Gwendoline Christie

>40 year old woman
>Not married

What went wrong Sup Forums?

she's a giant gross cow

too tol !

She's cute

what is she doing here?

Dominating a beta male.

preparing her meal


She's tall. That's it really.

tall girls make me feel insecure so i don't like them

the cunt is not even crouching to take a selfie with the fan

she seems like an annoying cunt in most of the interviews ive seen, maybe that has something to do with it

>tfw 6'8" and no tall gf

I wish she'd step on me

Just look at her.

the hottest women intimidate would be suitors thinking theyre not good enough so they dont bother

she's an ogre

Imagine having kids with her and they end up being manlets.

>size 11 feet

I want her to massage my penis with her big, smooth soles.

That's not it at all. Everyone sits around berating the majority of would be suitors to the extent women only want the types that wouldn't get berated and be considered a catch. Basically a guy that's 6ft tall minimum, wealthy (already wealthy) WITH a high income, and preferably college educated. If you haven't got any of those 3 qualities you're human trash that's a toxic male who needs to go die because you're everything wrong with the world because of you existing you cause all the problems and there wouldn't be any it's all your fault.

>talks about Captain Smegma like she's the greatest female character ever
>gets constantly BTFO by a nigger who used to scrub toilets