Dr. Grant, I'm DNA

Dr. Grant, I'm DNA

Dr. Malcolm, I'm palaeontology

>almost 7 years and still OP content about it
I love you guys
If dubs, Bane/CIA-posting will NEVER die

He wasn't alone.

Or perhaps hes, uhhhhh, won-, wondering why someone would, ehehehe, why someone would, umm, shoot a guy before throwing him out of the, out of the, ummm, a plane...

Ah, eventually, you do plan to, uh, have big guys in your big guy park? Yes? Hello?

If dubs Baneposting is only just beginning

You look like a big Y

Tell me about Alejandro! Why does he make chilli?

You don't get to bring chaos theory.


Love u carol




Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth.

I really hate that man...

if dubs, Bane/CIA-posting is transcendant!

for you

Bane... Bane finds a way.

No worries, i have decided not to endorse your park.