ITT: Unappreciated master pieces.
ITT: Unappreciated master pieces
Other urls found in this thread:
>this polanksi/depp piece of shit is good
its good for a while but gets shitty and repetitive
With Polanski and Depp it's hard to determine who is a bigger faggot desu
That fucking canal stairs float of the angel scene really bothers me though. But it is goat anyways.
goat kino
They're actually trying to shill this faggot movie
One of my favorites. I enjoy the Lovecraftian undercurrent.
Not a masterpiece but i liked it very much
watched this a few days ago
extremely shitty
if it didn't have johnny depp it wouldn't even be worth watching
Occult detective genre is GOAT.
The ending is perfect. Cool enough but leaves it to you to decide what it means.
I have my own theory that I like.
You can stop using 'goat' anytime now.
Obvious shill is obvious.
To have to go back and stop being 12.
Not same fag at all, take your meds.
It's good, but I prefer Inferno (1980). Not the same, of course, but they have lots of similarities.
You can really see the giallo influences in Ninth Gate. And that's a good thing
it really is a good thing, I was just mocking that phrase, not the movie
I'm sure 3 real anons who happen to just love this completely unremarkable not too popular movie all wandered into this thread in the last 20 mins.
the latest batch of shill are a bunch of fucking morons
whoever is paying them should get a refund
Based Argento.
You're quoting different people you complete nonce. Look at the thread stats also, it's statistically impossible for it to be same fags. Take your medication and fuck off.
Obviously they were birthing the antichrist, or inseminating it. Don Quixote is the most obvious tell of the whole movie in the scene where he basically steals the books making him amoral.
Bing bang boom satan fucks Depp and births the end of humanity.
The film is actually adapted from a novel and in the novel (The Club Dumas), the girl is a fallen angel, not the devil himself, but one of the angels that sided with Lucifer when God cast him out of heaven. The book is quite different to the movie.
This is me.
goat is a fun and good meme to describe something and yes, we love Ninth Gate.
>hasn't read the book the movie is based on
haha, you all do the same fucking thing when confronted too.
derr....what a proxy?
derr....what's a dynamic IP?
shill confirmed. fucking dummy....baka
i think they're hiring Pajeets again. This whole thread is some pathetically inept shilling.
Book is great. I really like Reverte's books, but the traductions can be iffy. Club Dumas is well done, but his earlier works have lots of obvious translation errors in their english versions. Makes me wish I could read spanish.
I haven't, so you have that pull over me if you have. But I can judge a movie on it's own merits just fine...thanks.
>goat is a fun and good meme to describe something and yes,
cool English Pajeet
>I haven't, so you have that pull over me if you have
VERY cool English Pajeet
I live in Florida and grew up in NY. Are you drunk?
You're thinking too big here. There's no antechrist. There's no end of the world. That's video game/tv series/Hollywood tropes talking, not you.
Not everything is about muh Worldwide Endgame Ultimate Fate Destiny of All Time.
>Ninth Gate is GOAT, thank you, come again
That's actually good? Asking because it's playing on tv in a few hours.
Depp is Lucifer who forgot his identity, last shot is him walking into the light (aka hell, being the lightbringer and all). Woman is one of his angels / demons
just try, if you don't like it you can always make a thread shitting on Sup Forums's collective opinion based on one guy
No what I said was that the antichrist would be the result of the banging going on at the end. I'm not saying I couldn't be wrong but when I saw it that's what I assumed, since in the film the "fallen angel" wasn't really addressed or identified.
Book fags gonna fag.
the samefagging and shilling...baka
so you're the supervisor?
you can stop talking to yourself
and at least hire people who can write passable English
Nah, wouldn't do that. I like most of Cronenberg's movies so I'll give it a go. I just never heard about it before yesterday. It's weird since I remember being in many Cronenberg threads on Sup Forums in the last few years.
Him entering (hell?) not leaving it to rule earth. If you're saying the girl births the antichrist... you can find more twisted guys to be the father.
Don Quixote tells you reality is not as it appears.
So my theory goes...
The premise is that the devil wrote a book. In my mind that means he was in human form, and he wanted someone to be able to enter (hell?).
The books depicts a ritual to enter (hell?). But the act of discovering this ritual is the ritual itself.
There are also supernatural agents (twins?) and the girl (fallen angel?) that are gate keepers if you will. Guiding someone on their journey. But why guide, why not outright make them do it? Why would the devil need a human to enter his kingdom in such a way that only one person is really guaranteed to do so. The books are all destroyed by the end.
My theory is that Depp is lucifer (with amnesia). The devil took human form, knowing that he would lose his knowledge, and wrote a book on how to get back. It was propagated by his followers. The devil has agents on earth to protect the gate (from people like Balkin) but to help him along too. This is why this whole book puzzle only really allows one person to enter (hell?). Because there's no need for anyone else. The devil is back.
fuck off faggot
you and your pet pajeet got caught red handed
kys shill faggot
What other good movies in the world of antique books or with a book as the McGuffin do you guys know about?
I'll rec you maléfice, a French horror movie about a spell book in a prison cell. The movie can be viewed as being part of the Cthulhu Mythos, but only because of the entities names in the book, not much else. Low budget, but good movie.
I saw Angel Heart recently and saw the twist coming from 10 miles away. Other than that it was good. Solid 7/10. Is this as good or better?
Good theory. Not sure about it though. Seems too big for the scope of the movie. More likely it's a fordidden fruit analogy. Corso goes to "hell" willingly (he was always on the brink of being a bad guy since the start of the movie, but still had good traits and instincts) after his trials and loses and in doing so gives his soul to the devil/turn away from God.
Someone mentioned Inferno (1980). Did a short wiki scan, and sounds similar. Don't want to be spoiled.
Also people mentioned Angel Heart, but I think is more detective work without a book.
Haven't seen them, but plan to.
AH was better for me, but I'm sure most younger viewers would like Ninth Gate more.
Inferno can be viewed without having seen Suspiria. They're not so much sequels as in the same universe. Nobody should watch the final 3rd movie Mother of Tears. NOBODY! It's shit and not in line storywise with the other 2 movies.
you have the premium cable channels too? i love having cable.
But the whole journey only really allows one person to do it. Why would the devil only need one guy? I get there might be something special of only allowing the really devote, but no one else could do it after him - books burned, pages ripped out. Which makes me think he's VERY special.
Unless the twins did a Torchia and reprinted the books...
Hmm... looks intriguing
This thread is a mix of a real shill and cheap cubicle farm labour.
Could be a Devil's Advocate thing. Corso might be one of the devil's many children. Maybe each one has a unique way to go back to daddy and that was his?
Kek... some user actually thinks the Ninth Gate is being shilled here, when the truth is it's a generally-beloved cult classic on Sup Forums that gets a thread every other week.
SHHHHH! Don't do that. Don't talk to it or even mention it. Just let it talk to the void and be ignored.
It's good. Not great, but solid and good.
Ha. That's what you get with cheap clueless labour.
I'm watching this now, why does it feel so comfy?
Balkan was entertaining.
Yeah. This is a shill thread. We're going to see more and more of them shilling older projects as their ability to produce new ones wears thin.
They'll never stop shilling though. Even when they get caught. Got to keep up appearances.
Evil Dead movies/show/musical.
Most Mummy movies (from the 30s to today) have a book (or scroll) as an important item, but they usually don't dig deep into that lore.
Evilspeak (shitty little horror movie, but it has a cult following. Basically Male!Carrie in Military School with Satanic Book instead of telekinesis)
Cast a Deadly Spell (really like the universe of that movie. The sequel wasn't as good)
It's full of ASMR triggers.
Very Kafkaesque
Go back to /x/ you psychotic fucktard, no-one is "shilling" a movie that came out decades ago you simpleton.
This movie, like Simon King of the Witches and The Devil Rides Out can go on infinite loop in my house. Devil Master is good too.
English not my first language. Pajeets are not interested about a movie with white guys and Christian themes you stupid fuck.
Not him, but they are. Just like I'm interested in Indian religious themes in movies. It's different (for me. From my own experience) and somewhat exotic.
Take your meds
Polanski has been banging her since at least that film.
And in every film of his she's starred in, other men have been fucking her before his very eyes.
I guess that makes the "Fallen Angel" character make more sense protecting him. It also kinda makes the Blood Red Dodge Viper make sense.
the book was horseshit compared to the movie 2bh
Ninth gate isn't kafkaesque in the slightest.
It starts well, but when the covenant of 9ld guys in cheesy Satanism cloaks meet it has run its course. Pseudo ending, basically a case of having a good idea for a setup but no plan how to resolve it satisfyingly. Holds no candle to Polanskis early work.
Cosmopolis has its moments, hampered by low budget effects and again, as the ninth hgate, more or less nonsensical ending. The rappers funeral with the dancing derwishes is fucking Kino tho
Maybe... lure in the bibliophile with books. We get no hints that other puzzles/rituals that are non book related. If there was some scene or remark about a hellraiser type cube, then maybe...
All the anti ninth gaters here are actually die hard /x/'s that don't want the secret ritual to get out so try to derail every thread.
maybe because of the fact he married her in '89?...
married people don't bang
Either they don't want us to find the secrets of the tarot pages or they are butthurt because we don't hate Polanski.
He sounds like a scammy kind of guy but I can't hate his work just because he seems to be a rapist jew scum.
There is a thread right now with shitheads discussing how Sunshine is a le epic scifi movie and fagots in this thread are calling fans of The Ninth Gate shills because they rightly think its kino. What the hell happened to Sup Forums?
my english is fucked, I know.. Stress is flaring up these days so is my sperging..
Shit was tizzight
post-ironic oldfags and retard nufags say the same shit now
Sup Forums is like an ouroboros of dick sucking cancer scum now
and it's a good thing
let me tell you why
It's just one guy that is clearly not okay in the head.
In the Mouth of Madness
Underappreciated in general and greatly underrated as an entry into the Apocalypse Trilogy.