
Calm down, it just wants to teach you spirit bending.


God damn it how did they piss off a giant turtle.

I don't think they did, the water people (forget what they're called) probably coerced it into ramming them.
Uaid dindu nuffin, he a good construct.

Glad I'm not the only one who thought that

Time for the gritty Gamera reboot. I guess the water bitches lured it over, given their inclusion in this and the last couple pages.

>Uaid dindu nuffin, he a good construct.
Oh man I forgot, Uaid means turtle.

This turtle-on-turtle violence needs to stop!

I think you mean mating!


Have we seen this turtle before? What's his story?

is this comic good?

Very much so.

Yes, but it does take some investment. The story and setting can be pretty dense and the first chapter lays a lot of groundwork for the rest of the story so quite a few people have had trouble getting through it, so give it the old college try and get through that before really judging it.

I love the eye in that first panel.

Well, FUCK, isn't Uaid hobbling around on half a leg, and that's why he's in the water in the first place? This seems like some bad shit.

Uaid can't walk on land, his bad leg can't exactly support him. In the water, he can use the buoyancy to hobble around. Too bad there's a pissed off turtle.

This is where they all die.

There are fates worse than death user.
and they get Ashley wet

Quigley you cheapskate, you could have avoided this.

Unless the turtle is a Senet beast, which I doubt, Duane and Quigs could just disintegrate it

Hey don't blame Quigs. It was his wifey who built Uaid, she's the one who was responsible for turtleproofing it. Or the lack of turtleproofing as it may be.

>Unless the turtle is a Senet beast
What else could it possibly be?

a big ass turtle

Just, you know, a regular old bigass turtle?
Not every strange animal is a Senet beast, look at the vliegeng.

>Time for the gritty Gamera reboot.
Is it 1995 again?

I thought it was a bigass turtle the fish rapists had as a pet

My bet's on Jivi using his experience as a pirate to help Duane and them all handle the Mosbuik.