People blindly following candidates

>people blindly following candidates
>not researching their positions
>not making informed decisions
>once again affecting the rest of the population with their ignorance

How do we solve this problem?

And don't tell me this isn't a problem. Gun control, censorship, prohibition, all a problem of stupidity. Whether it's stupid people passively accepting their fate or people stupid enough to support "gun control".

How do we solve it?

Gas the Jews

If all the jews were gone, would our education system automatically improve?

No. The entire conspiracy against Jews is false.


Do you believe there are "kikes" "sliding" threads? Perhaps they are the very people sliding this thread!

>why are the majority of people stupid?

The only way to solve it is to get the majority of the population to think about things objectively and logically.

Irrational thinking is the cause of, or an obstacle in the way of solving, the vast majority of the world's problems.

Unfortunately, this is nearly impossible. Irrational thinking is ingrained in most people's thought process, and in every culture in the world. It's the foundation that religion, "progressive" thinking, and fedora atheism are all built on.

Everyone does it to some degree, even on a small scale. Bias, denial, wishful thinking, faith, all are symptoms of the same underlying problem. People let emotions, expectations, and desired outcomes affect their judgement. Even if you're aware of these things, you'll still do them unconsciously from time to time.

Bottom line, it requires honest introspection to rid yourself of these things. Doing that can make you feel uncomfortable and can threaten your basic identity/beliefs. Most people don't have the courage or the desire to do so.

The logical and rational thing to do is remove all weapons and live in peace. But that will never happen

Adopt a system of proportional representation instead.

respect the constitution which was meant to protect us from stupid citizens and evil Government

>Irrational thinking is ingrained in most people's thought process
it's ingrained in everyone's thought process. convincing ourselves otherwise is something we do to be able to live with ourselves and get through the day. the smarter you are, the better you are at it. at the core of every political belief is a subjective value judgment.

pure, crystallized logic is a fairy tale in humans.

That's a good question, and that's a problem. If we are a nation that is decided by the majority, then we should have a majority that is capable of making decisions. In other words, if someone votes for Trump or Hilary I want them to know why and I want them to seriously understand their decision. There's a lot of people that don't, and we all understand that and have accepted it, but why? Why can't we see that these people are destroying our lives?

It's always been said that a society that could look at themselves would be a good society. How can we get society to do that? Meditation courses? Philosophy courses? Improved mental health care?

Well that's just the inherent flaw of democracy user.

Not something we should ignore

>Meditation courses? Philosophy courses? Improved mental health care?
All those things are bullshit. There is no magic solution. What we need is for people to start discussing issues in a civil manner, listening to what each other have to say and giving it some serious consideration.

No one person is ever going to be perfectly logical and objective on their own. You need other people second guessing you and challenging your ideas and beliefs. Only by testing and defending your beliefs this way can you be sure that they're correct. If you're right, then you should be able to counter any argument against you. If you're wrong, then you'll learn something.

The problem with this is that the world we live in now is a massive, chaotic sea of propaganda. Worse still, most people live in a "bubble" where only one particular view on an issue generally gets through to them. The propaganda ingrains certain views into you from a young age, and teaches you to reject all contrary ideas. By the time you start encountering competing ideas, your mind is usually closed off to even considering them. People get "offended" at the mere suggestion that something they believe isn't true, and refuse to even consider the possibility.

At this point, I think the best thing we can do is to try and expose people to ideas that conflict with their own and force them to confront them. We need to break people out of their bubbles and get real arguments going about major issues, instead of just staying in our safe spaces/echo chambers. This won't magically fix things, but it may force at least a minority of those involved to start thinking for themselves more and questioning what they've been made to believe.

An individual needs to look at himself as well. All those aren't "bullshit", but they're not magical either. It helps with the propaganda problem while others pointing out your faults and your fellow man wanting to talk with you helps as well.

>An individual needs to look at himself as well.
Yes, but "meditation" is a meme, and "philosophy" and "mental health" are full of pseudo-intellectual nonsense from my experience.

Self reflection is something that anyone can do. You don't need anyone to teach you, you just need a willingness to question your own beliefs and accept your own flaws. I don't think that's some thing that can be taught.

>meditation is a meme

It's essentially a state of mind glorified by religion, but you can completely look at meditation from a purely scientific view and still see it's benefits. Type that word into a search engine sometime and you'd be surprised, it's not bullshit.

>You don't need anyone to teach you

Clearly some people do. If we are to be less repressed people without a skyrocketing depression and suicide rate we should cover the fact that a lot of people aren't explicitly taught much about this area. It's not about not knowing self-reflection, it's not doing it and not knowing how much you could benefit from it.

>philosophy and mental health
>pseudo-intellectual nonsense

That's a quantum retard leap, jesus fucking christ. Mental health is pseudo-intellectual nonsense. Philosophy is nonsense. Everyone can't be their only resource for the inner workings of their mind. A lot of people aren't doing what they could do, so teaching in schools would cover that.

>Yes, but "meditation" is a meme, and "philosophy" and "mental health" are full of pseudo-intellectual nonsense from my experience.

You're kidding.

>researching their positions
>when candidates can change their stance willy nilly with no accountability

good goy

>Research their positions
>Look at what they say their positions are

Two different things. Analyze what they say. There's a problem when a lot of people are too blind to even analyze their own preferred candidate and see their flaws. It's not a football game. It's not American Idol.