>character meet for the first time
>have sex the same night
Character meet for the first time
Other urls found in this thread:
>Doesn't contract herpes
>character meet Sneed for the first time
>feed & seed the same night
I do this via Tinder all the fucking time
It's awesome
>the butt orgasm is green
Fuck off Chad
enjoy your aids
None of us will have sex anymore. In a few hours, when all timezones become February 23, 2018, the world will end.
fuck, just my luck
a buddy of mine would pay me back $10 tomorrow
I'm not a Chad and average 10+ hours on Sup Forums a day
I've caught nothing
I'm a 5'8" low test socially inept as fuck shut in who has just turned Tinder into one of my hobbies and got good at it
>any woman who enjoys casual sex must be an aids-riddled whore
you must be fun at parties
>character is having sex with a girl
>she starts to scream “oh yes fuck me!” and make crazy sounds
>character immediately loses boner and sex drive
Is it possible to learn this power?
>avarage 10hours a day
>thinks he's not a normie
Watch as many RSDTyler RSDJeffy RSDJulien videos as possible for like 6 months and completely rewire your brain
It's "PUA" but amazing and not in the Mystery type of way
Everyone hates on in it, but Sup Forums giving you advice on women is probably the worst place to ever take. RSD shit completely changed my thought process
Doubt. You don't "get good at Tinder". You can squeeze blood from a stone trying to start a conversation with a woman with nothing interesting on her profile and still have it go nowhere. The only "skill" on Tinder is not being socially retarded (which doesn't even get you in, it just stops them from instantly un-matching you) and being good looking. Period. Unless you're in a large city or fucking uggos/morbidly obese women, this reeks of bullshit.
ever boned one in the shitter?
Literally never seen or heard of this. On it.
>this whole thread
women are like NPC's in an Elder Scrolls game. you input the correct dialogue sequence and they dispense pussy. now, the AI is actually kinda bad so there are only a handful of NPC types and it doesn't take long to memorize the right inputs to win the mini-game. if you fuck up, don't worry because a new one will spawn near you soon. just approach literally every woman you see and you will eventually figure it out.
PUA is essentially leveraging psychological gimmicks that the marketing industry has been using for years. the way its presented is just churching it up as some original idea that guys have just now figured out.
How old is too old to be on Tinder?
>women are like NPC's in an Elder Scrolls game. you input the correct dialogue sequence and they dispense pussy.
Feel free to stop LARPing any time, slugger
If you have to ask..
nice pi get though
It happens in real life all the time. It's called dating whores.
man I wish
Post proof of your roastie conquest via screenshots from Tinder. Then we will rally to your side.
Are you familiar of Super STDs?
They're advanced STDs.
STDs with no symptoms that don't show up on actual tests if you go to get checked up for the common STDs.
You actually have to pay for more expensive tests to even see if you have them.
Due to how easy it is to cure commons STDs these days, STDs have been evolving.
You might not think you have STDs, but you possibly could.
Just thought you should know.
>any woman who enjoys casual sex must be an aids-riddled whore
Yes, and is not worth pursuing to any degree be it a casual fling or more. Anyone who uses services like Tinder is trash, plain and simple.
Don't worry. It will end. Just a few hours more.
its the same kind of pattern recognition, sport. and if you think its any more complicated than interacting with a piece of programming you are sorely mistaken.
spoiler alert: just about every single college aged woman has a tinder
Go to bed, Tyler
How does it feel to be an unrepentant, narcissistic, delusional sociopath?
i'm 37 and have never used Tinder. i picked up women the old school way by just going up to them and talking to them.
I have a hammer resting on my forehead and tears running down my neck, I've been hiting myself on my body because I hate being a fucking sperg who can't get gf and I just want my suffering to end
Tinder guy here.
I have literally never picked up a women from just randomly talking to one out or something.
Thank god for Tinder, it allowed me to meet women by using my most comfortable form of initial contact....the internet. There's even a web app so I can use my whole keyboard and everything
promiscuity in general is a narcissistic and sociopathic behavior. but when i was a young man nobody ever taught me that racking up a bunch of notches in your belt wasn't something to be proud of.
You're a degenerate.
You're enabling these sluts.
You're letting them destroy the foundation of western civilisation, the family unit.
You should feel ashamed.
No need to hit yourself anymore, buddy. All our suffering will soon come to an end. In just a few hours.
Alright thank god, I thought I was pushing it at 28.
I'll probably have to resort to Tinder someday even though I don't want to.
>every women I know or have a chance of knowing is a whore, therefore you too must lower yourself to my level
If it's a growing epidemic, that doesn't somehow make the status quo OK. Recent study shows that 8 in 10 women will acquire fifteen strains of HPV by the age of 30. By your logic, disease is now the norm that you must tolerate - "No!"
>having sex outside of marriage
>the foundation of western civilization can be destroyed by horny tan blonde bimbos who like being choked during sex
so this is the power of the family unit...
See that pusy? You can FUCK that pusy
no one likes you Sup Forums
The family unit was destroyed by people letting society get to this point.
Why do you have such a negative view of Tinder bro? Like legit every fucking hot college chick ever is on there, why don't you want that? I'm 27 myself.
These "sluts" have always existed
In the past it just wasn't as easy for them to find dick.
Tinder is empowering men more then women. We now have OPTIONS. In the past, if a girl/dude breakup, the girl could get 100 guys to fuck her right after still. While a guy may go months...years....without pussy
With Tinder/OKCupid, etc. at least men now have more options and in turn aren't as big as pussies with women, as they no longer are as dependent on just one particular girl.
This has happened to me 4 times so far in my life, it's pretty normal OP
re-read my post nigga, i tasted those grapes and they are indeed sour. hook up culture and casual sex is ultimately unfulfilling. i'm not saying i didn't have fun at times but i honestly can only remember like 5 or 6 of the faces of the women i've slept with.
My record is bar bathroom 5-10 minutes after meeting. Only happened once, and the bar bathroom was so filthy I wasn't really aroused and mostly did it for the "holy shit" factor. Wore a condom, though. Can't forget that. Maybe shouldn't have done it anyway, who knows what diseases are out there. But I was 26 and wanted to have a sex spree.
Had sex with probably about 10 women the same day I met them, out of a total of about 20 girls I've slept with. And that's not much, relatively speaking. I used to live with a guy who's had sex with probably 100+ girls, and I'd guess half of them were the same day.
Not him but Fuck, this might explain a lot of things
How did he do it?
he be'd himself
What's the most number of girls you've fucked in the same day (separate occasions, not counting group sex)? Mine is three.
Do girls find Sneedposting sexy? Asking for a friend
It gets old after awhile. Pick one woman and stick with her or you’ll end up alone one day like me
Anyone else just not really that interested in sex? Like I'm straight and I want to have sex, but it's the same kind of want as say wanting to go to Disneyland. It's not super high on my priorities and if it doesn't happen I won't be cut up about it.
Yes I've had my T levels checked I'm higher than average.
>It gets old after awhile.
Sure it does virgo the virgin
have you had your brain checked?
>Wore a condom, though. Can't forget that. Maybe shouldn't have done it anyway
Holy shit man you forgot your hazmat suit. What a gutterslut.
Maybe you're a fanook
I ate a girl out from Tinder on her first date and 2 hours later I was picking toilet roll out of my teeth. Her 3 year old daughter was walking about too... never again
Yep, a lot of PUA stuff is crap but some is gold. The best stuff mainly just helps you get rid of the thought processes (low self-esteem and misunderstandings of how women view sexuality, mainly) that are preventing you from maximizing your success in the first place.
RSD helped me quite a bit back in the day. I don't like their marketing style ('here's yet another new instructor with a method you should buy that's slightly different from the last 10 ones!') and probably would never spend any big bucks on their stuff, but I guess they've gotta make a living, and they put out a lot of good free content.
Man, the old original Gunwitch method is still classic, too, even if Gunwitch himself might be a weird guy - his concept is simple as fuck, easy to absorb.
Cory Skyy's mirror affirmations probably helped me back in the day.
No matter what stuff you read, at some point you've gotta take action, of course.
>always existed
>pleblet with no understanding of western history
>a slave to his biological instincts
>not having a defective brain
Speak for yourself. If logic were to have its way, humans would never have existed. No sane, logical man would want to have sex. Just imagine the amount of bacteria, fecal matter, smell, etc that prehistoric man had to deal with, and the only thing that made it appealing was instincts.
maybe she wanted you to fuck her daughter, shouldav' asked
How do Tinder women feel about you if you still live with your parents? Asking for a friend
I want a slut whose pussy smells like shit but feels real good, who's with me?
>people have sex
I'm 28 years old and I have never encountered this in real life.
Movies are so full of shit.
you are going to get a shitload of pussy with that attitude. focus on building wealth and status and keep doing you my man.
I masturbate too much to care anymore. If you masturbate every day you can go for long periods alone and not even worry about it
I was probably glowing from having been, for a few weeks at that point, on my first real streak of trying to pick women up in bars and so on, after having spent my teenage years in frustrated sexlessness and then having had a few girlfriends in my early 20s... and also because I had a manual labor job at that point, so I felt physically vibrant. And she was easy and horny. She was sitting there with a friend. Her friend went for my buddy, she went for me. I saw the glow of attraction in her eyes immediately and went for a kiss about a minute after meeting her. It worked. Don't remember whose idea it was to go to the bathroom, maybe both of ours.
If you're used to thinking of yourself as a sexual loser and then you actually start taking risks and getting some results, you get an amazing rush of self-confidence. Feels awesome. However, it can also make you a bit of a jerk because you're not used to it and think you have superpowers, when really all that's happened is that you've learned how to do something that millions of other people already know how to do, so it's good to balance out the rush with some self-awareness.
But if there are no symptoms....
>he's never had a one-night stand
lol faggot
>Her 3 year old daughter was walking about too..
Rude to not invite her.
>PUA is essentially leveraging psychological gimmicks that the marketing industry has been using for years. the way its presented is just churching it up as some original idea that guys have just now figured out.
Bad PUA is that. Good PUA is getting guys to question and alter their own self-defeating assumptions about themselves, women, and the world, plus pushing them to start taking some risks so that they can start to learn from real-life experience.
you now have throat cancer
Hotel my dude, just say you don’t want to drink and drive
>Bad PUA is that.
those gimmicks work tho...
Unironically, please tell me more, I'm currently hang up with a girl with that mindset.
Shit, I ate out a prostitute too.
If you mean gimmicks meant to be used on the woman... well, they might work, I've just never been into that side of PUA. I like the stuff that's more about changing who you're being (longer version - changing your view of yourself, women, and the world, which then reflects automatically in your facial expressions, vibe, and behaviors, and thus brings about results), as opposed to what you're doing. The thing I don't like about the more gimmicky PUA is that it makes the process feel like work rather than fun.
Diff guy but, you might be assuming she doesn’t want to fuck you and you have to somehow convince her to fuck you, so you might come off as needy or something. What if you assume she wants to fuck you and act accordingly. Don’t be afraid to make physical contact, place your hand on her knee for a moment while talking, stuff like that. When you start making out do the same thing, grab a boob for a moment but briefly before she move can move your hand away. When you return to the boob a little later it won’t be such a big deal.
Common self-defeating assumptions: "I'm too ugly" (some guys are, but most are not), "Women don't like sex" (most do), "Women need to be taken through a series of steps before they will have sex with you" (some do, but many women are ready to fuck as soon as you're ready to fuck), "All women are mind-readers and know my sexual history, so if I fuck up trying to score, every woman in the world will know about it from that point on" (obviously not true), "Women hate it when men show sexual interest" (most don't - even if she's not attracted, if you approach in a way that shows you will immediately respect a "no" answer, she's unlikely to feel bothered by the attempt), "I need to say some particular specific things" (you don't, the vibe is more important than words, and caring too much about specifics of the approach is likely to give you a worse vibe than you would have improvising), "Approaching women is work" (it can be play), "Women don't want just no-strings-attached sex" (many do), "If I try and it doesn't work it means I suck and will forever suck" (No, it means that specific woman didn't want to have sex with you at that specific time... also, you get better from trying if you are willing to learn from experience), "This one woman is special and I need her" (she might be special, but if you feel attached need for her, you're probably not doing either yourself or her any favors), "My mood is an accurate representation of who I am - if I feel unattractive, it means I am in essence unattractive" (No, it means you feel that way at that moment), "I must change how I feel first and then take action" (What often works better is to first force yourself to take action - for example, if you're out and about and feel nervous about talking to girls, instead of hoping you'll stop feeling nervous, what's often better is to force yourself to try talking to a girl, and as soon as you do that you instantly start to feel better). Etc.
Yeah, assuming that she doesn't/wouldn't want to fuck you is probably the core self-defeating assumption when trying to get laid. Assuming that she does want to fuck you might be equally baseless, although more helpful than assuming that she doesn't. Logically, one probably shouldn't assume either, but should be willing to try to find out which is true.
Cognitive-Behavioral therapy is similar to this kind of analysis.
I mean, if you're grossly obese or very ugly, it's probably fair to assume that she doesn't want to fuck you (although that doesn't mean no woman ever will)... but probably 80% of guys are decent enough looking that they can get laid if they get over their hangups.
>>any woman who has sex with complete strangers must be an aids-riddled whore
unironically yes
I'm the same, but I take antidepressants so that's probably the reason. Not complaining.
>tfw I've done this before
>Find the idea repulsive but just can't help myself when pussy is there
Although I suppose in my country eating out a prostitute is literally safer than eating out a one night stand. The industry is legal and regulated and they make you shower and inspect your dick before you can fuck. The chances of them having something is probably far, far lower than the bitch you meet in the bar and take back to your place.
Why do Trumptard incels hate other people having sex so much? Couldn't they live vicariously through others and pretend they're getting laid? What happened to escapism?
RSD does way too much lame marketing stuff, but Tyler, at least, is often on-point and hilarious. If you have a bit of sexual/social experience, you find yourself nodding "yep". Lots of guys on Sup Forums should watch this shit:
Good point senpai, maybe a better way to say what I meant is “assume she could be willing to fuck you instead of assuming she def will not fuck you”
>Muh Trump supporter boogeyman
The thing is she was so fucking beautiful and petite think (Elsa Jean) that I couldnt resist having a taste. I knew for a fact I would not fuck anybody that beautiful in an ordinary setting