So he really just waited down there for thousands of years? He didn't do anything in the mean time?

So he really just waited down there for thousands of years? He didn't do anything in the mean time?

Other urls found in this thread:

He was sleeping
The dorfs woke him up

thor killed the shit out of him and took his helmet

How is he both a minion of Sauron and something that was sleeping in a mountain for thousands of years doing nothing?

Tolkien is a hack

he's not a minion of Sauron, he's of equal status

what status? they never explain things in these movies, and im not gonna read 1000s of extra notes to fill all the things the movies didnt explain

a Balrog is in no way equal to Sauron just like Gandalf the Grey isn't equal to Saruman, they are the same kind of being but that doesn't mean they are equal in power or status. They both served Melkor but Sauron was much more senior to a Balrog, though how this one survived is a mystery Tolkien never touches on. Also Morgoth was the greatest Balrog and Morgoth took orders from Sauron.

how are they equal if one is the ruler and the other one is sleeping in a mountain?

Time is a social construct

The Silmarillion is a good book, m8.

it is but it didn't set out to be an entertaining story hence it's not an easy read for historians or fantasy lovers. It's a little convoluted as well with disporportionate amounts of text for unimportant details.

>Also Morgoth was the greatest Balrog and Morgoth took orders from Sauron.

Why is Sauron such a weak villain? What was his plan?

Gothmog* lol

you think fruit flies would think the same of us when we stop to think for a second?

good luck

>Also Morgoth was the greatest Balrog and Morgoth took orders from Sauron.

great bait.

>Also Morgoth was the greatest Balrog and Morgoth took orders from Sauron
what the fuck, hope this is bait

cool vid, but what is the motivation for the dark lord and sauron to start doing bad things? isn't 'why' the most important part when you are the villain in a story?

He was asleep, when the dwarves moved in they mined too deep and woke him up so he spent some years eating them, then once they were dead he was tired so went back to sleeping, just occasionally snaffling up a stray orc that comes too close. Also in terms of lifespan of both Balrogs and Middle Earth in general, sleeping for a thousand years or so is like a bear hibernating during the winter, so it seems long to us but is not that long in ME terms.
Before Sauron and Melkor defeated, the Balrog would have been awake doing battles and shit, once they were defeated he ran off and hid in the mountain as it was unlikely anyone would bother searching in the mountain bottom for rogue balrogs.

Sadism + contempt for Eru

>be Balrog
>be Balrog who is out of milk
>go to get milk up top
>get stopped on bridge by 30+yo wizard nerd
>*this shit again*