>reylo general
Reylo general
Can someone explain how that shit gets thread after thread and mods are ok with that shit. Make a thread about your celeb waifu and they'll typically take it down in an instant.
It's a containment thread. Just filter it and let it be
How do you think someone becomes a jannie? They namefag in general threads for rep points.
wow it's as if mods are in it, letting blacked and cunny thread up for hours, but deleting threads calling them out on those shitty generals in minutes
"reylo" bullshit is literally worse than the wwe threads on Sup Forums a few years back
Yeah we should have more Black Panther and racebait threads
t. reylo redditor
No I refuse. All general thread cancer should be moved to /trash/ where it belongs.
Enjoy your ban. Newfag
One of mods is one of us
>Dr who general, celebrity big brother general
Reddit or tumblr, pick a boogeyman
Either way, not an argument
You're a naive idealist, containing it to one thread so everyone else can filter it works, constantly dumping them does not, for it forces janitors to both constantly remove them - and even worse - forces that shit "covertly" into other threads
>he doesn't even denies it
you're the cancer that's killing Sup Forums, faggot
go fuck others boards up with your childish garbage
>constantly dumping them does not
but it does. Sup Forums proved it when they removed /wwe/ entirely, thanks to their relentless complaining about that cancer, even when mods deleted those threads and kept the mandrama ones up.
reminder that /got/ died for your sins
>Childish garbage
You mean using a buzzword to label someone who disagrees with you, and thinking you have any authority over anonymous people on a Chinese silk trading forum?
The only good thing to come out of last season being so utterly atrocious was it killing the year-round GoT threads (not going to count those "bar" threads as they're clearly not about the show but about complaining about numales or millenials or soypeople or whatever Sup Forums are calling them these days)
if i were to start a general for another disney movie ship, would it be allowed?
>black panther
>Mad Men
>The Wire
>The Oscars
Give it a shot dude. Maybe if we make enough of those kinds of threads mods will finally do something
fucked up but I spend less time here so I guess its alright. plus /got/ has gotten progressively worse
Yes I do, because having generals for a "ship" that isn't even canon is fucking stupid, even for Sup Forums's standards
I don't get this either, its painful to even see that shit on the catalog, do your fucking job mods
They're tumblr scum from Sup Forums
Here's one of the main ones that pretends they're Sup Forums oldfags
The rest you can find here tumblr.com
Reminder that a good amount consider themselves artists and have pages where you can see who they are in real life
Is there really a fucking mod samefagging endlessly with his Disney marketers in that gen? Everytime I look in it there are only 15-20 IPs max which pretty much guarantees there's a marketer in the thread shilling non-stop. On top of that all the shitty artwork they post is also stuff paid via commission by Disney to artists who are desperate enough to draw it (very common with shit Blizzard IPs). The whole thing is disgusting, why is it allowed?
i feel like starring a BLEACHED PANTHER thread starring bucky and tchallas sister\
we could post ms paint drawings of the two every now and then
I need it back... I need to reunite with my NKposter brethren...
Reddit/tumblr/Sup Forums are infesting Sup Forums.
Soon Sup Forums will be assimilated into the numale hivemind, just like Sup Forums and /tg/ before it.
One of the janitors is babysitting it because he has a thing for one of the underage girls from tumblr that post in it
he's expecting nudes from her
This is weird. Didn't the mods say /got/ wasn't allowed because it wasn't needed and not Sup Forums enough. How the fuck is this any better?
Sup Forums has no integrity dude lol. also people notorious spam report /got/ threads because it does attract a lot of shitty people making thread after thread. reylo is just one thread with the same people
Good fucking riddance. Hopefully LE REYLO LE GENERAL and all the other cancer generals die with it, tumblr horseshit full of autistic tourists from shit boards and neogaf.
>bitching about /got/
start a shipping thread my guy
it'll just be a thinly veiled general at that point
Not as stupid as off topic shit like racebait
we meme about how many shillings have been deposited to your disney account, but it's actually real. It's pathetic.
>One of mods is one of us
They're not even denying being outsiders
The time to get /lit/, Sup Forums and Sup Forums to save Sup Forums is now
Just ignore it. Some people are having f-u-n.
burlington bar is kino
basically this /got/ needed too much mod babysitting after the season ended because of spammers so they just gave the same reason as the 2015 ban
this didn't apply for the off season between 6 and 7 because it was quiet and didn't produce a fuck ton of reports
>Thanks to our Sup Forums double agent buddy @byzantinefox for linking me,
Tumblr has been around for so long now. I still don't understand how to navigate that site.
as plebbit and shitty as /got/ was, at least it was about an actual show and anons discussed it without much ado. reylo on the other hand is so evidently forced and shilled by outsiders it has no place in this board.
Why the fuck aren't you youngfags doing anything about it? I thought it was because you're all half faggot now perhaps? There are only 2 or 3 people who consistently give those tumblr whales and sick poofters a hard time.
don't fucking do it, all you'll be doing is creating another hive for tumblr and reddit to infest. like /who/ and every other fucking faggot general, that shit is becoming too common on Sup Forums
Keep crying, it's always funny when you fuccboys post in our thread just to be banned a few minutes late.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I just ctrl+f'd the catalog and there was nothing
did it finally die?
Gets even worse
They're normalfags that don't even know how to ban evade
It's definitely under mod protection, he allows them to get away with anything they want. I was banned for saying daisy was a junkie. also hundreds of posts get deleted but the thread never gets taken down. it's the complete opposite if someone spams a Simpsons thread or whatever.
dont worry, it always returns.
Sup Forums too?
Jesus, user. /tg/ is sad after nowadays, really full reddit/Tumblr tier
I keep seeing this posted, any proof
I don't mind. :)
maybe Hollywood shouldn't be using movies as racebait huh kid?
now more than ever, with the Sup Forumsmblr and Sup Forumseddit hordes on our doorstep, we must stick together
You should just stay there cunt.
Those threads get deleted all the time
Except for another disney product(black panther)
aussies keep them away during these hours most of the time.
its almost as if the mods are a bunch of triggered snowflakes
Sup Forums is reddit now, but lots of old Sup Forumslacks now just browse others boards after the election.
For real Sup Forums, I love to larping as a redditor liberal, but you guys need to fight against this. My loved /tg/ is dead, reddit (the liberal crazy side of reddit) take full control
one of the users is a janitor
confirmed for reddit
I remember shitposting in the final /wwe/ general, it was hilarious
how may of you fucks report /reylo./ or derail it? or do you just like to cry about it once a week?
You have my Jaffa.
he neglects the rest of the board so he can protect /reylo/ how do you report that shit?
>hes online right now babysitting garbage threads
lmao they sure know how to pick em
You report him directly to hiro on twitter
Are the people who post in the reylo general just tons of girls projecting their fantasy? If that's the case, I understand. It's still cancer, but I understand. I refuse to believe it's a bunch of grown men are participating in a made up romance from a shit movie. If you're a guy and you post that shit, end your family's suffering and hang yourself.
I did none of the above until I just read your post. Now I am going to do all of the above at a rate you will not believe. I have a very special set of skills. Everywhere I go I must shitpost.
I have no idea because Hiro is cancer who gives rangebans to people to force them to buy a Sup Forums pass. Just go in the irc chat enough that the other mods get the point
Sup Forums reddit co and tumblr have free reign here thanks to the faggots they hired to clean up this shithole
>tons of girls
>on Sup Forums
You'd be surprised by how many girls are on this normie site now. It would make sense to have them all contained in one cancerous general though
save us you cunt
>people literally staring with their jaws hanging open in awe
what has this world come to
You know whats worse than generals? little newfags making a special thread to whine like a pussy about them
post pickle.jpg
it's the only way
Nothing beats the Sunday arvo shitpost spree. The mods are asleep for hours on end sometimes.
Yep and threads that are very board culture related get banned, hell even saying S____d gets you banned and they leave those fucking reylo threads up just to spite me i bet.
god i fucking hate these faggot tumblr mods
the west is done for.
based brothers poster
>board culture
There are literally DOZENS of us! That being said reylo general is fucking AIDS created and posted in by cancer and I'd like to drive a Truck of Peace covered in bumpstocked AR-15's of Understanding through a crowd made up of their fucking families.
you have to go back
is this class A bait or genuinely a roastie trying to fit in
What tropes did you like in TLJ? I could talk all day about it, Can't wait for the novelization
>/letterboxd general/
spoken like a true faggot. i bet you post on that sack of shit general.
Based user, save us
why do they do this shit here
why dont they go back to tumblr
fuck off. nothing wrong with /lbg/
>these are the literal retards that wonder why people cheer for sports teams
it aint no boogeyman bitchtits its where your from. now gtfo thats a command not a fucking argument
This is the reason Sup Forums is overrun with redit tumors