This is actually pretty good modern fantasy-schlock.
Much better that Hobbit/Warcraft/Nu-Conan to be perfectly desu with you.
Kingdom Arthur: Deliverance
Dont get the hate.
I like this movie.
>this thing that's generic is better than this other stuff that's genuinely not good
Stop the presses.
As a music video it's quite arresting. Dispense with the dialogue and they might have had something.
>Much better that Hobbit
uuuhhhmm no sweetie. Hobbit was le kino.
is it related to pic ?
Best action fantasy movie I've seen desu
No it's pretty fucking shit and Ritchie's autistic editing just fucked the film up (unlike most of his previous films where the editing was one of the reasons they were good).
This. It was like a 1hr season finale of a cable fantasy show interspliced with 1hr of "on a previous episode" montages.
What's Ritchie's best film and why is it Revolver?
Get the fuck out
2 deep 4 u
The whole "bad guy hiding in plane sight" motif was stolen from saw the previous year.
I loved this movie even if it's Ritchie's weakest film. The chase downtown brought down it a notch but otherwise I really enjoyed how unapologetic Ritchie is about his own directorial style.
I haven't seen it but it looked alright, Jackson Teller is back baby
Holy shit why do you faggots keep shilling your shitty modern fantasy flicks here. Also thee first hobbit blows this shit away.
At least he ripped off the one good film in the franchise
I don't think you understood the movie in the slightest.
>This is actually pretty good modern fantasy-schlock.
no it's not you goddamn fucking inbred moron. it's a terrible flick
OP here, just kidding.
I started this thread when I was five minutes in and it turned out to be a piece of shit.