tv series when?
Tv series when?
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After Altered Carbon was a disaster and people complaining about whitewashing again...
Highly unlikely
>asian actors
Hopefully never. Altered Carbon turned out shit, with major plotpoints removed with new shitty ones added in. No way Snowcrash would be any different.
Pic unrelated
Was a great book. Didn't know they made it into a movie
neuromancer is better
Amazon is already doing it.
Holy fuck, it's true
Finally a competent company
I wonder if they will keep the whole billionaire uses immigrants to destabilize nations plot
Those people are idiots.
The main protagonist is half-Asian just like Kovacs.
I kinda liked it, should i read the book?
Why not adapt both? There can never be enough Cyberpunk.
I don't think they'll ever adapt Neuromancer, they've been talking about it for at least 25 years and nothing ever happens. I think Johnny Mnemonic is the closest to that world we'll come.
>I kinda liked it, should i read the book?
>uses immigrants to destabilize nations
It's not a documentary about Europe bro
>making anti-Asian remarks on a board dedicated to Japanese culture
Thanks for making it obvious that you are nothing more than a shill, you fucking retard.
i thought hiro protagonist was half black/asian? haven't read the book in a few years. if it was a live action remake, in the current political/social climate, i'm pretty sure they'd just use a light skinned black guy.
Personally, i'd like to see more asian actors, i'm just pessimistic about it actually happening.
>half black/asian
he is
Could be, i just remember that he was half-japanese if i am correct.
I don't agree, neuromancer might be a pioneer in the genra but it's a shitshow.
And we already have Elysium.
Snowcrash would be more visually appealing and fun.
>shouldn't make Neuromancer because Elysium exists
I don't get this. I don't remember much of Elysium but why? They both have space stations with rich people? And Earth sucks?
Snowcrash is fucking gay.
We've been long overdue any kind of big or small screen adaptation of Neuromancer for like 33 years though.
I dunno. There's so much exposition in it that has no place anywhere outside of a book yet leaving it out would destroy pretty much the entire point of the story.
Snowcrash would be more of a shit show.
Some critics even call it a parody of cyberpunk do to it's over the top depictions of cyberspace and katana wielding pizza delivery men.
It's like Kung Fury but not a comedy..
Diamond Age would make a better series. It'd be too easy to fuck up Snowcrash.
So you want to see a kid and their fairytale book?
Altered Carbon did it
I don't remember any kids or fairytale books in Diamond Age?
Its cyberspace idea is, in retrospect ludicrous.
>Go online to do some shopping
>Have to sit on a virtual train to travel to because I can't afford a virtual motorbike
>filming fucking snowcrash
>Not Cryptonomicon
>After Altered Carbon was a disaster and
fake news
keep pushin' that shit uphil lil bot
>I don't remember any kids or fairytale books in Diamond Age?
are you fucking retarded? the title of the book is "The Diamond Age: Or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer".
do you not know what "a young lady's illustrated primer" is? it's not a tattooed tit.
read the book recently felt very mallcore ala idiocracy.
I read it almost 15 years ago. Forgot about Nell's story. Hackworth and the nanobots stuck with me more.
>DUDE my grandpa was best friends with Alan Turing and some Nazi faggot until WWII broke out and they had to stop buttfucking eachother also morphine and fucking filipina chicks and gold and DUDE WWII LMAO also cryptography because #FuckTheGovernment lmao why am I so much smarter than everyone even my ex wife but im not so smart that I can't express my feels to my tsundere tomboy filipina gf
Doubt the could adapt that schizophrenic scattered clusterfuck of a book into a movie.
Good book, though.
both the matrix and ghost in the shell created an echo chamber at gibson´s expense, neuromancer schlock is aready dry and impossible to market.
In an age of reboots of reboots and vidya game movies and cartoon capeshit everywhere you really want to construct THAT as an argument.
This book is very good yes
The setting is similar yes and we are talking of a kinda heist in a space station. Minus the AI it's more or less the same.
The antagonist in Snow Crash's entire plot is to use a privately owned aircraft carrier to lead a flotilla of millions of poor Asian refugees to California to completely ruin the place and set himself up as a cult leader, and the heroes kill the guy and blow up many of the ships, apparently murdering countless hard-working folk who were just looking for a better life in the process
Ready Player One is going to make it impossible to film Snow Crash
It wasn't that outrageous a thought, it was basically just "What if Second Life was the entire Internet"
every genre is maybe a parody of itself.
Each work makes it more and more gimmicky but when good quality already exists (like the anime ghost in the shell) i'd rather watch a fun, graphic, cyber gimmicky movie than a pseudo deep one à la Blade Runner 2049.
jesus christ don't scare me like that.
tv series never, if there's any justice in the world.
mm... maybe Amazon will listen to Reason?
>Sophia Lillis as YT
>Jason Momoa as Raven
>rated TV-MA
is not that good, top moment is calling anime; animerda and associate it to spam which its already happening
I wonder what Sopranos actor plays Enzo
Tony Sirico
Way to misrepresent facts to support your view, I’m sure there is a position at Fox News waiting for you. His plot is to take over the world by spreading his cult with a mind altering substance that is the digital manifestation of an ancient god virus. The immigrants on the Raft are used as fodder because they are poor and vulnerable. They are actually depicted as quite nice through the little boy and his family that help Hiro find his way around the Raft and his from Bob’s sentries
Reminder that Snow Crash was the Ready Player One of the 90s.
>Jason M as Raven
Shit, that’s really good
t. hasn’t actually read both books
Snow Crash is good you faggot, don’t compare it to RPO
As if Neal Stephenson isn't a Randian weirdo.
The fucker practically invented bitcoin
Altered Carbons brilliant though, better than Mute
>snow crash
>no yt rape scene with a samoan
Why does the female lead get raped in every Stephenson book
>book published in the 90s is a copy of a book made in the 2010s
Millennials are really really fucking stupid LMAO
the protagonist is half black so just like L the retards will lap it up instead of screeching das racist
he's a russian eskimo