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they're still trying to shill this ((())) produced disinfo
digits confirm
just Drive
rat race
shill thread
stupid general thread so they can have their stupid Wire show in the catalogue
There's only three people worth giving a shit about in this series. Bunk, the Mick and Omar. The rest is shit. Still pissed at you faggots shilling this hood garbage to me. I bought the series on blu, then threw it away some some poor faggot wouldn't have to see the shit.
Yep. Old tactic. HIDE (and fuck David Simon and his whole family)
Wait we don't like the wire?
Fuck off shill
This thread is getting...
what's Sup Forums's hardon about the wire all of a sudden
I'm lost man.
I mean it's pretty good propaganda, but it was created to deceive. (by a guy w/ some seriously dubious roots on a seriously dubious network)
Is what it is.
So which one is better? THE WIRE OR THE SOPRANOS?
fuck off samefaggot shill
I'm OP, he's not op.
Its kinda silly to compare them. The sopranos is basically spelunking into a single character and the wire uses a large number of multi-faceted and steadily developing characters to construct a portrait of american decay.
start with the greeks and work your way up to 2003
fuck off faggot
and your rules for radicals change the topic move isn't fooling anyone
>steadily developing characters
2002*, my bad
>the wire uses a large number of multi-faceted and steadily developing characters
I like how David 'Israel' Simon was so deep in the streetz of Baltimore that he able to tell the tales of all the homo and female gangbangers that don't exist.
And the 'Greeks' where a nice touch
And Clay Davis (muh he embezzled 50k and that's why Baltimore is like it is)
The Wire is LIES
Never forget
“Omar is, by the way, my favorite character on my favorite show...."....-'Barack Obama'
I loved S1 but S2 got me so disinterested I haven't watched the rest. Should I pick it back up?
So, seriously, whats going on in this thread
>when the digits hit
you have actual shit taste
Gilmore Girls
This was a shill bump.
Have it your way.
Anons, look into the history of the Simon family.
S1 is the best, but S2 is pleb filter and nearly as good. S3 and S4 are more like S1, if that helps.
well at least if DS goes on the lam, he can stop pretending he lives in Baltimore
>idris go's to school
There's not a single interesting character on the gangster side.
I like how he followed up his disinfo purplepill show about Baltimore with a disinfo purplepill show about New Orleans.
David Simon is no better than Michael Moore. In fact, they're colleagues.
This threads like reading a book report by a retard who barely understood the cliffnotes.
help us out then.
>spelunking into a single character
it draws as much from the rest of the cast as The Wire. they manage to give depth to even the most peripheral characters.
clam down bud it's just a TV show
Stay woke, turbonigs.
>clam down
This place is such a shithole now. Fucking Sup Forums has made it so angry teenage retards actually reject The Wire.
The Simon family are multi-generational commies
Yeah how are they going to shill homo superheroes, race baiting, and global warming (now 'climate change') to teens now?
It must be night Sup Forums because day Sup Forums likes the wire.
Fuck off faggot shill
You're really going to go w/ a nignt/day wedge move?
Does it hurt being this enlightened? Like, is day to day life significantly more difficult after having sifted through the myriad of half-truths and hoaxes in order to arrive at the ultimate objective truth you've discovered? How does your head not just fall to the floor from being so unbelievably encumbered with the secrets and agendas you've unearthed about the powers that be. It must be hard, truly, knowing that you're the only person who really understands what's going on in this world. And when you see disingenuous television/movie themed posts on an anime imageboard aimed at currying favor and marketing an hbo show from 2002, I can understand how that just might tip you over the edge. It's all just too much. It's bad enough you single-handedly, have to live side-by-side with these simple-minded consumers, possessing the knowledge of how their very world is run around them. I can't even fathom, living through the tests and turns you're superior intellect has subjected you to endure. Heroes, each and every one of you, nothing short of heroes.
Fuck you. Fuck your novels. Fuck David Simon. And fuck The Wire.
>reading reply trash
>Generation Kill
>Love Exposure
>Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
>it draws as much from the rest of the cast as The Wire
I love both but no the fuck it does not
There are large stretches of The Wire where McNulty doesn't even make an onscreen appearance, can you imagine if The Sopranos was like that?
I'll never forget the first time i saw this. I thought it was a meme i thought some fucking Sup Forums nerd edited the intro and made it into total shit. but no... it was actual shit. every time i see it it makes me laugh. I cant believe how bad it is. I cant believe i saw the original.
was cuddy a molesterer or was micheal molestered?
Man Carcetti got really dark after the end of Season 5
the faggot shills are still trying to push this((())) garbage....baka
>Refuses to be alone with Cutty when he drives him home
>Is suspicious of how nice Cutty is
>Calls Prez a faggot for being too friendly
>Refuses to let Bug's dad touch him or be alone with Bug at all
It's supposed to be ambiguous whether Bug's dad was actually a molester or if Michael just lied to get him out but either way Michael pretty clearly got molested at some point desu
Can I skip season 1? I've tried watching this show like 5 times but I just don't care about the story in the 1st season at all. I've heard that the other seasons are better, and I really like The Deuce and that Oscar Issac miniseries that David Simon did so I want to watch the show that everybody knows him for but it's just a slog for me
fuck off nigga...
what's really going down in BMore
the whole city is '''controlled''', and Simon is there to hide it...
Is it ever explicitly stated why Cutty went to prison in the first place?
10/10 post tbqh
still samefagging
still shilling
The first season sets up the rest, and the third season is basically a sequel so you'll be super lost if you skip it
It's pretty slow at first but it's super worth it
The show shits on Baltimore police all the time so I don't understand what point you're trying to make
Is this really how you spend your free time user?
pol eternally BTFO
kek.....they removed the fact the Simon's parents directly worked for Israel from his wiki
His fucking Dad got taken hostage by the Nation if Islam at one point
what a cool hip 'liberal'
Why does every Sup Forumstard assume you can't enjoy The Wire and also think David Simon is a smug patronizing dickhead
I mean, you're a shill, but I'll tell you straight.
Jamie Hector was amazing in it.
doesn't mean it wasn't a bunch of bullshit commie lies
Who said anything about McNulty? I said the supporting characters were explored as characters in an of themselves just like they are in The Wire. Just because one show has a pronounced main character doesn't mean they're in every scene. Plenty of characters had their own little plotlines.
fuck off nigga
Yeah it's weird, it's almost like you can enjoy a show for the writing and acting without caring about the political message
Also if you seriously think HBO would pay money to advertise a decade-old show that the whole fucking internet already jerks off over on Sup Forums of all places you should leave your fucking house once in a while
Conveniently forgets to mention his brother was the president of George Washington University too. Which is as ((())) as it gets.
Whole family is complicit.
Not nearly to the extent that The Wire does
The Sopranos fleshes out all its side characters pretty well but at the end of the day they're still just side characters. The Wire starts out with an ostensible main character but as it goes on he becomes background material and the side characters end up taking over the show
>bullshit commie lies
The show attacks liberals just as much as it does conservatives
Almost everything bad that happens is a result of liberal administrators and policies
One of the worst characters is based on Martin O'Malley
I've never understood this sentiment even a little bit
muh Greeks
>And when you see disingenuous television/movie themed posts on an anime imageboard aimed at currying favor and marketing an hbo show from 2002, I can understand how that just might tip you over the edge
I kek’d
>muh liberals v. Conservatives bullshit
Baltimore has been 'run' by puppet democarts for the last half century.
Why don't we talk about who REALLY runs it? Why don't we talk about wherethe dopeREALLY comes from?
why don't we talk about why they tried to force Kapernick on the Ravens this year?
Why don't we talk about what role CNN played in the FG riots?
Most of The Wire's characters are either underutilized recurring characters, or they're used sparingly to further one plot point then tucked away. It isn't too different to how The Sopranos does it. It's clear that there are more important characters in The Wire that could be considered leading roles over the periphery, even if they give minor characters influential roles that alter the paths of said characters. The only difference really is how The Wire's plot is carried out where multiple groupings of characters intersect and the result is more of an observation of this than it is a concerted attempt to reach the conclusion of a larger plot.
quit talking to yourself faggot
the jig is up
>why don't we talk about why they tried to force Kapernick on the Ravens this year?
they tried to give out 55k 'free' DNA test kits at the Ravens game too.
Nothing ominous about that.
David Simon surprisingly silent about it.
go play moderator in another thread.
go shill elsewhere lowlife
I made this thread to hopefully get recommendations but thanks retard for making it about the Wire. I just used the show because it's good, not because I have some agenda.
we're having us a discussion here. may be a foreign concept if all you do is shitpost.
still samefagging
and the 'show' is an agenda, and really more than that....a distortion of reality
(but you know that)
it's a work of fiction, I don't consider it a guide for reality anymore than I do an episode of NCIS.
*stands up and applauds u*
Bravo, Nolan
>a distortion of reality
It's called fiction user