What ever happened to Chloe Moretz?

What ever happened to Chloe Moretz?
Sup Forums used to go fucking nuts for her, now you don't even see her in anything. Did she quit acting?

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Honestly it's her clothes. Her high waisted pants, shoulder padded tops, yoga pants, and other fashion abortions make her look terrible and fat and ugly. She has terrible fashion sense that makes her look like a fridge. Someone needs to have a serious conversation with her.

Honestly, I don't know. But what I do know is that I seriously need to address my own gyno issues. Male btw

her gay brother likely gives her fashion advice with obvious results

>Honestly it's her clothes.
Ahh no, sorry my man, it's her Sy Snootles looking fucked up body that's the problem.


Imagina ser Pablo en esa foto y tener que ser como la maldita Chloe Moretz, maldita sea, sexy con tu refrigerador y su horrible cara regordete. Tendría sexo contigo cuando lo único que realmente quiere hacer es follar a otra latina de 16 años. Vestuario Chloes Como seriamente imagina tener que ser ese niño mexicano y no solo abrir esa puerta mientras Chloe Grace Moretz hace alarde de su repugnante cuerpo frente a ti la luz del sol revelando sus piercings en los pezones y los camelloe y solo se para allí una y otra vez mientras ella Sale lentamente de su auto, no solo tiene que tolerar su monstruosa vagina sino su actitud arrogante, ya que todos los que están cerca le dicen que TODAVÍA LO CONSIGUIÓ y MALDITA CHLOE, GRACIA MORETZ PARECE ASÍ porque no son ellos los que tienen que pararse ahí y verla regordete puta cara de hombre michelin sentarse flácido y aburrido en su repugnante cuerpo de nevera Usted ha estado jodiendo nada más que una dieta saludable de latinas marrón apretados y más tarde alegó víctimas de violación de cartel para usted TODA TU TRAYECTORIA saliendo directamente de los tugurios en México. Nunca antes has visto algo tan repugnantemente asqueroso y ahora juras que puedes probar el sudor que está surgiendo en su asfalto sin forma mientras lo deja abierto mientras usa esos pantalones de deporte inapropiadamente ajustados con la certeza de que estás disfrutando la oportunidad de que te paguen para que permanezca allí, abra la puerta de su auto y deleitarte con su belleza escultural (porque así es como se llama a sí misma) la belleza con la que trabajó tanto los 7 días de la semana en los meses previos Y luego pide otra puerta para abrir y sabes que puedes matar a cada persona en este camino antes de que su seguridad pueda desanimarte, pero te quedas ahí sentado y aguantas porque eres un jodido chico mexicano. No vas a perder tu futura carrera de chofer. tu cara y aguanta

she honestly would be improved and most of her body sins forgiven if she were to get giant breast implants. Just sayin'.

i'd suck them lil teddies

She clearly does too much benchpress, not enough running and yoga/pilates. Her proportions are of a linebacker or a Klingon. The poor thing needs to figure that shit out; she's in Hollywood, so it's not like she can't get style/body guidance from experts, for God's sake...

>not lifting as you go about your daily business


here's a supporting image to this claim


this is also unphotoshopped by the way

Even SHE looks disappointed at the photo she's taking....

Looks like every ugly frumpy girl around town who you ignore.

I want her to do this.

She needs to take a break from barbell training. Instead of doing heavy deadlifts, bench, and ohp, she should just be doing some glute bridges or some shit.

She was just in 'I Love You Daddy' though that hasn't gotten wide release


>What ever happened to Chloe Moretz?

“I pulled the plug on all my movies because I want to reassess who I am and find myself within my roles again,” she explained. “I’m realising that I can slow down.”


>gynofags be like "nah bruh, my pecs are just big, u jelly af!"

the real answer

she turned 18

>mutant transgender brad pitt

hehe i see what you did there

hopefully she will be "empowered" and show tits in a movie

No she just doesn't make capeshit anymore.

More like the studios pulled the plug on her because she interfered too much with the electrics every time her compressor kicked in

If she does, the movie will still be rated PG...

will chloe ever go nude in a role?


She's been in and out of rehab

it will be "artistic nudity"

I'm sure this is hilarious

can't tell if miniscule tits or huge arms

This wasn't even her final form.

Why does she carry the anvil?


She recently got a boob job though. Feminism yes

She doesn't look bad here Sup Forums exagerating

smart picking out clothes that hide her shoulders and slim down her figure a bit, and hiding her legs. but knowing what's underneath upsets me still.

dem sweet buds

can't find any info on the boob job. maybe it's just a rummor

It's a rumor based on her tits growing multiple cup sizes over-night

Fun fact: Her dad is a plastic surgeon

You proud of yourselves Sup Forums?

>boob-job by your own Daddy

Well that's not creepy

I think a roastie made this post.

can gay men be considered roasties? That post could be from either a woman or gay.


> implies she lurks
Could she be /ourgirl/ after all?


I'm not gay or a roastie I just wish she dressed better


This is pretty sad, she probably has a lot of issues

Why would she post here? I have better things to do

Aw man I kind of feel bad now

Breaking down her dress that specifically and analyzing it so seriously is pretty gay, bro

Chloe if you are here I wanna get swole with you.

I see what you did there

Can someone x-ray these pics where you can see her pokey nips and cameltoe? I want to have a shame spurt.

i'm mexican, and i hate all the mexican crap on here.
>hurr la abominacion
>durr el goblino

You should go Sicario and hunt down all these shitposting beaners and kill them for us so the board won't be such trash anymore.

Nice trips, Grim Reaper.


Aguanta vara maricon

Went from smol to swol and tol

wol smoth was cool meme back in the day.


die beaner!

big deal so she went from ridiculously small to extra small

Chloe is fucking disgusting


>all women
>tmblr reaction gifs

And they say men are responsible for harassment.


perhaps dressing like a fridge means she's less likely to be raped.

i love how all these /fit/ browsers who are 350 pound basement cheeto gods hand out advice like this before retiring to wash themselves with a rag onna stick.

She's doing great.

>I'm mexican
Stopped reading right there

maybe you should tone it down with the HGH milkshakes chloe

>Why would she post here? I have better things to do

you really don't, or you'd be away doing them.

now that's GOT to be shopped right? look at those arms and shoulders

> shoops young woman to look like a monster


the state of Sup Forums, people.

Linked straight from google

She has the oddest body shape

*slams a protein shake, rips a phone book in half and does obedience training on some dogs* GRAHHHH when I get my vascular hands on those Sup Forums nerds...

everyone here would still do her given the chance

Chloe's fucking bear paw hands vs janitor's hotpocket bloated neck.. WHO WILL WIN

I don't think anyone here would dispute that.
It's still funny, all the same.

She was better as a loli desu

>implying Chloe can get a grip on the jannie's greasy neck

i can imagine chloe giving a documentary film maker a concussion for accidentally filming her shaving her face

Too old

Are you cute? I'll fuck you if you're a cute trappy type

Chloe always has been and always will be disgusting. she never looked good and i would not touch her with a ten foot poll. this meme is fantastic because delusional waifuists who spammed her for years never realized how ugly she was, and now she's a living breathing meme because she looks like a homely fridge.

I've been drinking Soylent 3-7 times a day for the last 2 years instead of eating meals. For some reason I've gotten extremely bad gynocomastia, night sweats, mood swings, chronic erectile dysfunction, weight gain, and shortness of breath. I've recently started transitioning and I would love to take you up on your offer.

t. abominable.

Beggars can't be choosers. You got yourself a date.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums used to shill her the most, and they're pedophiles mostly. She grew up and became legal so they forgot about her.

What's that suppose to mean?

It means I can work with you if you get yourself a wig and some eyeshadow.

I fucking love these shoops of her. I don't know why but sometimes you look at them and think wtf is this real? then you see the really unreal ones and you're like yeah they're all fake, then you see a normal picture of her and you can't really tell much of a difference between some of the less fake fakes and your not sure if its real or not

why did this make me want to have sex with her?

la criatura del sur repugnante...

You linked which is real. I got it straight off google images

hehe, I remember back in 2011 commenting on Sup Forums that she had manhands and her body was weird and that she would grow up ugly, and I got shitted on endlessly

whoa who knew women ON twitter could be so cold and mean towards a fellow female...
twitter is a huge contradiction for every group that uses it. Sad.