sayonara sam

goodbye gilligan

the vamanose hombre

don't it

Catch ya later Carlitos

the farewell fella

El adiós hombre

is it horror kino?

The Pee Pee Poo Poo Man

The Goodnight Guy

the see ya senor

The unfunny thread

Дo cвидaния мyжчинa


it's extremely bad

the see ya later alligator

The bye bye miss american pie

the g'day mate

No, it's not even enjoyably bad

The Drive By Man

The Drive Through Man

The unnecessary cuckold sublot was hilarious. I don't know what kind of scares the writer and the director intended to have with audiences through hallucinations of the black friend, half naked, macking on the white female.

il arrivederci uomo


The Farewell Gentleman

I read up on the story, and apparently it's based on an alleged true story. The main characters were actual real life people, and they did play with the ouija board. Apparently they got the whole story through from communicating with spirits, but they dropped it because the girlfriend got freaked out.

That bye bye man wasn't really well explained in the movie though, It's apparently supposed to be some wandering malevolent killer thing. And that weird hound thing that showed up is supposed to be made out of the flesh of the victims.

Idk, some flavor text to fill out the story. movie was corny shit though.

Güle Güle Guy

the addios amigo

Toodle-oo Tony

The Peace Out Person

The Lata Bich