Why, I do believe it's time for Doctor Who!

Why, I do believe it's time for Doctor Who!


But enough about me, how was your day?

Not gonna lie, I'm running a bit low on DWM stories. I've been using a mega folder courtesy of /whooo/, but it's not been updated much - I have literally FOUR Tennant-era DWM comics, NO Capaldi-era DWM, and very little Titan Comics titles.

I'm not sure how I'm going to cope - I assume there's at least one torrent that can help me, but then there's all the IDW miniseries, and are the Titan comics miniseries or ongoings? I haven't really caught up with Who comics...

Oh, and I couldn't find a scan of Star Trek: To Boldly Go #11, which is why we're starting September with Doctor Who.


































































Okay, I've given it some thought and I've decided to go through all the DWM I have, then go onto IDW and then Titan.

For the record, I'd have preferred to go through it by each Doctor, but Titan just HAD to release a bunch of minis for every Doctor from the past two decades...























That's enough of Doctor Who for today...

... Buddy Hackett would've been 93 on the 31st...

... James Coburn would've been 89...

... Noble Willingham would've been 86...

... Richard Gere was 68...

... Julie Brown was 59...

... Dee Bradley Baker was 55...

... Sally Rand died 38 years ago that day...