I say this with complete non-irony.
This movie
Is kino.
I say this with complete non-irony.
This movie
Is kino.
Honestly, I just want a 50ft. tall Ana de Armas gf so I can sleep on her giant pillowy breasts...
Is that too much to ask?
>a dishonest flick genetically engineered to appeal to juvenile imdbspawn redditors with no sense of sophistication who laud pseudo visuals, which supports upvote groupthink mentality, and meme acting with a good movie pandering reddit tier "subversion entertainment" sensibilities and a wannabe classic aesthetic
I enjoyed it.
>being "too intelligent" to enjoy anything
Ask for the earth and you may get the moon
Must be a boring existence for you, man.
>look at me, I'm trolling
oh joi : ((
it might honestly be the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life, and I'm not even hunting for (you)s here. It's baffling to me how anyone could have found it entertaining or enjoyable in the slightest. Why not just throw a bag of shit at a wall and go "That."
>its another "eternally butthurt redditor makes falseflag thread that hes gonna samefag all day in" episode
lazy writes reusing pastas that have been filtered first day thwyve been written, reruns man... swear to god
how often do i have to tell you to stop samefagging
I've never written about it, in fact I wish they would ban all the people who pretend to like this overly pretentious boring piece of shit.
So much said so little said
t. Only seen one movie ever.
Your hyperbole is weak.
Alright lets explore your premise then. I've only seen two movies in my life. Blade Runner, and Freddy Got Fingered. The latter is a cinematic masterpiece compared to the two and a half hour long snoozefest I had to suffer through with blade runner.
Long walk for a short drink
I said one movie.
No wonder you didn't like it. You can't even read.
The story is very basic, it is unbalanced and poorly acted. No one can objectively says it's a good movie.
But many are tempted to call it kino because the hype was too high and they refuse to be disappointed.
>pseudo visuals
>No one can objectively says it's a good movie.
It's a good movie. It has excellent atmosphere and your subjective claims of 'unbalanced and poor' acting are exactly that - subjective.
You are wrong, user.
The hype wasn't high, the trailer made it look like shit. I was extremely pleasantly surprised.
It was a good movie but a bad sequel to the 1982 blade runner
explain yourself
>Basic stories mean a movie is bad.
it's so bad that it's good
Finally a movie that resonated with me! Cuz sometimes i feel like a robot inside Lol!! And i wish i had a hologram waifu since i have anxiety and i dont like talking to real women :( what did you guys think of the scene were joy got stepped on? I was so sad :'( their robot hologram love was so pure and beautifu, l!!! Nothing like the typical modern woman if you know what i mean. My favorite part was probably when the goose was standing in the rain neon lights with a bandaid on his nose, made me wanna listen to some vaporwave and cry! Haha anyways CELLS INTERLINKED my brothers
Not that guy, but I felt it was too samey as the first - like nothing had changed and the underlying theme of the story was too similar to the original.
Like... I could have watched the original and got the exact same out of it, plus some nostalgia.
I can't offer any alternatives though - I thought Blade Runner should have been stand alone, personally.
Just another case of cash-in-sequels.
t. tries too hard
Fun is a low IQ reddit concept
Ridley wants to do a third movie
it's literally one butthurt redditor samefagging over and over
hype was 0 after the trailer (at least for me)
thought it was a cheap cash in on nostalgia and got a pretty good movie with nice visuals
comparatively the original was a much bigger let down
>Ridley wants to do a third movie
All power to him.
Doesn't change my opinion though.
This but unironically
Not that it makes the movie bad but in that case it doesn't makes it good.
Basically, you all stupid faggots forget the fucked up pacing, retarded hamfisted plots and meme acting (from Ford, Metro and Gosling) because muh Feels scene
because jared leto is a hack and his plot line makes no sense
because luv's arc isn't nearly as compelling a story as roy's journey to search for an extended life
and sewer rebel replicants in the 3rd act was fucking retarded
and finally because there wasn't nearly as much film noir elements in 2049 that made the first one great
and don't get me started on that autistic baseline test either
It is. The only thing that sucked was Jared Leto. Well, he did what he was given, the writing for Niander Wallace was terrible.
>monologueing dipshit with a god complex
Goose did a terrific job tho
>it is unbalanced and poorly acted. No one can objectively says it's a good movie.
Lmao, get real
Why can no one on here come up with a legit criticism for this film?
>Uhh that part was retarded
>The pacing was bad
>The plot line makes no sense even though it does
You really can't tell that's a bait post?
Come on, user.
ironically, I think your post is also a bait post - SUCKED IN - enjoy your (You)
>because jared leto is a hack and his plot line makes no sense
his plotline is introduction to 3rd movie
>autistic baseline test either
whats wrong with it?
I'm not saying it was kino, but it was kino-esque.
Leto wasn't in it enough to ruin it though. Also, he was only really given screentime enough to establish himself as said 'monologueing dipshit with a god complex'
Aren't all of his scenes in one room? Like, he never changes rooms except when there's a scene that doesn't involve him in between - you never see him DO anything.
Could be remembering wrong.
He didn't ruin the movie, for reason you stated. But the parts with him were very meh
We know.
>The Last Jedi
Jesus Christ even Reddit's list was less embarrassing