I was told once to watch the entirety of Tsai Ming-Liang's features chronologically because they all share the same protagonist, but upon watching his first two features, I found that it's the same character in the sense that Noriko from Ozu's films are the same character. Is it okay to skip around Tsai's films?
I was told once to watch the entirety of Tsai Ming-Liang's features chronologically because they all share the same...
Sounds like you got memed.
Also, there is a Reddit for this type of post
I have seen all and yeah, watch whatever you like. ROTNG was his best though imo, most people disagree.
it IS the same character, the wayward cloud even explicitly references this (she asks him if he's still selling watches which he was in what time is it there?) and contains two characters from the previous film, hsiao-kang and the chick
Just go in chronological order, not like you're missing out by not doing so
Wait, so is the protag gay?
no, he's just fucked in the head
Just watch Stray Dogs and leave it
>just watch the culmination of the story and leave out all the rest of his good films like what time is it there, vive l'amor, the river, the hole and goodnight dragon inn
this is good advice, listen to this user
So is the River any good?
One of his best and easiest to watch
....because I hate TML to guts I watched Tenants Downstairs 2016 and it showed that Li Kang-sheng really isn't a good actor.
Vive l'amour > The wayward cloud > Goodbye dragon inn> The hole > The river > Stray Dogs > Rebels of the neon god > Face > Walker
still have to see what time is it there and I don't want to sleep alone
>Skipping parts
by the time I found out the same actor was in all his movies it was too late for me to watch them chronologically if that's what you mean
>wayward cloud that high
>stray dogs that low
hang thy self
I don't know about all that. I watched Stray Dogs (which is amazing) and then went back and found Goodbye Dragon Inn (i think it was on YouTube?) and didn't see many similarities with characters
Also if it's not a question about Star Wars or Black Panther, this is the wrong place to ask about kino. Sad really
>user gets the answer he wants
>this is the wrong place to ask!!!
yeah maybe if he was asking (you) as (you) don't know what you're on about
I think all his films are very close except for Vive l'amour which is on a league of its own but there's now way stray dogs is better than the wayward cloud and although face is second to last I absolutely loved it
I'm sorry but What Time is it There? Is his best film hands down
I was joking, cracker
Haven't seen a real thread about kino in a long time
Unrelated, but is this a good film??
>I was joking!!
Sure you were
Stray dogs is far, far better than the wayward cloud though
Do I actually have to watch Dragon Inn before Goodbye Dragon Inn?
you can and 'should' but it's not really about the film, the film is just the catalyst for the themes and 'plot'
that's just your taste (shit imo)
I thought I have seen Stray dogs from him before while Wayward cloud is completely unique in his filmography and in general
unique doesn't mean good and you haven't even seen what time is it there so your ranking is completely fucked due to that
Yes, it's a great film.
Hou Hsiao-hsien > Tsai Ming-liang
Sorry boys
Honestly, I thought Vive L'Amour was boring but I love Rebels on the Neon God. Do his films lean more towards Rebels of the Neon God as they go on?
Where to start with him?
Work backwards chronologically through his films
Asian cinema thread?
Where does Spring Summer Winter Fall and Spring rank among the greats?
...the Tsai Ming-liang cinematic universe...
they get further and further from rebels as they go on
also watch the coming of age trilogy, all those films are great then watch a city of sadness
this is a taiwanese cinema thread you stinky idiot
get out
Honestly, it's a pretty good film, but I've seen better Korean works desu. 3-iron from the same director is better, and also check out Oasis and the director of Oasis's other films.
Millennium mambo is a shitty Timeless bottomless bad movie
A must watch for fans of Tsai Ming-Liang and directed by Lee Kang-Sheng himself.
I think to this date SSWF&S has been the best South Korean film I've ever seen. I liked 3-Iron alot too but it's premise was a little ridiculous especially towards the end.
I'll check out Oasis but I've also got to finish up on the rest of Kim-ki Duks films. I really want to see Pieta and his new film The Net
Tsai is really an exception from Taiwanese cinema. He is outside the category of HHH and/or Edward Yang. He is probably even outside Taiwan.
Tsai Ming-Liang >
Tsai Lang > Hsien Hou > Kurosawa > Ozu > Kar Wai > Zhangke > Zhang Yimou > Beat Takeshi > Ki-Duk > Joon Ho Bong > Satoshi Kon > Chan wook-Park > Sion Sono > Miike
Kitano should be above Kar Wai desu
Asia isn't a country, stop comparing all these wildly different directors from different countries, may as well throw Godard in this fucking list.
Only thing they have in common is the slanty eyes and you didn't even include any thai, flip and other jungle asians in it ffs
also I have to add Road to the racetrack is very reminiscent of Taiwanese cinema and it's an amazing film not enough people have seen
I agree but this post could've worked without the slurs and the racial stereotypes.
fuck off back to r*ddit you slant eyed gook
>implying Goddard is worthy of being on that list of aueteurs
>implying the films of the Middle East are worth a shit other than Close-Up
why does film have to be a competition?
shit can't find road to the racetrack anywhere
oh well
it's on kg
I could send you the link but the only way is through email (don't want to get caught sharing outside the website)
no account :(
its on ptp, sc, kg and smz
Watch them however the fuck you want, it doesn't matter
We can probably limit Asia to East Asia: China Japan Korea. These three countries have many cultural and racial similarities. So it makes sense to compare them, and exclude Thai directors.
The funny thing is Tsai Ming Liang is the kind of exception that breaks this nice categorization. He is a Chinese Malaysian. Not only Tsai, the development of Hongkong cinema is related to Southeast Asia.
>I was told once to watch the entirety of Tsai Ming-Liang's features chronologically
They were trying to put you in a coma.
uhm no sweety, that's like saying you can combine all western european directors together as they're 'basically just all huwhite people that eat bread'
back to the drawing board champ
ddaadd44 @ hotmail . com
Fell in love with ROTNG and Vive l'Amour on first watch. Somehow The Hole was even more entertaining and became one of my favorite movies, probably because it has the emptiest setting yet and a lot of weird juxtaposition with the musical numbers. Just a wonderful movie all around, very funny too. Shame you can't get it on higher quality than DVD, I would happily buy a bluray if there was one available.
post your top 10 films and i'll invite you to kg
This is a lovely scene from The Hole that shows T M-L at his best, playful shyness and reluctance that makes romantic tension feel earned
The Wind Will Carry Us
In Vanda’s Room
The Travelling Players
Thief or Reality
An Inn at Osaka
Mother and Son
Blissfully Yours
La Notte
And then the scene plays out in reverse from below
Realizing it would be way better to just webm this shit but I'm on a new computer and I wasn't prepared for this thread anyway
>that jungle asian
imagine having these pleb directors on your list and thinking you're worthy of a kg account
Then post your top 10, O enlightened patrician.
i'm not the one begging for a kg invite
Also i'm just shitposting, i've only seen mirror, blissfully yours and la notte
la notte is my fav antonioni
how do I know when I've moved past entry level, cinebros?
can someone upload night and day to sc?
Alright fucker, you're laughing now but once I get this KG invite, you're going down. Also, once I learn how to fucking track your IP.
>he thinks anyone is gonna invite him to kg
got some bad news fren