Thoughts on this film?
Thoughts on this film?
People keep telling me its really good, but i'm just so burnt out on WW2 bullshit that I can't bother to even download it.
Gary Oldman nailed the role.
Oh wow another ww2 MASTERPIECE
Gay nigger oscarbait
Cartoonish and over lit
oscarbait about a fat pig
Does anyone really enjoy this type of film?
Is it flagged as historical movie?
Because it's very flawed in that regard
1. Lily a cute. CUTE!
2. Halifax didndu nuffin he was a gud boy.
3. This film is a piece of sugary crap.
pretty garbage
you shouldn't discuss these types of movies here op
Sup Forums are a bunch of snowflakes that think with their feelings and wont be able to enjoy anything that is historical but doesn't aline with their political ideologies.
its 1009 times 2 and the movie i watched recently wasnt dogshit
colour me amazed
it's great with a bottle of your favourite booze
Oldman wins best actor.
Pretty good historical drama. A bit slow in places, but its about parliment during the war, so it cant really be too excite.
Pretty good when paired with Dunkirk, since DH focuses heavily on that event.
>not liking to see badass Nazis
We need more stuff like this. Can't wait to watch the Cloverfield Nazi sequel
>Turn in all your butter knives and buy that tv license.
It was quite good, Oldman was amazing in the role, but it was too cheesy especially the train scene.
I cringed at the sight of every nigger and the subway scene nearly made me turn it off
Based deranged racist poster.
t. Ass damaged third worlder
does darkest hour refer to that moment he flushed the empire down the toilet?
got about 30 mins into it. writing was cliched and boring. oldman was good tho
Boring and full of things that never happened (like the speech on the tube train).
i get apocalyptic vibes from certain recent movies and shows. This is one of them. what I mean is that insane inaccuracy and tackiness, verhoeven level of satire but totally unwitted. it's not preaching to the choir, more like assraping the priest with bloodied crucifix. you can feel the paradigm squealing. we are headed for a disaster. watch here and now, it's way more pronounced in that show
This. I just can't seem to care about biopics or movies about real events