Stephen Fry got cancer from getting assfucked by his twink boy toy.
You don't get cancer from anal you fucking idiot.
are you sure thats not his son
my ass cancer has nothing to do with me shoving shit up my ass
t. stephen
I wonder if it'll be even more painful to have anal.
I'd be all like "Mr Fry I loved a bit of fry and laurie back in the day, and lets not forget Jeeves and Wooster! can I pour you a drink Mr Fry?"
you'd know, faggot
Ease up on the soy
yes you do. there is a huge rise in anal cancer of male homosexuals. will you ever hear it spoken of outside of a doctor's office? no. it is taboo. these faggots are butt fucking each other into cancer. I work in a lab at a cancer clinic. over the next few years you will see it open up in the media.
y not both?
You do. Exchange of viral material or bacteria significantly increases risk of prostate cancer. In fact, there are virus such as HPV who are almost guaranteed to give prostate cancer.
God punishes sodomites.
Holy fuck my gay brother has bowel cancer and I didn't put two and two together until now
How the fuck this guys mouth at a 45 degree angle?
Anal sex is unnatural and dangerous by default. See it like this; you are a cell colony, you have the skin as a wall. Putting things in your buthole is putting foreign material past your main line of defense.
Same things goes for the urethra both male and female. Bad germs get there and you can literally die; depending on how aggressive the germ is it could happen in hours. That's how degenerate and dangerous sexual perversion is. At best you eventually start getting yeasts and other bacteria in your anus that makes you feel very uncomfortable, at worst, you fucking die.
you can get cancer from anal
t. doctor
>Look, I have lots of books
>punishing anyone
get the REAL bible you dumb cuck
Please. We are just jealous. We wish we could be dating a skinny 30 year younger girl.
someone's insecure
Can you please elaborate?
Stephen Fry doesn't do anal, giving or receiving.
It's strictly blowjobs and intercrural.
I'd love to get my ass slammed by a qt twink, to be frank family member
Also AIDS.
Anal sex has the highest risk for infection because of what the other user said.
Why do britbongs always have such warped faces? They just look so weird.
I don't think most of Sup Forums is over 30.
Dude, prostate or colone cancer are common after 50's, always doing year check up about it, is no joke
yes, but you can get hpv, of which some strains cause cancers
>christian's bible
>god is merciless
>catholic's bible
>god has mercy
>>expecting teenagers and literal autists to know things
found the kike
>>God is transcendent Love, infinitely merciful and compassionate towards His children. No fags tho.
- fundies
hello Dr
are you a surgeon, I have some questions
people this wordy are usually hiding a dim intellect. i suspect the books are an overcompensation.
>has to be bait
Goddamn he's ugly
I might turn gay too if I looked like him
it has the highest risk of infection because anal sex is much more likely than vaginal intercourse to lead to chafing, bleeding and a resultant exchange of the HI virus.
I have that too when I don't pay any attention to my smile. It's because I somehow use the left part of my cheek muscles more.
Oh so it's something that happens to homosexuals. Got it.
decade of pleasuring stephen fry, think he got some money out of it at least?
>tfw I've been getting my ass filled with cock since 16
>tfw I've always loved being a cum dump
If i get butt cancer I will probably not regret all the amazing buttsex.
He's an old man with a shit diet.
gay twink here
I'd do it for free in a heartbeat
So the moral of the story is only have homosexual sex with a good friend you can actually trust to wear a condom.
Hey, wait a minute. I'm not a homosexual! Fuck you, bro!
Okay Stephen.
Or, do like stephen fry does and don't fucking do anal.
It's not that uncommon. Me and my bf do it that way too.
Fry calls it the "ancient greek" way.
(((Stephen Fry)))
It's true, HPV can cause rectal cancer.
Steven Fry is an ass muncha!
Same here, I honestly don't like anal because of hygene reasons but enjoy intercrural doggy style. A bit of lube works wonders