When will we see a resurgence of animation in films?

When will we see a resurgence of animation in films?

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CGI animation is much cheaper.
We'll never see proper 2D animated films again, sadly.

When she fixed them

This. The only thing thats animated anymore is anime and even that full of fucking CGI now.

unless they can do it on computers

That's how anime is done these days and it's usually noticably worse than anime from the 90's

CGI is actually more expensive, but it leaves you with more stuff to reuse, and you can do some minor changes, like how the camera moves and stuff like that without scrapping everything you already made. And also good 2D animators are a dying breed outside of Asia, most western animators just switched to flash for 2D stuff.

Does 3D not count?
I mean, yeah, well done 2D animation is really hard to beat, but 3D has been getting better and better as of late.
Still, I would love to see more 2D animated films get mainstream attention. Large animation companies have enough funding to risk a few experiments, why not give some 2D animators work outside of TV cartoons?
Perhaps I should get around to doing that Japanese Film binge, I've heard they got some good stuff.

With the exception to a few independent studios traditional animation is dead.

Never because it's either 3D shit that's expensive but easy to make adjustments with or cheap Flash garbage go save a buck. Just enjoy what we have because we're never getting quality animated movies ever again

Anime is gay

>cgi is more expensive
lol no.
Provide any citations you want before saying something so stupid.
Low end CGI can be finished in a few days, low end animation can take weeks.
Most animation (including anime) uses CGI for backgrounds and special effects. It's only the characters that are often hand drawn.
Because CGI is faster and cheaper.
Leaving the drawing team to focus on crucial points, because their time is more expensive and can't be wasted on repetitive drawing.

>Low end CGI can be finished in a few days, low end animation can take weeks.
But CGI feature films aren't low-end CGI. And also they use CGI for backgrounds because it's easier to do complicated camerawork with CGI, and they can reuse assets such as cars, buildings etc. between projects.
>Provide any citations
Outside of the fact that, even adjusted for inflation, 2D animated feature films have way lower budgets than 3D animated feature films? And the fact that 3D needs loads of expensive hardware, and needs new software developed every few years?

You mean 2D cel-animation? Never. Even the 2D stuff pumped out by Korean animators is done on computers.

I love 2D cell animation but sadly, doubtful a major motion picture will use it anymore. My only hope us if there's a nostalgic revival in the future like what we've been seeing with music on vinyl. Even then it'll have to kept up by indie creators until a studio takes notice and that's only if the indie stuff actually makes money. I'm sure there are probably projects on kickstarter or something. If I had millions I'd fund something like the original Heavy Metal.

>And also good 2D animators are a dying breed outside of Asia, most western animators just switched to flash for 2D stuff.
>yfw animation becomes a lost art and they can never replicate it

I can see a western Ghibli-esque studio rising some time in the future that finds success thanks to the audience's childhood nostalgia for old animated films. 2D films died about 10 years ago so we are probably still a few years off.

Can I write and direct an animated film if I don't know how to draw or animate?

I'll just be behind the story and have a team of artists work with me on developing the vision for it.

Not for awhile. Laika is probably the only animation studio trying but still most of their movies suffers alot from bad writing.

her face when she sees muh dick

Laika is shit and just running off of daddy's money

Like you said, bad writing ruins their films

>he says on an anime forum

Anime is quite literally all trash outside of ghibli.

This isn't even remotely true

Name 3 good chinese cartoons outside of ghibli then

It isn't more expensive because the cost is mainly paying for the hours of work needed. Quality 2D animation requires much more time and thus more money

When take they take more or less 7 total years to draw with their hands, every single frame.

It would be difficult if you know absolutely nothing about art/animation. Writing the story/dialogue/script would be easy, but you would eventually need to storyboard it and start directing people on how to convey the scene, but you'd be directing animators so you would need to have an idea of how it's supposed to look

Millennium Actress, Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer, Ghost in the Shell. Any of these three shit on all Ghibli films, without exceptions.

Jin Roh

KEK and weeaboos wonder why no one takes them seriously

You need to leave Sup Forums and never return.

Name a movie you like. Any movie.

Disney was never good

I prefer animated films with actual style and taste, something more refined; nuance and class. My favorites range from La Planète Sauvage (Laloux, 1973) to the genius of Cмeх и гope oт Бeлoгo мopя (Nosyrev, 1987), to beloved modern classics such as Ratatouille (Bird, 2007).

I'm sorry you have poor taste in film.

>I prefer animated films with actual style and taste, something more refined; nuance and class. My favorites range from La Planète Sauvage (Laloux, 1973) to the genius of Cмeх и гope oт Бeлoгo мopя (Nosyrev, 1987), to beloved modern classics such as Ratatouille (Bird, 2007).
lol shit taste incarnate, holy shit.

Again, if you can't appreciate true art in the way a more sophisticated viewer could, I implore you to leave this site and open the bookmarks to your reddit account.




Would it be more viable to crudely 3D animate a movie and then rotoscope over that footage for smooth but hand drawn looking animation?


>I like these obscure films no one's heard about, hehe am i cool yet
you sound like a faggot