Should i rewatch Drive or watch Inherent Vice?
Should i rewatch Drive or watch Inherent Vice?
Imagine a worse Big Lebowski with a better Soundtrack
Congratulations, you've seen Inherent Vice
Go Rewatch Drive
>worse Big Lebowski
as in plot or characters?
t. Retard
Inherent Vice might have the worst plot and characters of any movie.
Watch new thing and then drive and then compare.
What do think of IV?
Inherent Vice is a masterpiece and Drive is a flick. This is all you need to know
Idk, I havnt seen it.
IV is an incoherent mess
Masterpiece is what way?
>mfw people call Inherent Vice an incoherent mess and think it's a criticism
wow you're oppressively stupid. i can feel your stupidity aggressively forcing itself on me like a tangible force
You should give Vice a shot just to see if u like it, personally I could rewatch drive 100x over rewatching vice
The only good thing? pancake tits
I keep hearing how good inherent vice is lately. Yesterday I was talking to a guy who said he considers it PTA's best movie. I just don't get it, the movie was good, but I think that Boogie Nights, There Will be Blood, The Master and Punch Drunk Love were all better
I've rewatched Inherent Vice, AMA.
>I've rewatched Inherent Vice, AMA.
Was it worth?
t. OP
Inherent vice is PTA's worst film. Go watch Drive
Watch Inherent Vice
Don't worry too much about the plot, just enjoy the laughs
Magnolia is unironically PTA's worst film. Tom Cruise scenes are the only ones worth watching
those 30+ minutes of Tom Cruise in Magnolia is far superior to anything in Inherent Vice
I'm glad I'm not the only one luke warm on that movie. I haven't seen it since the theaters though so maybe I should rewatch.
good late night film. starts slow, the hole opening could be skipped, but once Josh Brolin shows up it gets better. I see the lack of focus in the film as a by product of the Pynchon source material.
definitely bait
drive isn't too bad
inherent vice is pretty great though - i think he stuck to the book too much however - bit of a disappointment coming from pta - he should siphoned down the book's plot a lot more spent more time on focusing on the important parts of the dialogue.
muh dick
when you watch Inherent Vice forget about the mystery shit. Just watch it as a romance.
>all these plebs getting PYNCHED
lmaoing right now
Inherent Vice is a pretty reductive adaptation of the novel it's based on but it does speak for the genius of Thomas Pynchon, as well as the talent of Anderson, of course, that it still manages to be one of the best movies of the last decade.
>watch the movie, but ignore the main story
wew. THAT's how you know it's a good movie
Even PTA basically says to do this so I think that gives you the go ahead.
the people who call it incoherent are just as dumb as the people who call it a good movie
Read the book then watch Inherent Vice; it makes the plot so much easier to understand
Inherent Vice is well acted and well shot, I just don't give nearly enough of a shit about the characters or their struggles.
Plot is always tertiary to characters and themes anyway, which Inherent Vice has in spades
Both right, somehow. Pynchon writes his characters with few moments of development in scene or within the novel, rather letting them enter with their personal histories and then engaging other histories. He does this by also maintaining humor in how much Americans still harken to the Yankee archetype.
He's also a severely underrated romantic writer.
People who say they like Inherent Vice are pretending
People who say they don't like Inherent Vice just don't understand it.
>you just dont understand it maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan