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so they castrated spiderman?
>inb4 its not finished
all the marvelpakis say this on every film

blackboy too

so that's the power of the PS4


Their audience doesn't even care. Thor Ragnarok and Black Panther were littered with awful CGI and cinematography aswell but their audience has the same expectations of MCU as the mass consumer has of McDonald's.

You mean Nintendo Switch?

yo nigga spidaman looks LIT

But Black Panther is the coolest, bitch!

There is bitterness in this post.

Yes I'm bitter. I'm bitter that audiences so easily lowered their standards for film just because it has a nice fresh rating on RT and their favorite quips marketed down their throats.

>muh old blockbusters wuz kino n sheiiit

Why is Spidermans eyes glowing? Is a side effect from the spider bite?

Atleast they didn't rape the very pillars of cinema. Atleast blockbuster used to mean grand and huge in scope, not everything is claustrophobic and small due to everything being green-screened reshoots.

Let's face it, MCU is cinema rape. There is no other way to put it.

Wtf xD why is Marvel CGI becoming shittier with every movie xD.
>Spiderman Homecoming
>Black Panthers final battle
>This shit

They are rushing these films at an unpredecented rate. There are three MCU movies per year. The CGI process which should take the better part of a year is reduced to just a few months. All these films look and sound the same. It's the same CGI Pajeet farm shitting out textures as hard as they can.

Compare with nuWars that has just one film a year and you can tell the production values are immensely superior.

Stop LARPing you Indian tripfag

flustered marvelpaki detected

I love the bitterness in this thread

I hate the MCU as well, ruined cinema

If I'm a Paki, you're a Pajeet. Why? Because India and Pakistan are enemies. YOU. CAN'T. TEACH. THAT.

What is Spider-Man's suit made of? Is it rubber or vinyl?

The most annoying thing to me is that the idea of comedy superhero films is actually pretty nice but they are keeping the humor very childish. Even the new POTC had better humor despite a lower target age. And of course way, way better special effects.

Oh fuck off will ya? It's not coming out for a few more months.

> MCUck detected

Why is Spider-Gwen's suit so aesthetic?

No, I meant Ps4

Stark tech

While Marvel Studios continues to lower the bar BASED SONY is actually making Spider-Man great again youtube.com/watch?v=ii3n7hYQOl4

Thor's CGI looked fine, especially in edition with the over the top sets and colors. Black Panthers CGI was also OK most of the time there were just a few moments that felt off.

Have you seen Justice League? THAT was some bad CGI all over the place. Rushed and badly done. A shame because MoS and BvS looked pretty good.

Nope. Fuck off to Sup Forums. Cartoons don't count.

Imagine how repulsive that dude in the spider suit certainly is.

Yes JL is by far the worst film ever in terms of CGI (also in terms of raping the original director's vision but whatever). But in Thor there were so many scenes that looked awful due to green-screen. Like normal outdoors settings being green-screen for no other reason but laziness and deadlines.

What prevented them from shooting a scene like this on location? Instead the whole scene is extremely awkward with Hela seemingly not even doing the scene the same time as Thor and Loki. Why does Marvel keep doing this shit? It makes the whole film look fake.

prob he masturbates constantly thinking about that day

identity theft is a serious crime

I would too. He maybe even got close enough to smell her.

Ok I have to admit the reshot outdoor sequence really looked fake. It's really sad how lazy they get sometimes these days when it comes reshots and just use green screen instead of spending some more time and money, shooting on location and getting a much better result this way.

>What prevented them from shooting a scene like this on location?

Disney is jewey as fuck. No other excuse for the Marvel movies not having top-tier CGI.

Don't pretend you're me

OK fair enough that just means MCU's Spider-Man doesn't count either

because they need to make 3 of these bitches every year and release them at specific strategic dates
disney prob realized at some point that a few gags make them more money than top-tier visuals and cgi.

But then The Last Jedi had actual good CGI though and it was even mastered in 4K. Also it had tons of on-location shoots. It's Marvel Studios pulling this shit. Because they know their rabid fanboys have absolutely zero standards and will never ever criticize an MCU movie since they're so deluded into buying in the corporate brands war shit.

pls stop

>differentiation between pakistan and india
paki confirmed

True, the Star Wars stuff in infinitely better.

Why would you even use CGI for this instead of getting any gymnast as a double? There's no way the CGI was cheaper.

>spiderman grows from being a 5ft babby to 8ft ubermensch in one flip

it can be cheaper when it's that low quality

I have standards, bro. Don't be so rude.

They did. They just CGI over the suit for some reason.

>If I'm a Paki, you're a Pajeet. Why? Because India and Pakistan are enemies

Maybe not cheaper but definitely faster. I think Black Panther has a 200m dollar budget but we've all seen just how pathetic the CGI is in that film.

They have no idea what they want tonally, story-wise etc untill they show it to the focus groups. So they don't want to commit to anything, like a shot with a gymnast, it's easier to just make everything CGI so that you could change it later.
Soon they're gonna have just a 120 min shot of plain green screen as a base for post prod.

Who are these anons? I'm the real one.

And this is the real reason why MCU is cancer. The Marvel Cowardly Universe. You can't offend anyone if there is so little substance you can't even be offended.

That girl got thicc, she was quite skynny back then.

You are talking about the same audience who didn't notice a drop in quality on later seasons of Game of Thrones. Normies are literally retarded.

Didn't a ton of normalfags complain about the latest fan-pandering season of GoT? But you're right. Game of Thrones is proof once the normalfags are hooked they'll stay no matter how shit it gets.

True dat. The Last Jedi looked fucking amazing.

Yea the Jimmy Kimmel Black Panther scene wasn’t finished too and y’all should’ve given it some time. Too bad they didn’t finish that fucking scene till the fucking release.

its true though almost all the shit posted here are bad quality leaks or yes literally unfinished cgi, it always actually looks better in a theater

I don’t know. While the Justice League final fight was more distant emotionaly Black Panthers final fight literaly looked like a PS2 game. I was actually shocked at how bad it looked.

>its true though almost all the shit posted here are bad quality leaks or yes literally unfinished cgi
see pic

It’s finished, just like the Jimmy Kimmel Black Panther scene. Everything you see here is the final product and it looks bad in cinema too, just on a bigger screne. Deal with it.

Black Panther had the worst CG in any marvel film so far, which bodes well being as it's the most recent

Spider-Man is Iron Man but with super compact thin suit.
Black Panther is Iron Man but with super compact thin suit.
Iron Man is Iron Man but with super compact thin suit.
Hulk is Iron Man but with big bulky suit.

>capeshit is comparable in quality to jurassic park
user , I...

Highest rated film of all times.

Marvel Studios have managed to fool an entire audience in accepting their garbage turds in the name of social progress. It's genius. Same with Homecoming. Garbage film but highly rated due to how hard it black-washed Spider-Man universe.

Im the real me, you wannabe, me.

What does that stand for? Moron Commercial Universe? It's definitely not cinematic at all so I'd hate to see false advertising.


Can someone explain how can his eyelids on his mask move?

The suit detects what he's doing with his own eyes and adjusts accordingly with zoom and shit.


You said this about Homecoming, Thor and Black Panther, and the CGI was still shit.

Doesnt the suit need electricity to do those things like a small battery? Where does Peter hide it?

Also how can a highschool kid like Peter Parker design and build something like that?

Ok, watch this


Then watch this


And you should know all you need to.

What playstation 2 game is this from?

t. brainlet

lmao at you

he's wearing a suit

These look fucking great what are you delusional faggots talking about?

It's his crotch, you idiot. You would know if you actually had a ballsack.

>implying mickideez is bad

What's the alternative, shitty food truck "mexican food" done by white people where they do retarded combinations and serve shitty watery "guacamole"? The modern DC universe is just as retarded as that. Give me basic fatty food that is consistent and cheap over that shit. Can't beat In-N-Out (Nolan's trilogy) though.