Who is your favorite Batman villain?

Who is your favorite Batman villain?

Mine is Mad Hatter.

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lol what a gay villain to like

lmao what an homosexual rogue to prefer


Your probably all Joker fancucks. He is a overused faggot

Elmer Fudd

lel what a cocksmoking crook to enjoy

heh what a faggy antagonist to adore

kek what a dicklicking nemesis to favor


Only one man has ever broken the Bat


Good choices.

I'm a fan of Arnold Wesker


I've loved the penguin for a while but truth be told I have a found love of all the organized crime bosses of Gotham, like White Shark and Black Mask

haha what a queer wrongdoer to be fond of

He just have a little problem with his luck anything else is OK

objective GOD TIER choice user


Animated Hatter was objectively the best
shame the characterization never stuck, though


Probably easier to list the ones that suck.

Maxie Zeus springs immediately to mind.

It's like you were trying to get made fun of

I know he didn't really start as a Batman villain, but I like the idea of a guy whose entire threat comes from his mastery of time-based autism


Which does anal?

What I like about Killer Moth is that he's an anti-Batman that takes the piss out of Batman.
>like fuck you Batman you ain't nuthin' special
>some namless prisoners can do what you do
>and he's gonna do it in a horrible costume

What did you guys think of Mad Hatter in the Arkham series? Specifically Origins.
Do you think he actually molested that girl he kidnapped? If not, he definitely put her through some mental and emotional torture.
That series did a pretty good job with all the villains they included.

Also, I actually really enjoyed the Court of Owls storyline, and I really did think Lincon March was pretty good.

Kinda reminds me of Prometheus, who was also like an anti-batman.
I really wish they would utilise those villains more

I actually prefer the Arkham version

Man-Bat and Poison Ivy

I like black mask because he is pretty much Joker if he never went crazy and stayed Red hood


I just have a really, really strong aversion to the Mad Hatter being characterized as an rapist to the extent it just sours things for me. Even if the games just "strongly implied", it's pretty clear what they were going for.
Although at least Arkham tried to make him a least a little bit sympathetic and gave him a little more character than he usually gets so I don't dislike it too much.

Jervis was one of the best villains from TAS and it upsets me so badly Paul Dini handed an amazing revitalization of the character on a silver platter to DC and instead Grant Morrison and Jeph Loeb's poorly-written non-character whose pedophiliac and rapist subtext pretty much ruined the character forever.


Bitch that's lord death man

>Do you think he actually molested that girl he kidnapped?
Do you consider dressing a girl up as a fictional character and playing out scenes from your favorite book to be molestation?

I'm not sure if he used mind control, mind. It'd probably make things easier with her getting the scenes right, but as Alice doesn't wear a hat.

Objectively the correct answer.

post more lord death man

>No ones posted this guy

Mr Freeze and Scarecrow I find the most compelling.

Riddler can be great if done well, but he rarely has been. I think its not even a stretch to say TAS and the Arkham games did him the best, though Snyder made a valiant attempt.

I think Two Face has so much more potential than anything outside of Long Halloween and TAS have given him.

Joker is obviously special though

My favorite obscure underwritten villain is Anarky. I actually a have pitch for him if someone handed me the keys to the Bat comic.

What's his motivation if he's not a rapist? Even in BTAS he kidnaps and hypnotises the girl he likes because she turned him down. How is that different?

I kind of see where he's coming from

TAS Mad Hatter was delusional and angry and a child. He did some horrible things but it came from a place of him being inhernetly damaged and unhappy. The comics tend to have him be generic rapist molester and it goes no further.

I think he definetly has rape undertones but its possible to treat him as a nuanced character without making him a generic rapist pedo monster.

My favorite Batman villain is Superman.

But that is idealizing a woman as a girl, holding power over her and eliminating her agency and free will. Not exactly a leap to the rape angle. But i definetly agree the comics have made him a law and order SVU villain and eliminated any yearnings or really anything interesting about him.

Admittedly I'm struggling to think of any examples of rapist Hatter other than the Arkham games and Morrison's Arkham Asylum. Is he really that generic now?

The show established his motivation as essentially the world's most devoted cosplayer. He was living out his fantasy and either people were a part of it or they were bullies standing in his way.
Alice did not appear after his introduction episode and yet his appearences still tied to this idea. Like when he traps Batman in his dream machine twice, the first time to get rid of him by giving him exactly what he wanted, and the 2nd (in the comics) in a genuine attempt to make him happy.

The show didn't imply it was due to any sort of sexual lust, he wanted her because she looked like Alice and she treated him nicely. This fits with his characterization as a delusional man-child completely out of touch with reality.
It was still creepy and it was still kind of rapey but it wasn't overdone, and it wasn't what defined the character.

Jeph Loeb's version of Hatter ran with this concept and defined it as canon.
Robin: Year One has him mind-controlling young girls so he could sell them as sex slaves to a pedophile diplomat
I'm sure there are others. That's all people seem to know him for.

Probably my 3rd favorite villain. Right behind Black Mask

What about Hatter?



He was pretty cool in Secret Six. His obsession with hats stemming from his over-use of Hat Hypnotism on himself to make him happy was pretty sad... I'd try it though.

Crash Niggula thats motherfuckin Lord Death Man you uncultured swine

My man.

dr death and ratcatcher are underrated
dr death is the first bat villain

right now I have a soft spot for Pyg. he really feels unhinged instead of just violent with a dash of insanity.

Robin: Year One was Dixon, not Loeb

nice digits

Ra's al Ghul but he's been ruined for years now and he's also been relegated to dealing with BoP or fucking Tim Drake more than Batman...

Best answer. This guy is the real deal.

He is good too

I prefer the Arkham version desu

As long as it is a game of wits, Riddler is my favorite.
A Riddler that kills isn't as fun.

>Sorta Black Mask
>Sorta Bane
>Killer Moth
>the talons

too many evil batmen. Get rid of Hush, Owlman and Prometheus. Plz. The others are at least interesting.

Also, though i can't post a picture right now, Black Mask best boy.

I don't know how to feel about recognizing Dirk Grundy's art even though I haven't read String Theory in ages

How do u doods feel about the court of owls?

I loooooove capullo art.

Friendly reminder, ladies, that Gotham Underground made it canon that The Penguin is good in bed.

I know I'm in the minority, but I think I like N52 Ventriloquist the most.

I mean each one has their own merits.
The OG, the congirl, and the metapsycho.
I think I like congirl the least.




Bat-hombre deserves a place out of gold era limbo

patrician choice