is Oz realistic?
Is Oz realistic?
What parts?
>someone gets horribly murdered every week
I guess they tried to be realistic in the first season but after that they just gave up and created a full on soap opera for men
american prisons are pretty violent though
>brutal rape
It's great TV, but it was never meant to be realistic.
>Rebadow is a prophet
>prisoners have full control on their workplace without supervision, White Hate controls all the mail for their personal agenda and nigs who run the kitchen can conveniently poison whoever they want
>EVERY officer is on the take
>whenever someone is murdered the warden says oy vey and life goes on
>naive boyscouts like Beecher and Tarrant end up in max security
Not to mention the spastic shit like the reality show, the Chinese refugees and the aging pill experiment.
If they had murder rates that Emerald City had then they would get shut down pretty fast.
Prisons are violent in a sense that someone gets shanked or raped but not burned to death, mutilated, lynched, shot by another prisoner, etc.
Yes especially when beecher became wolverine or the ira dude tried to bomb the place
Not in the least bit. The glass cells are the funniest part. Literally no prison would ever do that, but it looks better on camera and is more functional for camera shots.
who was the preachiest faggot and why was it the black wheelchair man?
They justified every unrealistic bit with "muh experimental unit run by an idealist liberal". It's not the kind of prison show you watch for realism.
No. If that many murders were happening regularly, they wouldn't allow prisoners so much freedom. The whole experiment of an "open prison" where you can go wherever you want is entirely dependent on people not murdering each other constantly.
Hey, his monologues were great
It wasn't at first, but it became realistic after several dozen people who watched Oz got arrested for something and thought they'd survive prison by living according to what they learned from TV. Kind of like how the heroin/drug problem in Baltimore wasn't really as bad as the Wire made it out to be when the show first aired. Then we saw a crazy surge in opioid distribution because jackasses traveled and flooded in from all over and created an excessively large demand for the stuff, thus funding gang development among the idiots that already lived here, and encouraged new assholes to move into town and set up shop, ultimately exacerbating the problem. The cops even match those crazy lawless fucks on the show, too.
Life imitates art, I guess.
>>prisoners have full control on their workplace without supervision
whats that the idea though? the bald guys experiment? obviously didnt fucking work as there was riots, lynching etc.
based americans
And americans consider themselves a 1st world country
>preachiest faggot
>not this literal preacher
He's literally a black supremacist and a muslim faggot and everyone was fine with that because he had serious character flaws (self-righteousness, arrogance, etc.) that eventually led to his downfall.
Why can't we get more characters like that now?
>Baltimore wasn’t bad before The Wire
Thanks user I will start watching OZ
Why not tho? Its an experimental Panopticon
*gay retarded amerimutts
best guy on the show
This doesn’t make sense. Excessive supply doesn’t mean excessive demand.
Member when Beecher almost blinded Schillinger with broken glass and then all pod doors were made unbreakable overnight? I member. GIVE ME SOME TIIIIIIIIITS.
they literally explained why and it was a good reason
>is Oz realistic?
No, Adebisis' hat was utter bullshit. Fake as fuck.
The guy who got bricked up behind a wall, did anything ever come of that?
Stopped watching shortly afterwards
It's a fucking fairy tale
This thing defying gravity killed any realism.
Half of the budget went into his CGI magic hat.
get a buzzcut and you too can wear a ridiculous tiny beanie on the back of your head
>show about prison
>best black characters
rly makes me stink
>not adebisi
The kitchen exploded in a gas accident and he was severely burned. Bikers and Aryans tried to finish him before he was able to speak to the authorities, and he mysteriously disappeared off screen. His remains are seen by Mukada much mater, they kidnapped him from the hospital bed and bricked him behind a wall again.
they should do more shows about prison, they're so diverse
absolute nonsense, don't believe everything you read on breitbart
man I need to know
was double side tape or glue involved in keeping it on his head?!?
It was a terrible reason. If it was a good reason, then all prisons would do it.
Why was Adebisi the best character?
>"The penal system? More like the PENIS system, everything is about the size of your dick and anyone that tells otherwise don't have one"
I remember thinking that was really deep.
That was the episode I stopped watching at during its original run. I finally got around to watching the last two seasons after a nearly 20 year hiatus. Trust me, it’s not worth it. Nothing interesting happens and it gets more outlandish
A great, very distinctive character.
He's funny, he's strong, he's African instead of African-American, overall very likeable
I love the time when Adebisi, Pancamo and Moralles(?) rule as a triumvirate
Most of the issues in Oz could have been prevented if people started questioning everything O'reilly whispered into their ears.
You almost got me but that bit about Baltimore gives it away.
>a place where murderers can murder each other
>somehow this is a problem
Yes although it's become a bit less violent recently.
t. Dad is a prison guard
It is a problem when they start murdering staff like it happened a few times in the series (crazy French guy shooting that one CO for example)
bosh, flimshaw! if it was there'd be nothing else in the show except anal rape. are there seriously people who *don't* know the prison system's one endless coercive gay orgy?
Adebisi's got a lot going for him but to be perfectly honest my favorite character was Sister Pete. You could trust her.
like meth in New Hampshire you mean? MUH FREE SOIL
this one bum I knew when I had volunteered in a homeless shelter had said, more dick gets sucked in the penal system daily, than in all of hollywood in a week.
are you american?
>Sister Pete
you just know she is an old slut
in fairness the population of the prison system's much more substantial and conducive to large scale dick sucking than that of hollywood
Just ask Marlon.
You just know Marlon could take a dick better than her.
No, but I was a dumb teenager who never read and thought this show was really hardcore.
The musical episode was the best one. By that point they stopped even trying to come up with a plot for the show so just embarrassed how retarded it was and made it into a comedy.
That was a really good ep but I would say my fave ones are the first one,the prison riot and that ep where cyril was going to get executed
It's weird how different genres have "actor cliques" that wind up in a ton of simular shit.
A lot of the guys on Oz like Shilli went on to do SVU and other crime shows, like how a bunch of actors from shit like Arena went on to do a bunch of star trek and B5 and stuff.
How does that happen? Producers just decide "hey these guys have chemistry, let's keep using them"? It's like some weird next-level form of mass typecasting.
interesting observation. It's called making friends with people you work with and those around you.
What about Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell
They're brothers in Prison Break and are both playing Heatwave and Captain Cold in that Flash TV Show.
Deadwood and Justified
HBO actors always go on to become famous. They're much more respected then just regular network tv show actors.
How does this relate to the wizard and Dorothy?
Say's Law would like a word with you.
*Note: this post intended for humorous effect and not to stake an ideological position in a simplistic economic reality.