Do you know who I am? I'm MOE GREEN

Do you know who I am? I'm MOE GREEN.

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Jew Green

Do you know who I am? I'm MO' JEW.

did they ever give any real background about him?

They didn't need to because he was an obviously based on Bugsy Siegel.

he's Bugsy Siegel

just that he made his bones while michael was fucking cheerleaders

>I TALKED to Barzini

He was obviously based on al capone

Fucking jews. Mike should have killed them all.


>I made my bones when you were dating cheerleaders!

Damn now that I think of it that was a really harsh insult he hit Michael with. No wonder he had him killed, I'd be mad as hell if he said that to me.

>Your father did business with Hyman Roth, your father respected Hyman Roth, but your father NEVER trusted Hyman Roth.

These movies are red-pilled as fuck

underrated post

what's the point of getting James Earl Jones if he's only gonna dub over one line

It was based on Gus Greenbaum and Moe Segway. Two Jewish gangsters that worked for Chicago. Gus Greenbaum was from Phoenix and was murdered in 1957

well it was rude

The actor who played Moe Greene was one of the only actual gangsters in the Godfather

I mean he was more of a hoodlum it sounds like but he ran with an actual Irish Mob affiliated street gang in the 50s and 60s, pretty sure he knew Whitey Bulger or something

Remember when he was kidnapped by the Lutonian Liberation Front?


So, is Fredo dumb or is he smaat?

Was 2 better with Pentangeli instead of Clemenza?

I think so, I think the first one gets hurt if you have Clemenza turn on Michael

No, it should have been Clemenza, the actors schedule unfortunately didn't line up

>they didn’t show him fucking the horse the night before to establish a purpose for his anguish

Did you forget about the part in Part II where Hyman Roth reminisces about how they built Vegas together?

Hyman Roth is obviously Meyer Lansky, so Moe Green is probably Bugsy Siegel.

According to wikipedia it was partially because Castellano refused to gain weight for the role, which makes me wonder just how fat they wanted Clemenza to be

I cheered in the cinema when this Jew got a bullet in the eye.

I already told you faggot

Still not the best Vegas Jew in movie history

Do you think he could have called off Luca Brasi?

Wait, Pentangeli was supposed to be Clemenza?

Its a real shame, especially when you take into account Vito's story in 2, thematically it would've been incredible


Theirs a very specific reason Brasi was loyal to Vito, so no it was probably for the best he got taken out when he did, only Vito could control Brasi and even then it was tenuous

Mike, you don't just come to Canto Bight and talk to a man like Darth Green LIKE THAT

Fredos not like people say, like dumb, he's smart and deserves spect

He's a prideful ex-hitman who went into the legal gambling/hotel business and he was close to Hyman Roth, to the point that the events of the Godfather 2 are put into motion because Roth wants vengeance for Moe Green.

He's a kike

>Castellano refused to gain weight for the role
He already took up half of whatever frame he showed up in in the first film. How the fuck was he supposed to get father

Got what he deserved then desu

>The Godfather comes on Netflix
>Suddenly there are tons of threads on Sup Forums about it

What was the point of Brasi? He didn't really do anything but establish the Cuban as a threat

i pirated my copy of the movie

What the fuck did I just listen to

I thought they were the same actor and was disappointed when they weren't. He looks like the guy that played Moe Green and the 'bad guy' in Ocean's 11 looked a lot like Michael

Luca is a way more important and interesting character in the book

Clemenza would have been too heartbreaking to see turn on the family.

Did Mo Green really "start" Las Vegas?


i thought only godfather II was on

I felt the same way but look on the brightside, its being shown to people who would have never watched it other wise and might actually enjoy it.

If only Sonny didn't interrupt his father and knew his fucking place none of this would have happened.

go back

Oh! Uncle Joon! What are you doing in a Cuba?

That's the point

>muh boi

Which would give the betrayal, and the character's death to appease Michael, much more impact. Pentangeli is a great character but I would've like Clemenza there. Paramount constantly shot themselves in the foot by being cheap with actor's salaries in these movies. 3 was supposed to be Corleone civil war between Michael and Tom but Paramount wouldn't increase the salary offer to Duval.

>make sure everyone sees the cake before cutting it
Is this a jew thing?

He probably lost the weight and they wanted him to put it back on, although idk why a simple fat suit wouldn't have worked

was Fredo /ourguy/?

The weight excuse doesn't make sense. It was because he wanted a higher salary because he was the highest paid actor on the first film. The new offers were in line with the profiles of the actor two years later. He obviously didn't deserve to remain the highest paid actor but they surely could have offered him a little more to appease him.

>Coppola exposing the Jewish mafia's control of Hollywood and Vegas

Pentangeli was still a close family member but the audience didn't have the love for him like they did Clemenza. Having Clemenza roll on the family would have been offensive and betray the audience too much while adding nothing more to the film. Pentangeli was at the same level basically as Clemenza so their appeal to the FBI as a witness was the same. It was very kind for Coppola to let us keep Clemenza.

Movies are filled with what ifs. What if they were able to get Castelleta and Duvall to reprise their roles and we could invest emotions in the downfall of this once tight knit family, instead of having great randos introduced but you don't give as much of a shit, and what if they could get Winona Ryder or the chick that got shot by her stalker before she could read for the part of Mary in 3, that would have removed one of the biggest problems people have with 3

>Having Clemenza roll on the family would have been offensive and betray the audience too much while adding nothing more to the film.
It would have had a lot more weight behind it because we know the character. Also not so far a stretch, even in the first film Tom remarks he's surprised that Tessio turns out to be the betrayer: "I always thought it would've been Clemenza".

I think most would disagree as to liking Clemenza better there. I agree with your point that it would be more impactful but for the same reason I don't think that would make a more enjoyable film.

I read somewhere that the actor who played Clamenza wanted the freedom to write his own lines and Coppola said no.

I read somewhere that the actor who played Clamenza was a faggot with aids

>Movies are filled with what ifs.
Ain't that the truth? The Godfather saga just seems to have bundles. Consider the original cast the studio wanted. Ugh, movie could've been awful. I think the first two are masterpieces and the third is still very good albeit weak by comparison. Although I guess it's the what ifs that resulted in that, like you said 3 could very easily have been on par with the other 2 had the initial plans been viable.

"the two million dollars never made it to the island"

that was the jew thing

clip from the Carson tonight show you guys might enjoy. Rickles is a fucking legend

He says that because Clemenza is the last person they'd expect so Tom expected him. Coppola knew how lovable and dear Clemenza was to audiences. Clement a was so loyal and good the reason he'd be the perfect one to set Mikey up is also why it wasn't him. They couldn't flip Clemenza.

Hadn't read that but if so that's a ridiculous demand. Had a quick look and apparently Coppola did say that but it's disputed by his widow.
Hmm, three possible reasons as to why he was written out.

> Jewish enemies in the movies
> has them wacked

>He says that because Clemenza is the last person they'd expect so Tom expected him.
That makes no fucking sense. Michael specifically says, "it's the smart move, Tessio was always smarter." Both he and Tessio wanted to start their own families, it just occurred to Tessio he could get there faster through Barzini.

He's pretending to 'live it up' but you notice he asks for a tiny piece and has one small bite, all to play into the con that he's dying and wants to give mike his empire

But Clemenza is more easily manipulated it makes plenty of sense

Nah but he is smaat and deserves spect

No. And if he's easily more manipulated Barzini would have reached out to him in the first place. It's simply that Tessio acts first because he's "smarter". Had Tessio not, Clemenza eventually would have.

>Lucas watching TLJ

I'm tv boy and I've got a fever

His father literally says it will be someone you trust, someone you'd never suspect. After that convo it narrows it down quite a bit. Obviously they wouldn't have to find out who they'd only have to wait for them to expose themselves and be ready. Of the list Tom just thought Clemenza was the one they'd never see it coming from. Mikey's comment just speaks to the recognition that Tessio had the ambition. It's the ambition that was used to flip him. Clemenza was more about family than business.

What I said makes total sense when Vito figures the plot out ahead of time for everyone. It's Game Theory.

But in that case he was still really loyal, it was later he became disillusioned with the family cause mike was taking it legit

Clemenza wasn't the smartest but he was the most loyal. He may have been easy to manipulate on some things but impossible on others such as betrayal of the family.

Italian is the coolest sounding language imo. Just the names of the characters in the godfather sound cool

every year I rewatch this thanks to amc and now netflix and I still can't believe how well made these movies were despite being made by a coke addict

I dunno. We can't know if Clemenza would have or not. In my opinion of the character he couldn't cross that line. Others may think he could.

being shitalian is a curse
everyone makes fun of me when they see my last name

Until in his eyes and with some hints from Roth he was convinced Mike was betraying the family and he was just trying to keep it as Vito would've wanted

He never says someone you'd never suspect, just someone that you absolutely trust which is in itself a statement that loyalty can be bought in that industry outside your immediate family, which mirrors what Mike says to Tom after the assassination attempt in Part 2. This all establishes that it's not a stretch for Clemenza to flip or turn, particularly if he's lead to believe Mike acted against him as Roth engineers.

Change it to Cobretti. Make yourself sound cool. Your'e an adult. Make up a cool name for yourself.

That's cause we are, dumb wog

You must be gay. Having a name like solazzo or barzini would be cool

i had a gf but she left me

I dunno. Do you honor a man by murdering his son? I don't think so. At that point what are you saving? If he thought he was betraying the family he'd have gone to Tom first and at most probably break out on his own but refuse to go to war. Mikey isn't going to break an NAP with one of his father's dearest friends just because he went off to do his own thing. Not to mention that Clemenza was always a street level hustler guy. His interests didn't conflict with Mike's because Mike had bigger things going on in the US and globally. He wouldn't waste resources going to war with Clemenza. He'd just leave him alone to run numbers, girls, and union rackets.

She made the right choice, dumb wog

Probably left you because you’re gay

you keep saying wog. I think you mean wop