What was her motivation?
What was her motivation?
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Her kid got raped and killed
She told her daughter that she hoped she would get raped, and she actually did!
So why did she slander the police chief and then burn the station down?
She was lashing out at the police because they failed to catch the rapist/murderer
she is a woman
That's irrational and makes the character unsympathetic. I know this film will probably scoop a lot of oscars, and Frances' performance was certainly great, but I just didn't find it believable.
I don't see how she slandered the chief, as far as I remember she just said he was shitass bad at his job.
And she had obviously lost her marbles by the time she burnt down the police station, and cared more about revenge than justice or closure.
Slander is defamation of character, and by implying he can't do his job that's exactly what it was.
It won't, it's controversial now. It's racist, and the director has been criticized for writing a movie about the Midwest without any prior knowledge if the region's intricacies and racial dynamics. Best Actress is probably the only lock.
I wouldn't call that slander.
It's true that they couldn't find her killer.
How? Because they said nigger like twice?
>That's irrational and makes the character unsympathetic
Yeah that's the point. The whole point of her character is that she turns into a huge asshole due to grief and fucks things up for everybody, and the end implies she and Dixon are going to kill a man that might be innocent just to make themselves feel better.
Wow a woman who was considered to be unstable even before her daughter was raped and murdered is acting irrationally, how can this be? This is pure autism.
Don't know, I just know it's been called racist. Haven't seen it.
It was libel. Slander is spoken.
Also she didn't do either. She asked if there was a reason for his lack of results and perceived inactivity. That's legally very different to calling someone incompetent.
The station burning was a crime though, you go to jail for that shit regardless of how fucking staggeringly useless the cops inside it are.
I hated her and wanted her to fail. I hated all the characters except maybe Sam Rockwell's. This movie had tons of attempts at humor in it but it only made me chuckle a handful of times.
>irrational and makes the character unsympathetic
No shit, have you ever met a woman? Have you ever had a family member die? The even address this in the movie when they mention that most of the town isn't on her side. People do fucked up shit when they're grieving.
Why does she has no 1 but 2 fire extinguishers on her car when she doesn't even know the billboards where on fire? Do americans really go around with 2 fire extinguishers that big on their cars?
I would understand a little one for accidents but 2 big ones is stupid
doesn't she only have one? she sends her boy to get the other one
but yeah, it was a bit out of the blue, but then again, she maybe suspected someone would try to burn it. still a bit of a stretch that she would drive by it just in that moment
Sam Rockwell was the only good thing for the movie.
At the end, both characters learn about their behave being wrong, yet still go on a killing trip, so in a way both failed and learned from those mistakes morally, yet no criminally because burning down a police station and a person, and throwing a faggot out of a window and hit him are ciminal offenses and no one got prosecuted tho.
Movie is a huge hit and miss, but not good enough for awards. Worst Oscar nominees in fucking years this 2018 edition.
She does, but where his son gets another? those billboard are in a shitty road where nobody goes, yet he's able to find a new one in less than a minute? I think he got another one from the trunk.
The first one she alredy have it inside the car instead of having it on the trunk. I find the script really cherrypicking in action/reaction stuff and resolutions. Having it nominated and winning many awards is a joke. This is not even close to a Coen movie.
no he drives away and returns later on, suggesting they had another one at home probably
but yeah, having it on the backseat is a bit weird
the mom did the raping and killing
Why don't Sup Forums love this guy, again?
>didn't find a woman being irrational to be believable
DEfinitely the best part of the movie.
He is Sup Forums incarnate:
>alcoholic manchild who lives with his mother
>incompetent, gets fired and spends most of the movie as a literal NEET
>says faggot alot
>likes comic books
The Oscar
its actually recommended to have a fire extinguisher in ur car at all times in case of oil leaks in a crash
what a coincidence! It's like in the movies
you actually might have an IQ score of sub 60
she was waiting for the dog dead to kill herself
>Frances’ performance was great
Bullshit... she was le meme crazy lady. The gimmick was cool and fresh when she did Fargo 22 years ago and all the man children are nostalgia fagging this into a “great performance”
Mediocre at best... AT BEST... and I love her as an actress...but the whole film was a pile of wet horse shit that not even her, Rocko or Woody could save...
But it was simply a question to the police chief, it would not hold up as Libel in a court of law.
>le meme crazy lady
So Coen brother films really are inaccessible for some, huh?
also racist
Dude probably kill and raped a girl on the Middle East and he was bragging about it, even if it wasn't Frances daughter I think he got it coming desu.
Just like this assholes.
>actually thinking her performance was anything like the one in Fargo
Fucking hell, these are the kind of people I try to discuss movies with.