What's next for George 'Maddox' Ouzounian's career in media?
What's next for George 'Maddox' Ouzounian's career in media?
Lol he completely alienated his base fans with that pro cuck video.
I wonder if he regrets not monetising his site back in the day
>243 dollars a month on Patreon
becoming movie blob lite
shit, that's three to four times less than what DSP makes
has he gone completely insane? is he ill? What's up with that stupid lawsuit?
Suing the internet for one quintillion bajillion dollaroos.
What does this have to do with television or film?
Maddox has appeared in several films
inb4 I get called a cuck or whatever, the word means nothing to me now since it swept over boards only to be replaced by 'soyboy'.
But why is watching porn fine, but being a cuck is embarrassing?
Because they are two different things
>why is watching a video of two or more complete strangers with whom you have zero connection to having sex okay when getting off to the thought of your own inadequacy and watching your wife/girlfriend get fucked by another man isn't?
Fuck off Maddox
Madbucks for Madcucks.
Bankruptcy and finding a low skill day job.
>getting off to the thought of your own inadequacy
How does this not happen when watching porn? You're jerking off to attractive women way out of your league getting fucked by jacked dude bros with huge dicks.
You really think the guy who jerks off to Elsa Jean is as pathetic as the guy who married Elsa Jean?
Ahahaha what kind of gay porn are you watching
top fucking lel
People who aren't insecure autists don't suffer from thoughts of inadequacy when jerking off to porn. Not all porn is of balloon-tittied bimbos getting fucked by 12 inch cocks either, autismo
I'm not emotionally invested and in a relationship with the women I jerk off to.
he married a hot chick
you tugged your little dick until you came in a sock
Maddox was excellent in text-only form
Web 2.0 was a mistake, he should have always stayed anonymous
How the fuck did he fall from grace this quickly? I just can't believe this actually happened.
>this quickly
His peak was before half the people on Sup Forums were born
Way past his expiration date.
>hot chick
>no ass
>no tits
>no hips
She’s a 4/10 who picked a good stage name and has pale skin that contrasted well against the animals she fucks in those beastality videos
Holy shit.
I might re-subscribe to the dick show.
I dropped it for a while.
That poor little girl.
This, people started to turn against him the moment we saw his face.
His face was always visible on the front page.
What you mean is that people started to turn against him after he started his shitty youtube channel.
Because I'm imagining myself being the one to fuck the girls.
It hasn't even begun to peak
>people who eat soy have higher levels of estrogen
>and are women
based Kevin "a case of beer helps me steer" LanDUI
>His face was always visible on the front page
A cartoon caricature of himself as a burly pirate or Che Gueverra
I thought he was finished when he uploaded his first youtube video and showed he's a balding manlet.
he makes half as much money on Patreon as a guy who started a YouTube channel just to mock his terrible lawsuit
stalking his ex-wife, probably.
Not true anymore, he deleted his and told everyone to pledge his other patreon under his real name, because he didn't want people pay twice. But it is still about twice as much
I meant Nick Rekieta, not Madcucks
Dick stole Maddox' ex-gf (or at least had a 1-nighter with her) and Maddox got unbelievably butthurt
Source: youtube.com
>and are women
he's still dating her today
He was on Comment Etiquette. That's like the far left trying to be edgy. It's just sad in reality. Soon they will turn on him too.
His kids drawing critique will always be legend.
yea, I'm stupid
>He was on Comment Etiquette.
Was he being made fun of? Because if not, damn, that show has really gone down the fucking drain.
lurk moar
you must watch some boring vanilla porn to arrive at this conclusion
>since 2012
You're more of a cuck than Maddox.
>hot chick
Please understand this: That woman is selling her orifices, pride and social standing for money. In a world where people percieve us through our behaviour as much as through our looks she is considered worthless.
Any man who decides to create a family with such a person is then by association considered less than worthless. Cuck is being cucked by a small number of men. Her husband is being cucked by everyone with an internet connection. Her child will bear emotional scars or worse be inspired by her behaviour to repeat those actions. A no win scenario.
nothing because it's not 1998
I don't like porn but obviously watching a stranger get fucked isn't as bad as your wife or gf getting fucked. Are you retarded?
you sound like a red-pill weirdo, the is anecdotal evidence at best to suggest this will have any impact on her daughter. other than that she seems like a consenting adult who the fuck cares what she does if she is not hurting anyone else?
>TBPITU will never make its glorious comeback
Maddox was ruining it even by the end of it's original run, the last 15 or so episodes are unlistenable except for the episodes with Tim Changzzzzz
No, he was a ghost guest, like Boogie was.
omg. so is this the cuck reasoning? is this what your wife's boyfriend tells you? "you watch porn, right? so its alright if i fuck your wife". retard
I believe straight male X female porn is difinitely for cuckolds. You are watching another man fuck a sexy women you're supposed to be attracted too and getting off to it. However not everybody is so depraved as to fap to straight porn.
You guys should kill yourselves for concerning yourselves over this mans sex life.
>he is anecdotal evidence at best
There's lots of research that supports the fact that slutty women make for bad wives and mothers.
But then you'd whine about how Sup Forums it is to post fact and throw a temper tantrum.
You seem like a roastie, if so know this: you'll never be a good wife or mother, spare your kids the pain of having an old child as a parent and never reproduce.
t. Jesse
You don't make any sense.
Cuckold has an emotional aspect to it. You aren't emotionally attached to a porn star on screen. Also, most men will self-insert themselves as the cock fucking the woman. Retard.
The man is there to help the fantasy of you fucking that chick. Why do you think POV porn is so prevalent
Nearly all straight porn completely avoids the dude's face on camera to begin with because men jerking off to it self-insert and imagine it's them fucking the woman on screen.
shit, I've seen porn sites where the guy actively turns his face away from the camera in every shot for this reason
>I'm not a cuckold!
>cums into hand watching stronger more hung male cum inside a woman
>We want the Sup Forums audience
Wow just because you're an insecure fat fuck doesn't mean we all are. I'm more fit than most male porn stars, and picturing yourself fucking women isn't cuckold, retard.
Well, I can safely say I'm glad I stopped watching Eric's shit. What a fucking loser.
>more fit than male porn stars
ah so you're an HGH riddled freak who looks like zac effron on a coke binge, gotcha
Lol, look at how upset you made the cuck
>not exclusively watching POV
>a woman is promiscuous just because her characters have sex in movies
lmao I bet you think Arnold Schwarzenegger is a murderer because he shoots people in movies too
>watching a movie
>sex scene comes on screen
>become aroused
>I am now a cuck
>But why is watching porn fine, but being a cuck is embarrassing?
Nobody said it was. I'd point out the obvious that you seem like a cuck but even as far as cucks go you seem like a real hot mess.
Remember when he appeared here talking shit about old people?
>You're jerking off to attractive women way out of your league
What makes you think any of these guys watching would settle for a girl that does porn? Do you think girls that are prostitutes actually have a chance at dating or marrying with any of the guys paying them?
I think I've developed a slight cuck and cucking fetish over the years. Basically, I have a fetish for both the cuckold aspect of a mother fucking a guy who is the same age as/younger than her own son, and for the cuckolding aspect of the same situation - in short, I am equally aroused by the thought of being the guy fucking an older or same age guy's mother, and for being the older or same age guy whose mother is abandoning concern for her own son by fucking another guy who is younger (or the same age) as her son. This is reserved for cartoon and manga situations, I don't imagine a real actress as my mother or something. Who else here /fuckeduptoonpornfetish?
If he was actually shooting people instead of just having the film edited to look like he was shooting people then yes he would be a murderer
I'm pretty sure most people were completely unaware of his youtube channel. Most people knew maddox because of his website which basically went tits up after the alphabet book.
Wow Maddox really has trash taste in women.
You do realize you have to be 18 to post here right?
>she's not a porn star she just pretends to be one when she has sex on video
holy shit are you ever cucked
Podcasts belong on Sup Forums because there is no more appropriate board for the topic.
Maddox did nothing wrong, rather pathetic the other guys claim to fame is punching above his enormous weight and managing to steal a famous guys girlfriend and trying to make a living off it on the internet. His career is going to be a lot better off if his haters flock over to such shitty content. Some of his older youtube videos were alright he fucked up advertising his channel. Kind of dumb he's giving so much attention to other channels that basically have no other content than trolling him.
His claim to fame was appearing on the Dr. Phil show as a chauvinist eons ago, underage
>the big badass internet pirate with balls larger than the sun is suing people for calling him a cuck on the internet
>Maddox did nothing wrong
>Says there is a lot of evidence
does not post any thing to support statement.
>Automatically thinks I am a women as that is probably what he is use to attacking .
It doesn't matter if I am a trans-nigger-space muslim from the planet tampon-v , you still can't logic worth a shit.
Bet you're just mad because you ain't had pussy since pussy had you.
>That lady who says she would be at the back of the line even though that means she's still in the line
>i didnt hear what you said but im sure IT WAS SOMETHING STUPID
I think watching this video was my very first red pill
so true. I really do miss it. the bonus episodes are great
Wew, I have not seen that name in many years.
I had no idea that people even cared about Dick Masterson (I only ever knew him as the Dr. Phil guy) and that Maddox got completely BTFO in the past year or so.
If you listen to the podcast biggest problem most of us turned on him around the broken window argument. It became clear that not only is he is not acting but he is very dumb.
The final nail was when the fans started liking Dick more then him and he baby raged trying to kick him off. Listen to any of his arguments and you can hear the edits, the shitty arguments, his refusal to understand, play straw man arguments poorly, or even how he would butcher people emails just so he could present other peoples as moronic or slow. Not only that but just listen to him responding to a voice mail, making all sorts of noises and sound effects just because they would let him edit the calls.
Yeah that cuck built a perfect relationship, podcast empire, and podcast that generates its own content for years. Too bad it was all for Dick.
Yeah no sorry but Dick is beta af. Looks like a trust fund baby. Not really a surprise he'd have a problem with Maddox since his entire persona is pretty much built off a parody Maddox was playing years earlier, except he didn't realize it was a parody. It really seems like he's legitimately was trolling to get Maddox as a father figure in his life all along.
>you will never be this much of a cuck apologist