Monster+Mystery bread. Some guys wanted X-Files, too, so let's give it a go. Discuss MOTWs kino. Buffy, Angel and Supernatural welcome as always.
Monster+Mystery bread. Some guys wanted X-Files, too, so let's give it a go. Discuss MOTWs kino. Buffy...
Other urls found in this thread:
Clive Buckmans Final Repose, The Mystery Spot.
In all fields
>The Mystery Spot
Fantastic episode. Retroactively speaking, though, wouldn't TMS count as a mytharc?
not really, it stands on its own fine, it's just about being able to let go.
Is there a better picture we could use for supernatural?
which one do you have in mind? title cards? the dvd covers? promo posters? if so, which season?
hmm, season 3 or 4? WhiCh cover to you think looks best
yeah but are we talking DVDs or promo posters? for example, pic related is S4 promo poster
Do you have all the promo posters saved
Nah. I have half probably. Im gonna have to look some of them up. What's your issue on the one in the OP anyway? It's one of the most recognizable images
Just not a fan at all the all black, castiel being there is just doesn't look gritty or good for that matter pretty much every DVD cover up until 10 looks better aka it triggers my autism
on the one hand, i agree with you about the gritty feel but on the other, 1-3 are quite outdated
>I'm evil!
>Angel, please just kill me
What did Faith mean by this?
I think three looks great, maybe not as good as 4 (dvd covers)
Faith wants the stake
what did dana qt mean by this?
Angel HD release fucking when?
HD user has link to S5, some TrollHD things, but they're downloadable for usenet only
/comfy thread detected.
Posting Amys and reporting in
Anybody who stopped watching SPN by S5 should at least check out 11.04 Baby
The things I would fucking do to her
Baby would have been better if it wasn't tied to the mytharc so much
tell us, user
well that's part of the strength of S11 for me. Even the MOTWs are tied in somehow to the arc to make the whole season cohesive and not so disjoint. Even then, the scenes here and there have some explainers so people shouldn't be that lost. Lots of MOTWs often have the discussions at the beginning and the end about the looming overarching crisis anyway
That would be a strength for me if I actually liked 11s mytharc, RIP
About these links
Anybody knows how the hell to download things from usenet for free?
Illyriaposter here. You are doing god's work OP. I belive we will have /Comfy General/ Threads some day!
>but they're downloadable for usenet only
not true, i downloaded them off a private tracker.
pls excuse my noobness. I have no idea how to use a private tracker... I'm used to getting links from kickass or stuff like that, it used to work. Private tracker is a first for me, and I'm reading you need an invite or an account to use them
i dunno how alive this torrent is, but give it a shot
well I'd make her my slave for starters
thanks, I try
thks. checking.
Weekend at Bobby's is GOAT
you people are awesome btw
Lets get some show talk here.
>Favorite arc and why
>Favorite hero and why
>Favorite villain and why
>Favorite waifu and why
>Endgame ideas for how should things end in the respective universes
Im on TXF2 right now, the MOTWs are great but the overall mytharc of them always losing the evidence or their files being stolen is getting tiresome and annoying
>Favorite arc and why
TXF: dunno yet. I'm only on XF2
B7 i liked the potentials and the return to the slayer and vampire lore better than most do
A4 or A5 have the best apocalyptic scenarios especially with the Best, Angelus, Illyria and Circle of Black Thorn
SPN3-5's apocalypse remains the best arc so far. SPN11 is pretty close after
>Favorite hero and why
Dana a qt
Spike and Buffy
Dean Winchester
i like snarky characters the best
>Favorite villain and why
i want to punch smoking man in the face
Glorificus, Dark Willow, Spike, Drusilla, the First Evil
Wolfram & Hart, the Beast
Lilith, Ruby, Meg, Alastiar, Lucifer, Eve, Dick Roman, Famine, Abaddon, Cain, Ketch, Asmodeus
>Favorite waifu and why
Dana obviously
Buffy, Faith
Fred/Illyria, Gwen Raiden
Jo, Bela, Anna, Ruby, Lisa Braeden, Gwen Campbell, Abaddon, Rowena
>Endgame ideas for how should things end in the respective universes
no idea about TXF yet, I just started
B7 was fine, but I don't mind a sequel/soft-reboot involving a slayer AFTER Buffy's time
A5 is great but I still wish we got another season or 2, and maybe a spinoff with Faith/Spike
SPN no idea but I want JDM to return as John Winchester and Mary to remain alive. Wishful thinking, I want SPN to use its multiverse concept to crossover with Buffyverse
>tfw dead thread
Lurking here.
Got busy. Still got to write reply to my own question, and read yours
Also, have hope, user. It's still too early.
Idgaf about mythologie vs monsters anymore. I used to have opinions bitd, but not anymore. This is just the best X-Files season of all. It's only tinged with sadness bc I know it's Andersons last season of it. :(:(:(
She's fucking awesome, and Duchovny playing with her IS the show. Of all the series they've tried to bring back or sequel over the last couple years, the X Files is the only one that's as good if not even more fun than the original seasons.
When Gillian and David are done, so is the show. The obnoxious cunt from Six Feet Under cannot be a replacement.
>favourite arc and why
the 50s episodes with cigarette smoking man and Mulders dad (pretty sure that was an arc anyway) if not then the krychek arc
>favourite hero
Skinner, because he is one bad motherfucker who has the best voice ever and when he gets an episode it's goat
>favourite villain and why
Cigarette smoking man because he was right
Scully obviously
>end game ideas
Who the fuck knows at this point
>favourite arc and why
Dean going to hell, it was smaller scale and dealt with shit like death being inevitable, moving on, fear etc
>favourite hero
Dean because he has great character development throughout the series, a great character overall, has a better actor and is always the most badass
>favourite waifu and why
Jo, she is qt as fuck but would be Bella if she stuck around
>endgame ideas
Have Sam and/or Dean die (for real) on an average hunt, such is the life they chose, OR have them teach a new generation of hunters. Not before we get some eldricth action though. And enough with the Christian mythology already fuck
Scully is leaving after new season? What about Mulder?
X-Files: dont remember much, I remember really liking that part when they first discovered the black goo
Buffy: The Iniciative (Fuck you I liked it). Military involved and reforming Spike were nice twists.
Angel: Pylea. It was a perfect fairy tale. Seconded by all the chain of events from the Beast to Jasmine's dystopia
SPN: I think I'm going with apocalypse too
Not much choice in X-files, but Mulder is more relatable to me because " I want to believe"
Wesley and Spike... Reformed Faith also
Dean too
Smoking man is the GOAT of shady spies anyway
From Buffy, it's Angelus and Glory
From Angel it's the Senior Partners, then Jasmine, the Beast and Angelus
Pic related obviously, can only have one waifu and that's my Amyfu, on second i'd pick Faith
Also in SPN i like Anna
X: just get on with the damn alien invasion or illuminati apocalypse already
Buffy: i'd like to know if the Fray comics with the cyberpunk future slayer are still canon, and how does it get there
Angel needs to solve the damn Shanshu Prophecy and decide if it's Angel or Spike
In SPN I'd like for the guys to retire after closing the gates or something, or perhaps legacy hunters or some big game changer.
Missed SPN Villain
I like Lucy. He's funny. And I miss Crowley
Checked. And yeah. I'm the same, I think. I just want quality showtalk, comfy threads [spoile]And Amyposting, especially Illyriaposting :3[/spoiler]
Checked Amy blessed dubs!
>Favorite arc and why
Wes's character arc. Easily the best and most complex arc in both of Buffy and Angel. Great character developement, writing and acting. Kudos to that.
>Favorite hero and why
Just one? Fuck... I really can't choose, so I'll list my favourite heroes in non particular order Xander, Spike, Lorne, Giles, Oz and Illyria. Honourable mentions: Angel and Wes and Anya
>Favorite villain and why
Angel S4 Angelus. Brutal, sinister and unpredictable motherfucker who truly stands out in an universe where vampires aren't the worst things to lurk out in the night.
>Favorite waifu and why
Illyria... Always Illyria.
>Endgame ideas for how should things end in the respective universes
Buffy ended how it should have. Only thing I would have wanted to see from that side is how Xander deals with the death of Anya
However on Angels side of things I truly would have wanted a sixth season which ends in Angel Inc. disbanding. What that seasons holds? I don't know. But I believe that one final season would have been what we've needed. Even though the season finale of Angel S5 is one of the best, if not THE best season finale I've seen.
Whoops I missed villain for spn, definitely season 5 Lucifer fuck nu-Lucifer
Part 2
However thinking where they should and more importantly they COULD have moved into... That's a whole other bag of beans.
I actually have this idea for a third Buffyverse spin off:
Illyria wanders the earth, relatively clueless about the ways of the modern world now and humanity, since Wes is dead.. She bumps into Oz, trying figure himself out, dealing with the wolf, break up from Willow.. They team up. Oz with the help of Wes's ghost takes up the role of mentor for Illyria. Continuing where Wes left off. Teaching Illyria about humanity, the modern world etc. Meanwhile Illyria can elaborate on the wolf, being an old one and all. They eventually bump into Gwen Raiden (electric girl from Angel) and two other characters (complete new characters?). They continue traveling the world. The show would include guest appearances from other Buffyverse characters, treat the comics as non canon., they would explore other dimensions, for example we've only have had glimpses about demonic dimensions in the show, but what about heavenly dimensions? They also could expand on the werewolf lore more aswell. It would start off as a 8-9 episode season with an hour long episodes.
What do you think?
>Who would be the villain? What kind of villain?
>Who would be the characters that complete the team consisting of Illyria, Oz, Wes's ghost and Gwen
I dunno why but atleast in my head how I picture it, it works like a charm. Especially how Illyria and Oz complete one another, their mystical/demonic side with their human side. Oz being a werewolf and Illyria inhabiting Fred's body
God I wish that was me
I was gonna mention that guy. I really dont remember much about the X-Files, but I seem to recall that guy being awesome as a villain too.
>Eldritch SPN
This. Really fucking this. If you ran out of Christian mythology and pagan mythology, us some goddamn Lovecraft.
Does SPN even have a Lovecraft-esque episode or something? I can't recall.
Wes' pain is unmatched in television, user ;_;
And Anya... She deserved way better...
>The Iniciative (Fuck you I liked it)
the Initiative doesn't deserve half the hate it gets
>If you ran out of Christian mythology and pagan mythology, us some goddamn Lovecraft.
>Does SPN even have a Lovecraft-esque episode or something?
technically they did. They even showed Lovecraft. The in-canon version is that H.P. Lovecraft's other dimensions pertained to Purgatory and the Old Ones were the Leviathans. Great build-up and potential. I liked the Leviathans, but they should have been a bit more monstrous or had some more supernatural abilities so that they didn't turn off people
Also the Cosmic Entity in the Empty is an eldritch abomination
There was an episode about Lovecraft but it wasn't very lovecraftian, leviathans and season 4/5 angels closest we got
i stumbled upon a fan edit of Leviathan-Cas where instead of Misha's regular voice, they edited the lines to make it seem like there were several voices speaking at once like Aang in his avatar state. It improved the scene 10x (and I already liked it as it is). Does anybody have that by any chance?
Is this the amy /comfy/ thread?
That's why it works. We can relate to that. It's harsh and it's morbid.
Also Anya... I agree, she deserved better, far better. She is a bit underrated character I think.
They shouldve added effects to his voice don't know why they didn't, imagine if the entity had an otherwordly echo or something
>Satan trips
second time now, I got this in the previous merged thread as well
>Illyria... Always Illyria
You betrayed her with Faith once though :^) /ourgirl/ would not be proud
About that Idea, I think I've mentioned it before, it's as good as any. But why so eager to make the comics non-canon if you haven't read them?
There are at least some elements worth rescuing especially the idea of Illyria and Fred living together, being able to go on a dimensional hiking and Illyria having her full powers back
Also. I'd like one of these days to understand why you think Oz is so awesome kek... He remains, just a cool, nice lad to me, not really that impressive.
t-thanks for the support...
Eh... so not really... Levs tried, but they're not lovecraftian enough... they lack the madness, power and unfathomable depth that makes eldritch things scary... When you cut off their heads and use bleach, the scary ends, they're just mosnters. I had my hopes fot the Void entity though...
...C-calm down there, satan.
that does make it alot better, they need more effects like this damn it
Yes it is, user, yes it is.
and i doubt it even cost much to produce. i liked the way how Castiel's voice transitions slowly back and forth but ends with the multiple deep voices. it lends more credence to the fact that he was possessed by countless of the ancient creatures
like I said, they needed a bit more something to make them more striking and interesting to others. I liked the Leviathan enough as they are but they could also be improved
I never betrayed her... ;_; I'am always loyal, Faith is just a mistress at best, user. You know that.
Also thats kinda what I was aiming for. They could make the comics non canon, HOWEVER take some of the better redeeming parts from there. Such as the dimension hiking and Fredllyria. However I would not give Illyria her full powers back, in the show it would just make good writing impossible..
>Oz being awesome
He is a cool lad, total bro. I like his trademark stoic and my bias besides I think he is the best choice for the "mentor". He would totally be the "Ying" to Illyrias "Yang"
I still think just making them goo and giving them human forms in purgatory was beyond awful, fuck carvers run
my netflix cut me off while watching TXF2 damnit
cut you off? sub run out?
Luci is a regular poster here. He talks through all of us
he's even been caught posting Amy sometimes
>giving them human forms in purgatory was beyond awful, fuck carvers run
they were originally supposed to be the quadruped shadowy creatures we saw in Survival of the Fittest but during S8 the team decided to call them "Gorilla-Wolves" instead
Yes. I was in that thread aswell. Better get your Colt or Scythe ready.
>Favorite arc and why
5 - Rushed and Overloaded
>Favorite hero and why
Main One - I don't know ...yet
>Favorite villain and why
The funny one - Silly
>Favorite waifu and why
NOT the main girl
>Endgame ideas for how should things end in the respective universes
Waiting for the respective deaths that assure is not going to get a re-release
leave my brother alone, satan
>how Xander deals with the death of Anya
It's all told in the comics where he goes to hangout with and get a bropep-talk from dracula, and they ride dirtbikes.
>making them goo
making them goo isn't the issue. that only means they can conform to different monstrous forms and highlights their capability to mimic. and making them goo actually means they are far removed to humanoid form as much as possible
That actually doesn't sound that bad. I never got into the comics, simply because even those they are a hit and miss. And even when they hit their mark, they are not the TV show... I dunno. I just doesn't resonate in me. :/
I guess I can EVENTUALLY check some of them out. But I doubt I'll read em' all. Angel: The Fall and the Illyria ones.
The First Immortal Soul
>A mistress
But what would Amy think of that? ;_;
>Impossible writing
Ugh... It's hard indeed. I must say I'm torn by this idea. It is true it would be a difficult thing. But I really like my Illyriafu as she should be. And the comics in which she appears, have managed so far... Just give her more powerful foes, moral dilemmas, and existencialism
As for Oz... I think my issue is
I dont find them that similar, I mean...
Illyria has to work her way to humanity, to understand this new world, to be a better person, and she slowly achieves her champion status, but she's not dumb. She's ancient and wise, and her world is gone. She's dusty and likely disappointed on many things
Oz is just a kid... human and a good guy, but not exceptionally good. He doesnt need to struggle much eithe. and in mythology, he wants to control the wolf, but to do so, he has to learn inner peace. Illyria isn't exactly the meditating type
But who knows... maybe it could work now that I write this... She would take another route though. More on setting it free and accepting the power in what you are.
nah my connection just gets disrupted every now and then
>Some guys wanted X-Files, too, so let's give it a go.
Why the fuck wouldn't it be included in the first place?
Most annoying recurring guest character in the Buffy/Angelverse?
Special mention to Harmony as well.
the potentials are the worst by far
season 7 was such a shitshow
Reading them for /ourbluegirl/ is the only reason why it can be worth it.
I still ended up rading the rest though, if only to understand better the settings and events that circle all that relates to her.
Pic related
On a more serious note, Probably Andrew, but he was a regular later... or this
Nobody especially annoying on Angel for me
Slayers strong sweat impregnating the whole house
Best character
Ok got it now... this is my real issue with Oz-Illyria
I dont think he has much to teach her, even if we consider him to be the most average of good humans to teach her humanity.
My real issue is I think a far better mentor for her humanity would be Wesley ;_;
conversations with dead people is kino though
felicia day is just about the worst part of everything she is in desu shes like the female jared leto
>Okay Buffy, you're a slayer now, you kill the vampires
>Whats that? Sleep with the vampires? Okay
i fucking hate how she polluted both Buffyverse and SPNverse. The fact that she's the only slayer to show up in SPN irritates me even more
>conversations with dead people is kino though
Agreed, it's one of my favorite episode. In fact season 7 is fine until the potentials start showing up, then it all goes to hell.
best girl
Don't harp me on this user! ;_; We are not perfect like /ourgirl/.
>Oz is just a kid... human and a good guy, but not exceptionally good.
This is were I think you are wrong, it's strongly implied he is highly intelligent and deep in thought He fails his exams just because he doesn't care. He bamboozles Buffy hard when Buffy can read minds etc.. He just has this stoic visage, which not many characters break through. He is not "exceptional" but there is more than enough potential and room for even more growth in there.
What I also envisioned in my head is that it translates into dialogue, and Illyria explaining/reflecting how things were, what werewolfs were, what they can do, how they came to be etc. He is not teaching Oz about the wolf as much as much as giving a history lesson. It's more on Oz's side about being a mentor to Illyria about humanity and the modern world. Obviously Oz can't simply just jump into that role. You have to remember that Wes's ghost is there and has a serious presence. Maybe mentor is a bit of a strong word, more of a mentor role. Someone to look to for guidance, someone to maybe imitate and learn from.
>More on setting it free and accepting the power in what you are.
This could work, this definently could work, like a source of maybe some conflict.
Yeah... Obviously. I'd hope that Illyria stories for example would be FULLY self contained.
Kate is such an unutilized character which makes it annoying. But still my asnwer is same as The potentials just suck. I don't particularry hate season 7. But the potentials just again.. Just fucking suck.
The fuck are this file names? Kek Also checked.
In a season already plagued by having far more interesting plotlines getting derailed for shit nobody cares about, they were the worst offenders.
Counselor Buffy could have been great if they stuck with it for more than a few episodes
>room for growth
Well... can't argue with that.
He does look like a non-exceptional character to me, but Angel o Buffy was pretty much just "Buffy's bf" before he got his own show.
And we saw Wes grow as well, so I guess characters do have potential that if done right, can turn to kino.
>Maybe mentor is a bit of a strong word, more of a mentor role. Someone to look to for guidance, someone to maybe imitate and learn from.
Yeah, more of that. Mentor is a no no. Wesley is the only one who can be that guy for her. Anyone else, she can learn from, but more like "a pet" you find curious and interesting.
I dont know about that. That could be actually part of the story, Illyria learning comradery. But still my main point stands. Illyria "learns" from Oz. Since Illyria will never be "normal" or even act like a fully fledged human, but like I said Oz has that trademark stoic and a way with words etc.