The Disaster Artist

Fuck this shit, I'm getting too much fremdschamen watching this and need to stop every two minutes and go for a walk. How can I manage to finish this?

I'm sorry, I don't speak Hun.

It's practically English. Respect Fritzi's economy of language, son.

James Franco ruined this movie by making it too comedic. His impression doesn't even really sound like him. After his stunt at the awards show, I'm so pissed. Tommy unironically has a greater legacy to me.

But fremdschamen isn't a word... fremdschämen is though.

Check out the book instead

Tommy has a great lifestory. Have you ever seen any interviews with James and Tommy? James is just a dick

What does it mean

Being ashamed on someone's behalf.
For example, you see your friend saying something so awkward that you feel his embarrassment.

it's called second hand embarrassment, kid

We have a word for that in English though, is called secondhand embarrassment

It's called fremdschämen

That's two words.
So it's a term or an expression, not a word.

ja in Deutschland vielleicht du Mongo

So is donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft but for all practical purposes it is an expression.


>Tommy unironically has a greater legacy to me.
Making the book into a movie was obviously just a way for Franco et al to goof off and act out their favorite scenes from The Room. I think they did that really well, but the book is so much richer that the movie just doesn't add anything to the story. Not a single thing.

make up girl was really qt tho

Was a fun movie, I hadn't heard of the room before I saw the disaster artist so I had fresh eyes.

It probably means it wasn't made for fans of the original but for the people who haven't heard of him

holt di Goschn, Saugsindl

is there a word in German for "pretentious faggot"?

china man

It was a laugh riot for me. But at the same time, the whole point of this film was to show the world what a genuine and sincere guy Tommy is, despite all his flaws, and how much it really hurts him when people laugh at what is really a monumental accomplishment of his. So in the weirdest way watching this movie kind of ruined the Room for me entirely. I can no longer watch and laugh at how uncomfortable all the actors are and how pants on the head retarded the script is, it just makes me feel like a rotten bastard.

read the book then, there are so many instances of him being a gigantic creep and asshole to the people closest to him, it puts things in perspective again.

Prätentiöses Fagott :^)

We just say cringey. James Franco is one of these guys trying to intellectual cinema like its an artform. Its not. You cant make art with 300 people being paid to create it. Thats a product niggas.

I honestly think the book does a better job of making him sympathetic. He's an asshole but didn't have a chance at a normal life. The damage was done well before he moved to the US. It's amazing he didn't stay homeless and found an audience.
He's still horrible on set while making The Room either way but just comes off as an autist in the movie.


>Hadn't heard of the Room

Protzige Schwuchtel