Was it kino?
"No!" shitters need not post
Was it kino?
"No!" shitters need not post
Rowling's writing ranges from mediocre to abysmal, and this is one of her mediocre ones.
only visually and tonally. the story is garbage
Notable and effective music
Really bad franchise, both the books and the movies.
The timetravel was done very well
I clapped when they went back in time and suffocated baby Tom Riddle in his crib.
Great movies shit books.
Hogwards was kino comfy aesthetic, no thanks to Rowling but the actors costume makers setting placers etc
If this is a legitimate complaint you have, then you do realize that it's stated that you can't go back and alter time, right?
Is there any point in considering the artistic merit of yet another mediocre sequel in the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
a-at least the books were good though
"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
based no poster
She is a good writer
I'd say she's a mediocre writer who has a talent for knowing what tropes and cliches fit best with each other and how to steal them.
I like listening to the Harry Potter audiobooks just to get to sleep, drowns out the sound of the fucking city, but when I actually listen to them I notice the series has so many bad writing points. Harry Potter himself is a clearcut example of a played-straight Mary Sue.
Only slightly related, how come there was never a Harry Potter cartoon series? Tons of popular young-adult novels were being adapted into Red Wall-esque series around the late 90s and early 2000s so why not Harry Potter?
>"No!" shitters need not post
What is it about this sentence do you not understand?
I wanna post it...
I watched them a long time ago but I remember Harry Potter 3 and 4 being really good
Because the movies announced by the late 90's, if not as soon as Philosophers Stone became a best seller. No need to adapt something to TV when it's already being adapted. Same reason why it will probably never get a readaptation anytime soon. The original is already timeless, so readapting it will only set off fans. Although, seeing that Lord of The Rings is getting another adaptation only about a decade or two after the movies, anything could happen.
>m-muh time paradox
hence why youre a brainlet pleb for thinking it was done well
>seeing that Lord of The Rings is getting another adaptation only about a decade
None of the Harry Potters are kino. The first couple of films are neat and somewhat creative but the story is pretty generic and the later books and movies take themselves way too seriously.
Based tsundere "b-b-but I don't want you to post the 'No!' pasta!!" poster!
It's amazon doing it so it's going to be shit more than likely
I sincerely enjoy 4 and 5
>"If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King."
Is that because Stephen King considers himself a shit writer?
Not messing with events of the past is the number one rule for all time travel stories, retard.
>thinking that the first 2 movies are better than any of the later movies
Ironically enough, the "No!" pasta is the dullest copyasta I've ever seen.
hence why youre a brainlet pleb for thinking it was done well
The third book was basically the best written one, no idea what youre on about.
my favourites are 2-3-4
Best movie was by far the third one, they really got the dark menacing vibe in it that the book had.And the dementors looked perfect.
It's amazon prime's hail marry. They're really gonna invest to make sure its done right and done well. Too much at stake.
I Enjoyed it.
Even as an Adult i can still enjoy it.
its not about the story its the magic that carries the whole thing.
>i remember being fucking mesmerized by all the levitating and solid brick walls moving, the fucking tree that is a huge grump dickhead
its awesome and it triggers the imagination of Children/people. It takes them out of the real world for a while.
its what movies should be/do
>thats why i fucking hate black panther and all the politics around it. i mean im even mentioning it now thats how much of a cancer it has become.
Come to think of it... it's Americans that turn lovely things into pure cancerous bullshit.
I mean why the fuck is every entertainment thing turned into politics?
America is responsible for;
>cancerous spread of Feminism
>cancerous of Politics
>cancerous of Racism
Seriously Americans need to sort that shit out and just execute the Buzzkillingtons.
Thank you very Much,
Not an American
>Never said anything about how well they did the time travel aspect
>just pointed out that they stated rules already and that all time travel stories have the same rules
the absolute state of contrarians
Stephen King is pretty entertaining
The reasons you liked it are the exact same reasons it turned to shit later on though.
>implying Sup Forums is american.
I'll agree with you on spread of feminism tho, esl friend
Stephen King stole like 90% of his best sellers and ruined them with his own bullshit "paranormal kid with a disability of some kind beats the big bad in the end and the big bad turns out to be something stupid"
you do realize half the world is retarded and that appealing to them is all you have to do when writing/ making a movie??
>Stop being such an elitist faggot
Bet you are a fucking american too.
see >inb4 "TH-TH-THAT WASNT M-M-ME!"
lol retard
oh you mean the magic was turned into cancerous bullshit about politics and what not?
It wasn't though.
The whole argument started with the claim that the time travel was done very well. Can you fucking read, you dumb fag? Maybe try something more stimulating than dull books for children.
No, but the sense of wonder and adventure was replaced by a bleak nightmare in shades of dark blue and green where characters were killed off at a higher rate than GRRM because Rowling lacked the skill to write a compelling finale without slaughtering everyone. The fact the final scene of them sending their kids to school was the same desaturated nightmare summed it up.
not that guy, but you missed some pixels
I hear ya.
its kinda part of it though.
but ive had conversations with people about it and came to the conclusion Azkaban shouldve been the final chapter of the series.
or that she shouldve done the South Park Routine, the Eternal 3rd graders.(i know they went to the 4th grade eventually)
>it would have been good if she hadnt tried so hard
I only argued that they couldn't of gone and killed Tom Riddle as a baby since that would break the rules of time travel. Nothing about how well it was done, that was someone else.
Which ones? I don't believe I did since I don't recall erasing any.
different person here. its clearly photoshopped
>break the rules of time travel
So tell me why did they travel back in time in the first place? Did they, by any chance, go back to save someone, hence meddling in the past?
>couldn't of
Alright, never mind. Sorry I called you a dumb fag. Didn't realize you were actually retarded.
Because they knew the events that happened, and then Dumbledore clued them in that it was them. They weren't meddling if it already happened. Going back 70+ years to go kill Voldemort would drastically alter events, and probably make some people stop existing. This should be obvious.
>Didn't realize you were actually retarded.
"oh no he went and used a different wording to a phrase, he must be retarded!"
The irony hurts
>different wording
Improve your English then you can teach me all about Rowling's excellent use of time travel. Fuck off.
t. Amerimutt.
I'm Australian, just because I worded something differently to you doesn't mean I don't know how to speak English. And yes, wording and worded are the correct terms.
This was a comfy thread until you ruined it you cunt.
now i have to go back and read your posts in chase from houses voice
>saves your thread
More like shits up your thread.
w-what happens to wizards whom meddle with time?
>Too big to be fucked up
That's what I thought about DisneyWars. Face it, things can only be too big to succeed.
>he honestly believes this
The Amazon LotR is going to be a spinoff with muh original story set between the Hobbit and LotR.
Nothing, they do several fucked up things and it all doesn't matter because rowling is a hack