Character goes to prison

>character goes to prison
>gets beat up in basketball court

>Character goes to prison
>Someone tries to rape him in the same day

>character goes to a bar
>has confrontation with drunk guy

>character goes to prison
>gets told that he should be the fuck out the toughest guy to no look like a pussy
>shower scene edited out

>friend of mine went to prison for manslaughter
>Says it was great, like summer camp with activities, sports and guards to prank
>Shit in the snitches bed often because he couldn't stop snitching

your friend sounds based

>Character goes to prison
>Forced to join a gang

>character goes to prison
>doesn't get his boipussy pounded on day one by his cell mate

>makes a thread with the soyiest nu male meme of all time.

>Character gets off prison bus to go into reception
>Other longtime prisoners behind a chain-link fence start whistling & cat calling

>character goes to prison
>makes friends with the slightly crazy, thin guy wearing glasses and older man put away for crime he didn't commit

>character is escorted by rwo police guards
>walks through a hallway with bars on both sides
>catcalling senior prisoners
>jumpscare of a prisoner trying to grab character

>>Someone tries to rape him in the same day
Realistically speaking, how common is rape in prisons?

>character goes to prison
>he actually wanted to get caught for some reason

>Cop character does things off the book
>Is off the case
>Hits a punching bag
>Goes to a bar

>Friend of mine also went to prison.
>said it was like being on a big school trip when you stay in some shitty cheap accom and there are dicks but most guys are nice.
>Got stabbed because he didn't pay some guy money which was owed to him by the guy who was in my friends cell before.

Depends on country and security level

It was part of his plan

Depends how delicious your boipucci is

Probably depends on the country/state.

Which states are the rapey ones?

>film needs a badass off-the-books cop
>it's a strong latina woman who swears a lot

Dunno, I'm not American. I'd have guessed the southern ones, but who knows.

congratualtion, he got himself caught. Now whats the next step of his masterplan?

>"I just wanna do my time"
>other prisoners kill his only friend to provoke a reaction

It doesn't happen that often, I'd assume. And you don't have to join the Nazis or any other gang in order to not get killed.

>Character goes to prison
>First time at the chow hall
>Gets his food stolen by gorilla

>Character goes to prison
>Old dude becomes his friend and mentors him