Peak of Fantasy

Have you had your annual extended edition trilogy-binge Sup Forums?

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Yep, a couple of weeks ago. I usually do it on new year's day, but had to postpone.

Ah, a man of taste. I tend to get my viewing in during Easter, but had to push it up a little this year as I'm going skiing.

Probably the best trilogy ever made.

Nah, I’m bout halfway through RotK on my annual read-through. I’ll be watching it after I finish reading it

>movie made exclusively by white people
>all actors are exclusively white people
>source material and script exclusively made by white people
>in a genre almost exclusively inhabited by white people

When these factors combine you get the peak of all kino, and why the Lord of the Rings trilogy will be seen as the best movies ever created.

I re-watch every year, while re-reading at least once every three years.

Considering doing an audio-book version this time but I fear it won't feel the same, you know?

This scene was a very conscious decision.

Yea, I’m not a huge fan of audiobooks. Unless they had a version that was voiced by the actors, I think it’d kill it for me

>Sauron and Saruman were described as hook-nosed people who wanted to cover all the world in darkness and destroy the West
It is impossible to overlook the signs.

Agreed. I'd kill my mother in her sleep tonight to have it performed as a full audio-drama where the actors would voice their every line and the music fitting the scene would play in the background.

Who would narrate though?

Can we try to not make this a Sup Forums thread? I want to discuss the movies please.

It's very hard to not turn it to a Sup Forums thing when the entire movie portrays very strict racial borders where elves, dwarfs, hobbits and men thrive because they have very little to do with each other.

fucking love rewatching the first part of the fellowship. the happiness, culture, music, and character interaction of the shire cheers me up.

But holy fuck, try watching one of these movies and then watching the hobbit afterwards. It just illustrates how fucking bad the hobbit were.

Tough call on the narrator. Would have to be able to convey all the emotion that you get from reading it. I think that’s a challenge given the almost Biblical style of writing. Tbh, just begs the question, would it even be worth the risk? We’ve already got the book and the kino films. Plus not hearing Christopher Lee doing Sarumans voice magicks on the Riders of Rohan would crush my soul

I did it last year and I even watched the whole making off. A total of 12 DVDs. I still feel it fresh, so I'd probably make it biennial.

I can't watch LOTR and the Hobbit together anymore. Those two trilogies are so many miles from comparable it's almost as if they were made by completely different people.

Lord of the Rings screams of charm, attention to detail, and practical effects. The Hobbit FEELS like a Hollywood cash-grab.

I own 3 copies of the LOTR trilogy (all three on VHS, DVD and extended editions on blu-ray). I won't buy the Hobbit trilogy even once.

It's like night and day.

On an unrelated note, captcha is kicking my ass today.

Christopher Lee's booming voice as he talks about how the old world will burn in the fires of industry just wouldn't sound right from any other voice.

Jesus fuck what a loss.

not a great fan of audiobooks either, but LoTR read by Rob Inglis is actually very good imho.
audiobooks all depend on the reader
i tried listening to starship troopers, but the reader was just terrible and i couldn't make it through the first chapter.

I've never watched the making-off's. Are they any good? Fuck I'm tempted to do that after this years watch.

Currently reading the hobbit. Going to start with Lord of the Rings again after that. Watched the movies with my dad a few weeks ago.

I like to re-read the Silmarillion before my annual LoTR marathon.
It really enhances the experience, and certain lines of dialogue take on new significance.

Never seen the making offs. Is is true they had to do this scene like 10 times because Gandalf kept pulling their fake ears off?

>rewatching fellowship of the ring, gandalf and frodo riding the cart through the shire enjoying the moment as two old friends
>happy kids coming running wanting excitment
>beautiful music starts playing

i love that scene so much.

The special edition dvds were worth it for that alone. Spend so much time as a teen just watching the extras, the amount of work, love and dedication put into the films is staggering

I think it's probably the best making off in the history of cinema. Three super long films produced along 8 years with such an attention to detail gives a lot of interesting anecdotes. Post production is the most boring part but it is also interesting, Peter fucked up a lot with that and lots of people suffered because of it.

I don't remember that, but Peter filmed every scene several times to the point some actors like Christopher Lee were annoyed by it.

Actually... yes. I did the first two Hobbit movies too but I can't quite bring myself to watch the last one yet.

I'm planning to do this the weekend before my birthday this year, in july.

why didn't I read the silmarillion yet? am I a complete idiot? god I hate myself sometimes man

I need to watch the making offs.

It's a long but worthy read. Take it for what it is though. It's not really an adventure in the LOTR-sense, but it'll show just how much autism and lore was filled into this universe.

How are the blu-rays?
I heard some shit about them being color corrected and that many scenes are noticeably green.

read it user
when you know the tales from the First Age, it gives you a much greater appreciation for the LoTR.
for example, you will understand why Galadriel, and elves in general are all so sad.

>silmarillion is long
erm, it's not even 400 pages. LotR is over 1,000

I never noticed a problem with the blu-rays, but I know there is a bit of a filtering issue. Honestly, if they ever release them in 4k I'd kill for a "cleaned up" version.

Not him but I think he ment long as in a little long-winded. It doesn't really read like a typical fantasy novel and that might make it all feel a little bit longer than it actually is.

I read through LOTR much faster than Silmarillion if only because it was a lot easier putting the latter down.

I heard the only colour problems in the blurays were in the Fellowship.

>watching bongs go for a walk for 12 hours

>not having killed yourself yet
Why put it off?

Shit wh*te movies.

Yep. New year's week, a movie every other day. I do this every year.

Love these fucking movies. Some of my favorites of all time.

I avoided the hobbit movies for a while since Sup Forums shit on them hard, watched them last week and they were terrible but nowhere near as bad as people say.
It's something I wouldn't mind watching if I were like sick on the couch and nothing else was on.

It hired lots of maori actors as orcs and nazguls. Also midgets as hobbits and women as rohirim.

the music in this trilogy is absolutely fucking fantastic and some of the best in cinema

Kek, if only it werent true

Yes, and then I watched the Bilbo Cut of the 3 Hobbit Movies.

Now I'm busy with the Appendices Part 7-12 for the Hobbit movies. Whatever you think of the films, the Appendices Documentaries are still maximum comfy. Second only to the original LOTR Appendices.

True. Everything from the Shire track to the Rohirim is so amazing it warrants a CD purchase.

Oh yes, an excuse to post this:

*light shafts begin shooting out of body*

>Bilbo Cut
The whatnow?

Does it make them watchable?

The several pieces of music that play throughout the ending of Return of the King give me chills every time.

Its an improvement. It cuts the three hobbit movies into a single 4.5 hour film, with the focus being placed on Bilbo as a viewpoint character, much as the original novel was.

The webpage of the guy who did it has a good scene by scene commentary of why he chose to place things in the particular way he did and the cuts he chose.

>Vigo cried as he took off his armor
Based beyond words.

Not really. Black people are allowed to play villains

That actually sounds amazing. Sign me the fuck up.

Spoonfeed a retard. What was that weird little ritual by the stunt-guys?

>That actually sounds amazing. Sign me the fuck up.

Its satisfying especially to see characters like Tauriel, Legolas and Alfrid that ruined so much of the films basically disappear.

>send Frodo out with The One Ring
Wouldn't it have been better if they got all the Shire to dress as Frodo does, give them all fake rings and have them pretend it's the real one? As far as we know every orc and even Wraith needs to see the ring visually, so a bunch of hobbits traveling around with very similar rings should confuse the shit out of these guys.

I'm one day hoping for a cut that just slices Tauriel and Legolas out of it entirely. God I hated those two in the Hobbit.

And sacrifice all those poor hobbits? Also it kinda happened with Merry and Pippin, who were kidnapped and followed by orcs thinking they had the ring.

Exactly. And it bought Frodo a diversion. Think what could be achieved with a thousand hobbits! The enemy would be running in every direction, and if they ever caught Frodo, would just assume they'd caught the wrong guy!

One of the things I really liked about LOTR was that the ring's powers were never completely explained. We assume it "amplifies one's natural ability" or some shit, which is why the stealthy hobbits turned completely invisible.

The fact that's kept vague means that the viewer is always speculating, and I like that. That's called subtlety, Hollywood. Take notes.

>all orchestral
>no hip-hop, pop, rock or other crap
Of course it was amazing.

Okay now you've got me wondering. Why were they all so sorrowful about everything?

>That actually sounds amazing. Sign me the fuck up.
Meh, I watched the 2.5 hour cut and the start was OK but even that dragged on way too long and I hated it.

They were old, so they were used to happiness to the point they were no longer able to feeling it. They also saw lots of people they loved dying, that's why they no longer bond with the mortal races, they don't want to feel the pain of seeing them die.

Have mine during Easter normally.

>They were old, so they were used to happiness to the point they were no longer able to feeling it.
God damn that's sad. So only the young elves even got to experience happiness because a few thousand years and you wouldn't be able to feel it anymore?

It does make sense though, considering every pleasure is diminished on repeat.

It totally explains why they always seem so "neutral" about everything. Always doing what needs to be done, but not to sate a feeling of desire, but just because it's the right thing to do.

You'd think they'd turn to extreme degeneracy to prevent the sorrow from setting in though.
>you will never be in an elf-orgy

Elves seem like the kinds of faggots that fade into nothingness if they have sex with someone thats not their life partners or some other gay shit like that.

Not him, but you're essentially right. They're way to uppedy on their moral high horses to participate in degeneracy.

Fuck, elves that make "edgy" artwork are pretty frowned upon, and when you live forever a bad reputation can be a hard thing to outlast.

>baiting this hard
Neck yourself faggot.

Maybe they did those things during the first age, but by the time of the second age they were already bored of it.

This is why the short lives of men is called a blessing. The gift of men or whatever.

Then what's the deal with the necklace the girl gives Aragorn? Can they essentially give away their immortality nilly willy?


>tfw near the end of that track and this one

>not posting the best theme ever

I dare you to go to 1:15 and not cry like a bitch.






Where all real men cry.

Is it weird if this makes me a little erect?

Absolutely fucking wrong. Go back and read the books.

The elves of Rivendell, and Galadriel, had already dwelt in what could be described as heaven, and chose to come back, and after endless grief and war ended, they chose to continue to live in Middle Earth because of a deep love of the land, and a sense of connection.

They know however, that this was temporary. The elven rings managed to prolong the timeless feeling and security of their lands, but this would not last. Either Sauron would win and they would flee across the sea, or good would triumph and the power of the rings would fade. Middle Earth would pass on to the lesser races. The elves were sad that their time in middle earth was ending.

Tl;dr : read a fucking book

No that is the proper response for a straight white male to this scene.

sauron's defeat in the ROTK is my favorite scene in the trilogy desu, gives me goosebumps every time. the music is fucking perfect and the way it was done was just excellent.

Every time.

Where does /mutv/ land on Stirling's interpretation of LOTR?

Really good until she started singing. Holy fuck shut your thot-mouth whore.

That being said:
>Riders of Rohan with wardrums

Erection achieved.


>they had to hire over 500 actual riders because Peter's autism didn't want CGI to be noticeable

What happened to this man between LOTR and the Hobbit? Something in him broke.

seeing this in the theater for the first time blew my mind, god this scene is fucking great
a lot of it was WB. I'm sure if he had full control over the movies and it was just two like intended, they would be far better.

Some people speculate age. He just got too old to go full autism like he used to. A of people blame WB but I heard they wanted a new LOTR-tier series so they let him do whatever he wanted.

I love LOTR threads on Sup Forums. It's the only movie series I can think of that a vast majority of Sup Forums actually like, and there's practically no shitposting. I jinxed it.

the only shitposting in lotr threads usually comes from memes which actually tend to be funny (most of the time at least)

The only complaint people can raise about LOTR is just tired bait about there being too many white people in it. The movies are insanely well-crafted to the point where it's genuinely hard finding any fault with them (except plotholes but even those are usually debatable).

Personally, it's the last trilogy I have watched which I can deem an all-around masterpiece of film.

Would it have detracted from the series if Sam and Frodo died on the slopes of Mount Doom?

LotR had more time for preproduction, also WB didn't want to spend much money because the film was already sold by being a LotR prequel.


no ever since ive learned that gandalf is a faggot in real life i cant look at him the same anymore when touching those hobbits

werent interested, also wouldve been rekt by nazghul

Why were the Wraiths afraid of water? Was it because of their heavy armor that they'd literally sink?

The only thing I liked about the Hobbit movies was that Evangeline Lilly was a great cast for an elf.

They were eternal virgins, they were afraid any form of moisture might take away their wizard status they worked so hard at keeping

Is this why I'm averse to bathing?

Don't forget that Wraith-status is +60 years a virgin. It's a long a dark path.