Who are some celebrities with cool hobbies? Travolta flies a 747, that’s pretty cool.
Who are some celebrities with cool hobbies? Travolta flies a 747, that’s pretty cool
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Mark Wahlberg beats elderly homeless Asian guys, that's not so cool.
The obvious best is Vin Diesel playing Dungeons and Dragons.
I've never actually met a DnD player. Is it mainly an American thing?
>Documents show he called one of his victims a 'Vietnam f***ing s***' and that he later chased a group of black children, shouting: 'Kill the n*****!'
Holy shit /ourguy/
You never met one because they don't leave their homes.
delete this
Not sure. I've played one round for a handful of months and called it quits...but it's fun.
Matt LeBlanc is a hot meal connesuier
>not Brendan Fraser with his archery
richard gere puts tubes up his buthole and lets hamsters crawl around inside it
>doesn't know what D&D is
>Not Gena Davis being an Olympic archer.
ol' Billy Boy flies helicopters
oops meant to post this
Norm ruminates endlessly about death.
Tom Cruise does backflips in helicopters and drives formula one cars.
>obertson was flying a private Beechcraft Baron over New York City on the morning of September 11, 2001. He was directly above the World Trade Center climbing through 7,500 feet when the first Boeing 767 struck. He was instructed by air traffic control to land immediately at the nearest airport after a nationwide order to ground all civilian and commercial aircraft following the attacks.
>Peter.. come closer.. I have to tell you what I saw..
I hear he also likes to get rub and tugs from handsome young men.
Sounds pretty cool to me.
Travolta is also known to be an amateur masseuse and will hang around gyms offering them to muscle weary guys
greekfag here, almost every manchild I met in college played d&d
you fuck
>its real
He knew too much.
fucking kek
sides status: on fire
>flies 747
>picture FOR sure isn't 747
OP get this right, This is no 747, more like 707, 727 or 737, coz of additional windshield above main windows. 747 never had them (unless there were some experimantal version I'm not aware of)
You seem to know a lot about planes
what a faggot
bruce dickinson too
not a lot, plane fags would say by looks of cockpit. i cant tell that
know only basic things, and this is clearly visible, even for rookies
You know more about airplanes than I do. Why do you let user call you out like that? Just because he's a mediocre cunt, doesn't mean you can't call him a faggot
How difficult is it to fly a plane like that?
you're probably right
ok, 707. couldnt tell, 707 and 737 are so similar, 727 got different nose, but also same additional windows
Vietnamese fucking shit detected
707, 727 and 737 share parts, hence similarities.
727 sucks.
steve buscemi is a firefighter
>Trinh, now a married father reveals he actually lost eye before attack when he served alongside US forces fighting Communists in South Vietnam
Well shit. I bet he cried when he found that out. I would have felt terrible.
Gerbils, man. Gerbils.
I still can't see him without thinking COME ON BRO I'LL JERK YOU OFF
Fuck Vietdogs, subhumans of Asia, Americans should have nuked. They ruin our continent.
t. victor charlie fuckin shit
>ywn re-enact 9/11 with your bestie John Travolta
the longer i stare at that pic the funnier it gets
Europoor here. Only played once with some hipsters. I actually liked it but literally no one plays it
I always liked when a person is so dedicated. He even has a runway right next to his home!
They are just like us xD
>it's real
holy fuck that's awesome
>That minivan on the backside of the building
>he hasn't seen get shorty
It looks like he even has a little racetrack for it.
>Travolta is in Scientology - noone gives a shit
>Tom Cruise is in scientology - everyone freaksout
It's not a thing anywhere anymore. Who the fuck wants to play that when you have videogames? This isn't the 80's.
Patrick Dempsey drove for Porsche in some races for the world endurance champioship. Always neat seeing some people being /o/tists.
Does that apply to Laos and Cambodia as well?
Probably to transport his sperg kid who died.
He has a 707, that's a 707 pit
yep, makes sense since 4 engines controls
737 and 727 got less
Yeah he knows things. What a idiot homo amirite fellow cool tards
*eats shit*
That unkept golf course in the back is a fucking shame.
that a fucking gulfstream parked too?
could be or learjet, can't tell from this pic
could be a gulfstream, from the swept wing.
At least he had Gulf-courses.
You mean winglets?