Holy shit

holy shit

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yep i thought it was overrated too

still my favorite film ever

It's a masterpiece, what was your favorite segment? I love the clouds part.

>that art

What did they mean by this?

I've seen this live, with Philip Glass conducting a live orchestra



Grug watch pretentious movie with no speak

Grug kinosseur now

>tfw no open matte blu-ray

This is best on lsd, just absolutely amazing

this existed just because 16:9 wasn't common for TVs at the time didn't it?

No from what I remember it was a dvd circulated among friends and family of the film makers.

Movie made me feel like an ant.


Was a nice feeling.

imagine how shit it would be without phillip glass

Philip Glass and Ron Fricke are a winning combo

>durr lets take away this integral component LOOK HOW SHIT IT IS HURRRR
I would say you had shit for brains but that's giving you too much credit.

it would be like baraka and samsara
meaning still kino


I like how Ron Fricke went on to produce TWO masterpieces imo

>more plebs taking the koyaanisquatsi pill
baby steps out of plebhood

I spent years thinking the cinematography was a brilliant subversion of modern humanist perspective and deliberately led to the audience viewing mankind as a part of the chaos of nature. Koyaanisqatsi's plot being, contrary to what the title suggests at first-look, where people learn to accept that everything is out of balance and in the chaos we are at home.

Imagine my shock when I discovered that instead it was just some tired nonsense about man being apart from nature and our inevitable demise from being out of balance with the state of nature. Fucking bullshit is what it is.

relax pal im just making a point to how talented phillip glass is

it's like looking back in time

That feel when you will never be subsumed into a tribal trance

I own a copy, my parents were members of IRE and donors to the NMACLU, and bought it 18 or so years ago.

Basically, the IRE pressings were made because of copyright issues with the movie, preventing it from being released on home video. When the letterboxed DVD was released, they managed to work out the rights and have MGM produce it.

Now, if you really want an excellent cinematic experience, take the audio off the bluray and mux it with the video from the IRE.

Biggest problem with Baraka and Samsara is they try to throw some edge into it. The clay eater stands out as a particularly unneeded scene:
>look how unorthodox and weird this is, isnt it arty

Koyaanisqatsi never did that. Powaqqatsi and Naqoyqatsi did a bit, but never quite so glaring

Does Sup Forums actually think this is pretentious?

Yeah the performance art stuff like the clay guy felt a little out of place, but there are only like three or four parts like that out of both the movies combined, and overall they are more beautiful visually than Koyaanisqatsi. I didn't really like the tribal stuff that much like though, it usually just went on too long

did you know that on one day in 2015 in Mecca, over 2,400 Muslim pilgrims were killed in a single crowd crush (human stampede where everyone gets pushed together so hard that people start suffocating and dying)?


kino ending



>tfw it's a metaphor for your life

My problem is that, while they're more technically competent (Fricke learned a lot since Koyaanisqatsi), they're lacking in most every other regard. They don't seem to have the soul the qatsis have.
I still find the direct use of people doing things grating. When the qatsis had an individual or even group of individuals as focus, they were either absolutely stationary, or filmed in an almost candid manner, as if the camera wasn't there. They were either portraits (pilot, vegas girls) or ignoring the camera entirely (automotive workers, TV assemblywomen, etc)

Maybe its the soundtrack. Hard to beat Glass

2,400 isnt enough

Mid point of his career and more accessible mainstream pop music, sole exception being the tittle track that is instrumental.

Would be perfect had it not been for that Paulo Coelho tier quote at the end spelling out the main theme in the most simplified form. You don't get a moment of silence or you to recollect your thoughts of what you have witnessed, because here comes some faggot to beat you over the head with his important message.

It reminded me of that ending title card from Miami Connection.

You must live out in the fucking boonies to be impressed with that shit.
What a moron

Why the homophobia?

Imagine dropping a nuke on that place... Would be nice.

wut. this isnt a thread about Miami connection you groid, its about koyaanisqatsi


>When the qatsis had an individual or even group of individuals as focus, they were either absolutely stationary, or filmed in an almost candid manner, as if the camera wasn't there. They were either portraits (pilot, vegas girls) or ignoring the camera entirely (automotive workers, TV assemblywomen, etc)
I know for a fact they did this exact same thing all the time in Baraka, both the portrait type and the candid type. Remember stuff like the monk begging with the bell, the Japanese people at the train / subway station, the Indian people doing literally everything in the river, the Thai ladyboy group portrait and wounded veteran portrait. I'm pretty sure it happened a lot in Samsara too. They just didn't do it as much with average white American folks that you might more easily identify with / project your feelings onto

knock knock
who's there
knock knock
who's there
knock knock
who's there
knock knock
who's there
knock knock
who's there
knock knock
who's there
knock knock
who's there
knock knock
who's there
knock knock
who's there
knock knock
who's there
phillip glass!

Pretty impressive, right OP? I had both tears of joy and sadness in my eyes at the end of some sequences.

the complexity and efficiency of human infrastructure (including transportation systems) is extremely impressive when you see it working on a macroscopic scale. You just normally never stop to think about it



>idol worshipping is shirk and therefore forbidden for all muslims
>except for that one magic space rock
Your whole religion is shirk, dumb munafiq scum.

ITT: plebs who don't think traffic is cool

It's pretentious done right.




>all those people lost their work to robots and now vote for Trump as if he has a solution to mass automatization.

Koyanisqatsi really makes you think

shut up nigger

*teleposts behind you*
>heh... you aint seen nothing yet...
*posts the exact image with the words "Sup Forums" and "reddit" swapped
>nothin personel

>What should we call our movie?
>*cat walks through the keyboard

if you liked the soundtrack you should check out this other more recent work he did

he did the soundtrack for The Truman Show.
No wonder that movie felt so fucking sad

he did parts of the soundtrack, including the theme song i think, but not the entire soundtrack. but i see what you mean. i should watch that flick again, good stuff.

does anyone else thing the Watchmen version of Pruitt Igoe / Prophecies is actually the best version? I love how cinematic it sounds and I wish they'd recorded the whole of both songs.

Watchmen: youtu.be/J0RKpmjjpLQ?t=213
Original: youtu.be/nq_SpRBXRmE?t=147

fuck, that's not even the original, the uploader of the lower vid replaced the original movie soundtrack with the 1998 re-recording.

here is the real original:

shirk shirk shirk. You will always be a munafiq.

truly kino

>oh so now we're Sup Forums just because we call for the genocide of an entire religious group, maybe call us nazinext ? moron liberal !

The clay dude was in Samsara which also had scenes of sex toys being made IIRC.
What was edgy about Baraka?

Only the soundtrack is good

Baraka had some nudity at least.

defending islam
who says they are Sup Forums? maybe they are jewish

This is a kind of a movie that can be done only once. All attempts at doing something like this the second time feels just a pale imitation.

As the president of the Sup Forums committee, yes we find it pretentious

What does it pretends to be and why does it fail at it? I've seen Baraka but not Koyaanisqatsi.

I wish it happened five times a day, to be perfectly honest.

incredibly, and not done right. It basically a compilation of fucking stock footage

You stupid fucking cunt, go suck a million pig's cocks like mohamed and allah did.

>not enough pew pew lasers

>incredibly, and not done right.
Pretentious not done right would only mean it's not pretentious, no?

>tfw it's falcon heavy
>tfw to apocalypse device is elon musks's tesla roadsterâ„¢

>incredibly, and not done right.

you sound pretentious

that's a shitload of people

What's the quality on your version of the IRE? Because I downloaded the DVD rip uncompressed (VOB files) and it looks like this


Really like the hotdogs being moved in the factory and then the people on the escalators. We are bring processed through life

>all these people never holding a real job in their life and now being a leftist as if socialism was a solution for their own shortcomings


>inevitable demise from being out of balance with the state of nature
>Fucking bullshit

lol yea, look around clearly man is living in a mutually beneficial relationship with the rest of the natural world lol

Too bad we don't have oh I don't know, the sciences, to quantify and measure shit like this, huh. Somebody, invent science and create the disciplines plz

I fucking love this film, but I can empathise with anybody who hates it or thinks it's pretentious because I know I would've felt the same way if I saw it ten years ago. It clearly does tell a story: look where we came from, look at what's happening to us, and look where we're heading. If you think that's shitty, simplistic or boring then fair enough, but calling it stock footage is a little ignorant.

Anyway I fucking love it but I'm a sucker for cityscapes at night.

>mirrored moon
Why do they always do this?

Holy shit that's a long way down, is that Mt Whitney?

Thank you

Yeah, that one movie Samsara is alright. I thought Powaquatsi was pretty good too. But Koyanisqatsi can't be topped

you're not wrong. new recordings and remasters of music are often underrated. also that was the only part of watchmen i really like.

Fffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuck that is awesome.

Not to mention Paulo Coelho is trash and a hack.


Did any of you guys see the part where it basically predicts that Donald Trump and Mike Pence would one day be in office?
I'm not joking.

always reminds me of ff versus 15 shot
