When Nigerian cinema is better than Justice League Flash


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lol, that's actually pretty amusing

How did these nogs gain such abilities?

Snyder can't compete with Wakaliwood

...it was Baruti

That actually looked kinda cool. Like the black Teenick version of CW's Flash.

Dragon ball z ?

That's not half-bad

Fucking based Nollywood

More like why didn't they do it 10 years ago.
Was VFX really that expensive until recently?

Wakaliwood+ Uganda = wakanda

This is obviously an american production. Capeshit, tonnes of black people, violence but no nudity...

Anime conventions in America ?

And thousand times better than Black Panther.

is this a biography of usain bolt?

Well that's not as bad as the other Black Panther webms

This is unironically pretty well done, all things considered

I still want to know who killed Capn Alex.

This is surprisingly good.

They spoil it in Bad Black trailer
>heeeeessss deeeeeadddds

I'd be down for giving these guys a proper small film budget for this shit.

The guy's limbs are incredibly long so his moves look a little different from what we got from Hollywood , Korea , Thailand , China etc

Other than that nothing we haven't already seen at least twice this year.

How is the sound effects though? Op can you upload the sounds?

Source? I googled the name on the video and I the only one found is this:

fucking witchcraft and sorcery, shit ain't right

what is the name of the movie? this looks pretty cool.


daaamn gurl, he kinda cute tho

Someone should tell these guys to make Black Phanter ripoff

>when a 3rd world speedster looks better than DC's multi million dollar shitshow


Ghana catching up

This looks unironically better than Black Panther

I wonder what they could do with a few million
Wakaliwood guy could probably do a decent action comedy.

Looks better than that fight in black panther too.

What is the budget?

unironically has more kinetic energy than any Marvel jewpig capeshit fight of the past 18 years.

Does it matter? Anything this guy touches turns into gold, see for yourself

I still don't know what took them so long to catch up with the rest of the world
They should be doing this before they do Captain Alex

Cool edit with that lightning orb or something

>that slide at :20
Not bad

Wakaliwood should hire them

>that spinal break punch

it has actual weight to it, the camera man actually did a good job with it.
It's so damn effective for such an average film.

About three fiddy

biggest since the nigerian silent era...

>even wakaliwood fell for the strong womyn meme

Zoom is fucking brutal and he's still pure enough to wield Thor's hammer

Holy shit this is some decent DBZ content. Based blacks

they only got computers from 10 years ago now


>You're not good enough
>For me

Nigerian cinema is incredibly underrated. Fun fact: Nigeria produces more films every year than India

>A Supa True story

it looks like they're just students

>wakaliwood awakens the greatest meme once again

Where was this filmed? It looks pretty comfy.


I loved it too.
This is what Hollywood lacks nowadays. It's possible to do so much with camera work, but the studios just want to CGI everything.

>be WB
>hire wakaliwood to make a black superhero movie (I guess Vixen)
>cost 300 bucks
>out black Black Panther
>130% on rotten tomatoes

>not based John Stewart
I don't give a fuck about political shit, I just want best lantern.

Black Lantern, Black Piderman, Black Hulk, Black Wolverine.

This is unironically epic as fuck

Fucking KINO

Vixen is the only D.C. Character I can think of from Africa
I guess they could do b'wana beast or manhunter though they are white

I'd like to see a green lantern corp movie but every character and alien is played by Eddie Murphy in make up

that burger looks shopped but it begs the question why someone would substitute a burger for whatever the colored fellow's eating.

In western world you become a wizard if you a virgin till 30. In Africa you become a super hero if you haven't raped anyone till 11.

Oh shit ur right

Burger king commercial, i forgot who that guy is but he's a vegan so they just photoshopped in a burger so he didn't really eat it

my favorite character is shadow nig
desu these guys made a more tense battle than the guys that get 200 million to make a movie

>Bury me with the cattle because they at least knew how to settle a beef

What did he mean by this

Based negroes

nice , looks bready good

movie movie movie

the edition in this is great

>Jerry Jackson
