Let's talk about violence in television and film

"Donald Trump says video games, movies may cause violence" is a headline blaring across mainstream news outlets and tech blogs alike today, as the President blamed entertainment depicting and encouraging violence as creating a culture that devalues life during a listening session with law enforcement and government officials centered on the Parkland high school shooting that occurred last week.

Do you agree? While the notion that anything can (or should) be done to forcibly oust any depiction of violence from our entertainment, I do think our President raises a salient point: too much of our entertainment--our TV shows, our movies, our video games, our media, celebrates, perpetuates, and revels in a culture of death. No, most kids don't watch a movie like "Commando" or "Rambo" and then decide to start indiscriminately shooting brown people the next day. Most people don't watch a capeshit flick and become vigilantes. Most people don't see all the explosions in Michael Bay movies and become pyrotechnic arsonists.
BUT the constant depictions of violence and death on our screens desensitize us. When we see so much human life devalued in our fiction, over out whole lives, we may very well begin to devalue human life in the real world, too.

TL;DR: Let's stop encouraging the production of movies and TV shows that glorify violence, death, and the infliction of suffering, while simultaneously uplifting movies and TV shows that emphasize our common humanity.

He’s not wrong.

>blaming videogames

maybe now the Sup Forumsedditor magapedes will turn on him

Violence isn't a bad thing

Sounds like momlogic tbqd

He's literally being fed this by the NRA's public relations department. It's amazing how shady those fuckers are. As bad as the tobacco industry.

He's right, (((movies))), (((video games))), (((music))) and (((internet))) media is causing hte violence we are seeing now. Once we cleanse ((it)), maybe we wouldn't have so many emasculated males who want to shoot schools.

What causes violence is stupidity. We should start by banning morons, like Trump.

No, it's the truth. They spend 60 billion dollars on advertisement every year to make people buy trash. They even say they put black people in movies because they have no parents and need role models. Murderers are role models for some people and they get those role models from television, games and movie programs.

My kino never affected me negatively. I will kill this bastard

where is your billions, successful TV show and presidency?

Inb4 the liberal left accuse him of censorship sincerely and without a single shred of self-awareness

>Sup Forums posters Who post gore here constantly get triggered over fictional content
>the whore of Israel Who posted Oldman terrorist videos of death on his Twitter is triggered over call of duty

What they should be accusing him of is a red herring. This is just a distractor to take the conversation in a less uncomfortable direction than gun control.

i just watch star trek. the most i do is dress up like spock and masturbate to pictures of andorian women

It's amazing how liberals think the NRA is the fucking illuminati.

>Being this much of a cuck that You are defending and promoting censorship

Were You also happy when he cut funds for public shools and librarys

>What causes violence is stupidity.
Good goys know their place in society.

which is a good thing, he's not going to censor shit but he's going to protect our rights

a lesser evil to save a great right, for all the idiots saying trump is stupid he knows exactly what he is doing, saving our rights while these libcucks are distracted

>having money makes you smart
Also, just because you're smart at one thing doesn't mean you're smart at everything. Some genius can be real social autists.

>being this much of a pacified soygoy


Every country watches the same violent movies and plays the same violent video games, but only one has this problem. Do you really think Canadians don't get flooded with just as much violence in the entertainment they enjoy as Americans