Why was jerry seinfeld in pulp fiction?

why was jerry seinfeld in pulp fiction?

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what is the deal with big kahuna burger?

It's that new Hawaiian burger joint, I hear they got some tasty burgers.


Well, if you like burgers give 'em a try sometime. I can't usually get 'em myself because my girlfriend's a vegetarian which pretty much makes me a vegetarian. But I do love the taste of a good burger.

>if jerry seinfeld were a methhead

>being this pussy whipped
Absolutely beta user

What now? I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on you with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I'ma get medieval on your ass.

Why the fuck were those kids eating burgers and shit that early in the morning?

bulking for benefits you commie fuck

better question: why was Logan Paul in that Law and Order Gamergate episode?

That actor is a transwoman now.

she died (aids)


>they leveled up


>I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers,
I used to think this meant street toughs whose weapon of choice is a metal pipe.


what does it actually mean? not american

it doesnt mean that?

Crackheads, as in they're hitting the (crack) pipe.

That likely wasn't morning for them.

Wow, I never even considered that it meant that. I still think it's reasonable to think he means hard niggers who wield pipes to hit.

thats way scarier

It means they smoke crack, so the implication is that they're desperate tweakers with no morals that will torture without remorse.

Hittin' the pipe.

what is the deal with dead nigger storage?

Now there's something interesting, that dead nigger storage. Have ya seen this?