What the fuck is this shit?
I finally got around to watching Last Jedi. I thought you guys were just exaggerating because there's a woman with purple hair in the movie. But this is worse than anything I watched last year
What the fuck is this shit?
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genuine low-point for star wars. absolutely disgraceful
Um no sweetie, it was amazing!
Just imagine, Tumblr is now Star Wars Canon™. What would've been the equivalent in 1977, and would the film have bombed because of it?
Where do people get the impression that NOBODY on the bridge knew her plan?
When I saw the movie I thought it was pretty clear that the reason she didn't tell Poe was because he just got innocent people killed on what was essentially a suicide run. I'm sure she had planned to tell him, but AFTER he took his orders, sat down, and shut up.
In fact, it's pretty clear that she wasn't keeping the information to herself because the escape pods or whatever were being filled. She wasn't doing that herself, was she? Somebody had to have been given that order.
Maybe she let everybody know the plan while Poe was off conspiring with Fin and Rose. After all, the only people who help Poe stage the mutiny are the ones who are away with him when he's making his Canto Bight plan.
All that shit you just spent time writing is retarded and that's not how you treat a General who destroyed a fucking Deathstar.
>Where do people get the impression that NOBODY on the bridge knew her plan?
She had no plan thats why did an hero. If she had just admitted that shit then maybe poe and co could have pitched in and come up with something
>a suicide run
If they didn't take out the Dreadnought, they would have all died. Why did Leia have Poe go out at all if she would just recall him at the first sign of trouble?
>everyone else knew the escape pod plan
1. It is a terrible plan as Poe points out, and it fails anyway - you can SEE the pods from Snoke's ship. 2. Why would you keep POE, the HERO who destroyed the third death star (which apparently wasn't important to anything at all since the First Order was easily destroying the rebel base ten seconds after their massive base was completely destroyed) and trusted leader. After all the leadership other than Leia (in coma) and Purple are killed, wouldn't that be a good time to PROMOTE Poe regardless of her gripes with his """suicide run"""?
And what fucking strategy was there to not telling EVERYONE the plan? There is no reason at all to tell only those close to her, that is not how anything fucking works in real life or in a story.
>maybe she told everyone else while Poe was out of the room
So tell him next time you see him? Again, no reason at all not to other than she doesn't like him for being a "flyboy"
>unironically defending what is easily a 1/10 script because it's Star Wars
I liked her desu. I would have wished she was replaced with a preestablished character, but she serves her role well.
Also she's fucking hot. The whole movie I had my fingers crossed for an intense bareback scene with her and poe
>serves her role well
No, she doesn't. At all. I wouldn't say getting most of your army's remnants and ships destroyed for unbelievably petty reasons like not liking Poe is good leadership
She should have done this.
>you will never be this guy
feels good
I liked her better in the supplimentary material.
Lets see who cuck-ed you then
That's not how movies work.
>make sure to buy the twenty-eight additional official canon™ Star Wars™ novels to get the whole story of the new and improved Star Wars™ universe!
>Exclusively by Disney™
kek, it was Richard Spencer and the mods deleted the thread.
>I can't defend my purple waifu as a character, so I'll make fun of your post number instead!
Fuck off faggot
I posted this
KYS you fucking weeb
I'm not talking about the movie. I'm talking about the character.
Im really upset they thought it was a good move to add this character, make her leader and not use Admiral Ackbar.
> General of the Battle of Endor that ended the Empire
> Favorite among star wars fans
> could of used the screen time develop him as a real character.
Instead, they quietly kill him, and just say "his dead now, dont worry about it!"
Imagine being this new
getting triggered this much
Smol and perky is a great aesthetic
Akbar has even less screentime than Holdo does. Even as someone who detests Holdo, Ackbar wouldn't really have been a much better decision.
>Disney having someone named Ackbar do a suicide run
Not sure how well that's gonna fly.
a big chunky sturdy gal decided putting her self-insert in the movie would be a great idea. she just wanted to be skinny, pretty and young for once in her poor, poor life anons.
Dumbshit newfag.
She didn't do anything except letting hundreds of soldiers die, including herself.
Also why was Holdos suicidal sacrifice scene considered honorable, but Finn's attempt to do the exact same thing recklessly?
> being this much this know how much this is new as such
I bet his from plebbit
so much same faggotry
Just torrent it dumbass.
If you are a sheep enough to buy a movie ticket, what makes you above buying a book for the same price?
why does purple hair trigger you people exactly? It's a moving taking place in space.
Simply epic.
>Get called out for being new
>"Y-yourere a samefag!"
Lurk more before posting, and you won't have this problem anymore
desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu
>why does purple hair trigger you people exactly
I really wonder...
i dont get it.
People are going recongizne Ackbar a lot better than Holdo because he is a unforgettable meme of star wars series. It would have been nice to have be more than "One Liner general". Holdo is just new age trash that doesn't fit well with the series or TLJ itself.
Also if "Star Trek into Darkness" can get away with a "9-11 terrorist attack" scene, I think Disney can pull a few strings.
please faggot use more mspaint
literally everything triggers the under twenty-five year olds here.
it's worse than anything ever
Who the fuck has time to dye there hair in space, DURING WAR?!
>hating a character for hair colour
Truly pathetic desu senpai. Hate her for being a bad character.
Not him but you should calm down
>less screentime than holdo does
Jesus christ you’re retarded
Ackbar had more screentime than Holdo before the Last Jedi was released (because he had any af all) If Ackbar replaced Holdo entirely, he would have been a much more fleshed out character even if his screentime in RotJ was 1 second
You will, at some point...
are you implying that the butthurt weenies here aren't exaggerating?
How did Benicio del Taco's character know about the plan?
its like a political uniform for one of the worst ideologies ever to defile this earth
>being so obsessed that your politics keeps you from watching a childish laser sword movie
the politics do not matter, the movie is a crap fest.
People should not spend their money on this shit regardless of their political colour.
Fuck Disney
>i-i'm not obsessed. honest.
I just want a Rian Johnson edit of Return of the Jedi
>lando asks how they’re going to blow up Death Star the Sequel
>Mon Mothma: “umm, not everything is solved by flying a ship and blowing things up sweetie”
>”Isn’t that our whole plan”
>She and leia agree behind his back they’d like to get blacked by him
>Han about to blow up the bunker shield generator thing
>Leia slaps it out of his hand “we cant win by hurting the bad guys, we win by helping the good guys”
>Mon Mothma ends up kamikazeing and blowing up the Death Star Jr anyways, killing a whole shitload of bad guys
different person cuck
perhaps you should say desu and senpai a couple of more times.