that Hillary Clinton is an evil sociopath then you're fucking hopeless.

Being a sociopath doesn't necessarily make you evil. Hillary just happens to be both.


Maybe you just hate American democracy and western society, yanksky?

Way to state the obvious

> if you haven't concluded that the sky is blue then you're fucking hopeless.

> if you haven't concluded that water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit then you're fucking hopeless.

> if you haven't concluded that most people have thumbs then you're fucking hopeless.

No proof she ever done anything wrong. She would be in jail if so

B-but drumpf is racist!

She should be in jail you leaf!

Trump is evil too, but he's a candidate for losers. Hillary is chaotic evil. That's why I'm with her.

So is Trump.

It's yankee, Yang Tsi

Exactly, they haven't proven any wrongdoing so it's obviously a hopeless task.

Nice try drumpfs. none of your "leaks" have proved anything except that she is an angel.

If you believe this you haven't heard a word that he has said. He loves America. He has nothing to gain from this, he's spending tons of money to run, and he could have just as easily bought an island and retired. He is the last Patriot. This is the last stand of democracy.

She really truly is.

You can watch her speeches, every emotion is faked.

That bitch is barely even human, it's scary to watch.

CTR going all in

I refuse to believe there is a single legitimate Clinton supporter on Sup Forums

The only people who don't support Hillary are people who've never been to college.

>Hoping reddit normies come to this conclusion soon

>m-my candidate is a real human who loves america!
>y-yours is a sociopath who fakes emotions

yeah whatever drumpfie we can all see right through you

Nah , killyourself m8

Fuck off you leaf shill stop ruining /pol for Canadians. That's Trudea's job.

I refuse to believe there's a single canadian who isn't a shitposter, either, but prove me wrong.

because you drumpfts are so deluded its unrealistic to think there are people on your board with different opinions that are not getting paid by a boogeyman organization

Holy shit, shills are making this night amazing! Praise Kek!

No, Trump is crazy.

Only Crazy Can Defeat Evil.

Your support of Hillary makes you the lowest grade of shitposter by default, therefore you're in no position to call anyone else a shitposter, not even a leaf

I don't think you realize how retarded you sound. You're not American, you're not voting, you'll never vote, you'll never be able to run for office. You're just a candacuck who lives in one of the most boring places in the world.

I early voted for Hillary, I did way more than you could ever dream to do to the American election. And here you are thinking you're somehow relevant.

But hey keep shitposting, maybe you'll feel better.

>t. Ben Fish-being

>Implying meme magic isn't real

Oh look, we're no longer talking about Sup Forums now. I struck a nerve.

You have nothing to be proud of. You support globalism, feminism, interventionism and multiculturalism. You are the cancer of the Western world

This is why you nu/pol/ers fail

You didn't strike a nerve, I was simply passing along my general disgust of all you canacucks and australiacucks and eurocucks always involving yourselves in American issues. It's sad really, to live in such a shitty part of the world. Sorry that you're jealous.

As for the things you listed, those are the future. They're all around you, more and more, every day. Deal with it, cuckles.

>calls me a cuck

I don't think you understand how this works.

Or maybe you're a non-white male (wouldn't be surprising since you're american). If that's the case, I've been wasting my time

he is. hillary is a professional politician who made millions of dollars somehow in public service, and no one seems to care or question it.

you're the biggest tool of the system if you support her in any way.

Which isn't surprising because she's a lesbian.

and people who care about integrity and aren't obsessed with sex lies

hillary is the most corrupt candidate for president in recent history